Steve Bannon gave an epic speech at CPAC that I think everybody needs to see. It’s only 15 minutes long but it’s powerful. You can watch it here or read the transcript below. Please share this with others. Thanks!
Steve Bannon: Thank you. I’d like to be able to report that we’re just in a crisis or there’s a crisis coming, but that’s not the case.
There’s no longer a gathering storm. The storm is here. The storm is here.
This is the most dangerous time in world history since the late 1930s, early 1940. And how did we get here? Our betters, our elites led us here step by step by step.
What you have now is you have two converging crises, a crisis of capital markets and economics and a crisis of geopolitics and military.
And they’re converging very rapidly, and then they’re going to conflate. And once they conflate, they’re going to spin out of control. And it’s anybody’s bet. Now, remember, we came off of, on 3 November of 2020, 4 years of peace and prosperity.
The interest rate on the ten year treasury on the evening of November 3, 2020, when Fox News illegitimately called it for the opposition and not Donald J. Trump, of which our nation has never recovered. The interest rate on a ten year treasury was 0.8%.
Today, for the first time in God knows when the entire structure of our interest rates from one month Treasuries to 30 year Treasuries went over 4%.
Do you understand that the system is set up of debt? It cannot take those type of interest rates. You will be absolutely crushed. And the people crushed the most are the millennials that now have $9 trillion of debt. They are going to be Russian serfs. They’re not going to own anything with no possibility of owning anything.
Professor Roubini just told us about the financial aspects of it. We’re going to have recession, inflation, stagflation, depression, debt crisis. Dr. Doom, who correctly called 2008, said it’s only going to get worse because the world’s got $300 trillion of debt.
Now, let’s talk about the United States. What do we have? $32 trillion. That’s nothing. The CBO reports you’re going to see have another $20 trillion of debt in ten years.
You’re going to be paying a trillion dollars a year in interest payments. It’s not sustainable. Who got us here? Joe Biden? Yeah, but he got us here because of the compromise made by the establishment Republicans in the Senate. They took away the gavel from you. What are they doing right now? NOTHING.
You need dramatic, dramatic, dramatic cuts. You need dramatic cuts in spending right now and not one penny increase to the debt ceiling. Not one penny.
If you prioritize the payments - there’s plenty of cash. The cash comes in, we pay off the interest. We pay off any securities that come due.
We never default on the debt, ever. We pay off Social Security and Medicare and then we have to have a conversation, right? We have to have a conversation. It’s not an easy conversation. All the easy decisions of decades ago are gone.
Now, on top of that, this converges on the geopolitical situation.
Look what has happened since Trump left office. You have the Ayatollahs in Iran, right? Tell us, how safe do our allies in Israel feel right now? How safe do they feel? The Ayatollah is going to Beijing, China - having a military ceremony - then going to bring Xi to Tehran. You got the merger of the KGB in the CCP. You’ve got Erdogan in Turkey.
You have our great allies in Saudi Arabia already taking and transferring oil to Chinese currency away from the US dollar. You have North Korea and the radicals in Pakistan. All this converges on the Eurasian land mass.
And what are we doing? We’re turning over our foreign policy to Zelensky to let him determine whether he’s going to go take Crimea or not!
In all of this convergence, where’s Merrick Garland today? Is Merrick Garland at DOJ trying to arrest all the infiltrators of the Chinese Communist Party in this country? Is he at DOJ helping Wray say, “Oh, well, they won’t help us on the Wuhan Lab. Maybe we need help.” Nope. He’s in Ukraine.
He’s in Ukraine. Then Yellen goes to Ukraine. She doesn’t go to East Palestine, Ohio. She goes to Ukraine.
The convergence of these crises is going to lead us into a Third World war. A third world War that is not only going to wipe you out economically and financially in this country, more important, your sons and daughters are going to die on foreign battlefields.
