Bad Kitty lives up to her name!
I want to show you, step by step, how trolls work together to take us down on social media.
Many of you know that I have been constantly banned and harassed on Twitter & Facebook for years. Why? Because I tell the truth and I have a loyal following. That’s one reason I started this newsletter - because I’ve been shut down on social media so many times it’s the only way I can communicate directly and uninterrupted.
Last night, I posted this notice on Twitter, Telegram & Truth Social to alert people that I had been banned again for 30 days on Facebook - due to my reporting on the new documentary about George Floyd…
Within ONE HOUR, the saboteurs started to try to take me down on Telegram and Twitter. Someone who follows me on Twitter - with the handle “Bad Kitty, Censored by X” - started writing inflammatory posts on Twitter accusing me of stealing her work. Think that was a coincidence? I do not. She said I was a plagiarist and that I had shared this post of hers, on Telegram, without attribution.
I had shared a screenshot of the beginning of her post on both Twitter & Telegram, followed by text of the content, last night before I went to bed. I do that hundreds of times a day. I use Telegram to post research screenshots!
This morning I awoke to this message from her saying I stole her work.
By that time she had already taken to Twitter and written 5 posts to her thousands of followers - accusing me of being a plagiarist and telling people to block me!
I am even getting nasty posts from her followers - threatening “retribution.”
Bad Kitty admitted to me AFTER THE FACT that she had NEVER seen any proof that I stole her work - it was just hearsay from one of her spies on Telegram - so she wanted me to send her the proof myself so she could show it to people! She doesn’t even use Telegram!
She said the person who sent it to her could be a shit stirrer and could be trying to take me down. I said - yes - they do that all the time. She said the person wasn’t replying to her now or she would provide me with more proof.
I told her that she was obviously trying to take me down on Twitter and Telegram.
I asked her why she thought I stole her work - she said somebody that “she didn’t know” on Telegram sent her a screenshot of their “notifications.” Hmm. That means nothing! It provides no context on what was posted before or after. This was the proof she was using to determine that I “stole her work.” From an anonymous source with no context.
I told her I didn’t steal anything - that I post hundreds of screen shots and back up text every day on Telegram and have for years. She then admitted that she’s not even on Telegram and relied on an anonymous source. Hmm.
She admitted that publicly on Twitter…
Then she posted on Twitter that she was “in discussions” to find out what happened. Hmm. Well, she didn’t have any discussions until after she had slandered me with 5 posts!
In fact, by that point, 91 people had read her posts calling me a plagiarist - proof to me that she was willing to spread lies about me before she even had any proof. If she’s willing to do that to me - she’s willing to do that to everybody else!
She admitted that she had never talked to the person before who accused me of stealing.
Hmm. If Bad Kitty didn’t know the person on Telegram who sent her “evidence” of my so-called plagiarism - how would she know it was Bad Kitty’s post if I was not giving her any attribution? Was she clairvoyant? NO, she knew it was Bad Kitty’s work because I posted a screen shot with it! Obviously they are working together to take me down. If I posted something without attribution - there is NO way this person could have known it came from Bad Kitty…common sense. None of this adds up.
Bad Kitty even admitted that she had NO evidence I was a plagiarist and was angry that I wouldn’t provide her with evidence that I was! She said she wants me to move on when she is the liar and saboteur who blocked me and smeared me.
I asked her why she didn’t come to me directly before slandering me as a plagiarist?
I asked her if she has “spies” on Telegram to take down people like me…then she sent me a screenshot of her conversation with her spy - and blocked me.
Later - she admitted to others that I was right but now she was angry that I defended myself so she was NOT going to delete her slanderous posts.
When she found out I shared screen shots of our private conversation - to prove that she was a liar - she used that an an excuse for the block. After the fact.
BTW - Bad Kitty created a Substack 4 months ago and is asking for money but has written no posts. Hmm. Who asks for money for NO work? Yet, she is promoting it on Twitter.
These are the kind of people who give MAGA a bad name and cause division from within. Right now - I’m getting hate mail on Twitter due to her slander. I don’t like it.
People are unfollowing me because of her BS.
It’s hard enough to deal with left-wing trolls than to deal with right-wing saboteurs who are supposed to be on OUR team! ENOUGH BS.