Are you prepared for that? Do you support that? No. I can’t hear you. Do you support it or not? Because if you don’t stand up and fight it, it’s going to happen. You can’t just hand this all off to Donald J. Trump. This has to be the American people. You underwrite the entire system.
Are you prepared to fight back? Or are you prepared to sit down and just take it?
The elites say you’re too stupid, you’re too lazy, and you’re too disconnected, watching television and watching the bread and circus of modern culture decay. Is that true?
Because you underwrite the whole system. The neoliberal-neocon system globally is underwritten by you, your taxes, your pension money, the insurance money, and most importantly, your sons and daughters.
You’re the one that can tell Congress, hey, not one increase to the debt ceiling. And we want to see massive cuts. We want to see massive cuts in spending. And we want to see it now, not next year. Don’t give me some happy talk formula. Don’t give me some set of mathematics. I want to see real cuts.
Okay? Get the woke weaponization out of the budget. We have to cut trillions of dollars out of our budget every year to accumulate trillions of dollars over the next ten years.
We’re giving $200 billion to Ukraine. We’re paying their pensions. We’re even paying their health care for people under 35. Do you have pensions that the government is paying for right now? You do not. Do you have full health care? You do not. We are underwriting that in Ukraine which Europe will not underwrite.
I have no problem at all if the Ukrainian people want to fight a Slavic war for the Russian speaking eastern border of Ukraine, and if they want to go to Crimea and take it back. God bless them, but the Europeans are going to have to pay for it. We’ve paid enough in the wars in Europe. We’re not a European power. We’re a Pacific power.
I need the elites on Capitol Hill, in Wall Street, in the city of London to hear you. Can they hear you? Are you going to send your sons and daughters to this war? This is a room of veterans and this is a room of patriots that have served their country.
Now, let me tell you where the hard part gets.
The hard part is we’ve had the Oligarchs in the Republican Party, the big hedge fund guys making $16 billion a year. Ken Griffin and Mitch McConnell and Rupert Murdoch, they have deemed hey, they know better than you, and they have told you that Donald J. Trump is not going to be the President of the United States.
Don’t fall don’t fall for the primary stuff. You have really good and decent people. Governor DeSantis, Mike Pompeo, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley. That’s all fine.
It’s not relevant. We don’t have time for on the job training. We already have a man that gave us four years of peace and prosperity and knows what needs to be done.
Show me what Ken Griffin has given us. Show me what Mitch McConnell has given us. Show me what the Murdochs, a bunch of foreigners, have given us. What have they given this country? Nothing.
Donald J. Trump, let me repeat, in a very volatile time in American history, gave us four years of peace and prosperity.
You know why he put you in the room with him? To make decisions. And Trump not only put you in the room, he puts you at the head of the table.
And that’s why they hate him. They don’t hate him because he’s Trump. They hate him because he represents you. He gives you a voice, and he will not back down.
Look at Fox News. Look at Fox News. President Trump announces he’s running. It’s historic. The guy who gave you four years of peace and prosperity and announced he’s going to run again, after having it stolen in broad daylight, of which they participated in.
What does Fox do? They don’t even they cover it live for 20 minutes - and then they say if there’s anything newsworthy, we’ll cut back. And they go to some panel and some discussion.
Note to Fox senior management - when Donald J. Trump talks, it’s newsworthy.
What happened in the first week of January? You had Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert in the magnificent stakes in the House - they stood there and put it all on the line. And what did Fox News do? They rolled out Karl Rove and the hacks from the Bush administration, that got us in this mess, to say “We need unity.”
We’re not looking for unity. We’re not looking for compromise. We’re looking to save our country. What they mean by unity is for you to give up and you to roll over.
This is how you get $32 trillion and debt going to $52 trillion and dead. This is how you get your kid to die on foreign battlefields in Iraq and Afghanistan and now in Ukraine. That’s how you do it. And we’re not going to have it anymore.
Trump is not simply a leader of a political party. He is not a politician. He is a leader of the most powerful political movement in American history.
Okay, Murdoch, here’s the way it’s going to be, brother. You’ve disrespected Donald J. Trump long enough, okay? He goes to East Palestine and gets the Biden administration to do its job. It’s a global news event and you don’t cover it live.
Is there that much happening on Fox News at 2pm in the afternoon that you can’t cover him live? He hasn’t been on Fox News since he announced for the presidency.
Let me ask you, Rupert, any guy that brought peace to the world for four years until a Chinese let off a bioweapon - wouldn’t you have him to talk about the geopolitics of the situation if you had respect for people? Wouldn’t you do that?
They don’t respect you. Read the depositions [of the Dominion case]. The depositions. They have a fear, a loathing and contempt for you. And you are the ones that can make changes. The shareholders.
If you want your share price to stay up, you need to take action. The first thing you need to do at Fox is get rid of Paul Ryan as an independent director.
If Paul Ryan is saying that if Trump wins, he’s not going to go to the RNC convention - then you got to get rid of Paul Ryan. The Murdochs immediately have to start covering President Trump. No special deals, just cover the man. Ask the tough questions. But we need to hear the voice of Donald J. Trump.
Hey old man Murdoch, while you’re at it, why don’t you do your job and play it straight. No more softball interviews to the guys running against him and no more infomercials. Okay? Play it straight.
If you play it straight, Donald Trump’s going to win the primary and Donald Trump’s going to win the presidency.
Let me leave you with what Trump is up against. He’s not up against DeSantis or Nikki Haley or Mike Pompeo. He’s up against Ken Griffin and Mitch McConnell and Rupert Murdoch. Okay?
They have deemed if he wins the primary, they’re going to work for the Democrats just like they worked for Hillary Clinton. I was there. I can tell you. They were in Clinton’s camp the entire way.
All they are is about money. And the only people can stop them on the face of the earth are you. You and you.
Rupert Murdoch - you’ve deemed Trump’s not going to be president. Well, we’ve deemed that you’re not going to have a network - because we’re going to fight you every step of the way.
[People] - if your task and purpose is to take your country back, this country will be saved.
UPDATE: At CPAC, James O'Keefe introduced the Pfizer whistleblower, Debbie, who helped him bring the undercover story about Pfizer's plans to actually create virus variants in the lab - just like the CCP did in Wuhan.
O'KEEFE: "We need brave whistleblowers. We need people on the inside. There were people on the inside of Pfizer who helped us obtain this."
"But I’ve learned a lot of things over the last month, having been ousted from the company I founded 13 years ago, mere days after the story. But as this was happening, I was talking to one of these people and she was a little reluctant to go public. Rightfully so, she was scared."
"Inspired by the series of events that have occurred over the last three weeks, she decided to go public with me on the stage right now."
Debbie told the crowd that she was "a little reluctant to come at first," saying that she was "scared for my life."
DEBBIE: "I was worried that I would end up in a body bag, or in a car accident. But I realized that the spirit of fear is not from the Lord."
"As a believer, I knew that I couldn’t just sit there, I couldn’t just sit there and watch. People get lied to, people get gas lit, it made me angry. James gave me the courage to come up here and I’m so thankful to have people here who are willing to listen and who are willing to stand up."
"I think we all need to learn to not be fearful. Fear is how the enemy controls us. The reason why our country is going the way it’s going is because of fear. People are willing to give up their freedom and their liberty to feel safe. We can’t do that. Freedom is not free."
"Freedom comes with a price and sometimes people like me have to make a sacrifice. I just want to tell all the people here in this room who are employed, if you guys work for big tech, media, a government agency, it’s your responsibility to stand up. Do not let these people keep getting away with this. If you don’t say something, they’re gonna keep doing it."
O'KEEFE: "Courage is the virtue that sustains all others, and without that you really can’t do journalism. I'm not stopping or giving up."
Be like James & Debbie. Stand up. Speak out. Courage is contagious.
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