He is BOLD to challenge the status quo...
I don’t think I’ve ever had quite the response to a newsletter as I did to Butker’s speech. I’m very pleased! Here are some of your comments - posted anonymously. I learn a lot from my readers! Thank you for all your wisdom and testimony and the courage to share your thoughts with me! God is working through so many!
“He is bold for the Lord! Someone had to say those things - sad that many church leaders don’t have the spine. Amen to him and Isabelle and bless them!”
“Please share some of the responses you get with your followers. Good and bad. Thanks Peggy for your voice and bravery.”
“I am a Catholic and I LOVED his commencement address. I only wish ALL of our church leaders spoke with such clarity, truth and kindness, lighting the way for an impressionable generation (really all of us) beginning, of course, with Jorge Bergolio. But we know that is not the way of the world that satan now controls. So we pray, stay in our lane, and do our best for Christ at every moment. We were made for times like these. Truth will eventually pierce this present darkness. All we have to do is remain faithful.”
“I’m not a Catholic but he spoke absolute truth!!!!!”
“I’m not Catholic, but I love it. Without you I never would have seen it. Thanks!”
“Of course, I agree with Butker, and I could elaborate on all the reasons why he is correct. The spawn of Satan includes feminism, transgenderism and homosexuality. They are inseparable, and acceptance of one of those three results in acceptance of all three. The 800 lb elephant in the room here is whether people are happier with feminism now as the norm. All statistics say ‘no’, except that people have bigger houses than 50 years ago, which is partly due to women working, but globalization is also part of the reason because of construction materials and cheap labor from illegals.”
“He spoke from his heart. He attacked no one!! NFL is Woke!”
“Loved his Speech. He is BOLD to challenge the status quo. If the whole world were to criticize him, he SPOKE THE TRUTH. Which he will be remembered by the next generations. Bravo!”
“Peggy, Thank you for sharing! I loved every single word said by this devout Catholic and happy there are people still not afraid to speak the truth. I'm an Orthodox Christian, which is close to Catholic tradition and his speech resonates with me deeply. I was sad to see all the negative attacks on him in the comments section on X-Twitter, as I believe there are many true believers like him, it's just they are not aware of this speech. Butker is a beautiful soul and I hope more and more people will speak up. Now is still the time when we can speak. There are places in the world that call themselves democracies where the freedom of speech is non-existent anymore (like "democratic" Ukraine and others.). But politics aside, I support your fight for traditional Christian human values. Thank you, Peggy!”
“He was right on target! We need more conservatives speaking out and taking a stand.”
“We are a traditional Catholic family. We agree wholeheartedly with everything that Butker said at the Benedictine College commencement speech. If more men were like him our world would be a different place. Thank God for people who have the courage to say the truth.”
“I am Catholic and a mom and a nurse. I completely agree with his speech. 100% accurate and consistent with the Magisterium. He is a beautiful Catholic gentleman, speaking the Truth.”
“We know that followers of the Mass from Vatican II (Novus Ordo Mass) are abandoning the Catholic faith in droves. Pope Benedict the 16th said that the Catholic Church needs to become “smaller” because he thought there were too many non-believers in the Church. Well, guess what, it’s happening. But parishes that practice the TLM, exclusively, are packed.”
“I am a life long Catholic and I do NOT believe this brilliant young man told any lies about anything. He did NOT tell the ladies graduating to go now be homemakers. He told the straight forward truth about some bishops and priests cowing down instead of standing up and tend to their flocks. At my church during Covid our priest wouldn’t let anyone in our church. Instead he held mass on the weekend in the “parking lot!” And when it threatened to rain he put a “pop up canopy” over the altar and himself but people attending Mass had to sit in the rain, in the cold!!
Because our archbishop was so liberal and afraid of Covid as was our church priest, who is all about money. Even now on their one site on the internet they tell you to wear a “mask” and the usher will take you to a seat and after Mass you will “be told” when you can be guided out the church. Of course they aren’t doing any of this anymore but for 6 months this was the routine.”
“I couldn’t believe some priests were so weak kneed [during Covid.] I attended Catholic school through sophomore year of college - 14 years and never witnessed such craziness. And the Benedictine nuns who put Butker down should be removed from the convent! The NFL is disgusting too. My husband and I haven’t watched NFL since they became so liberal. Butker is right in everything he said and I as a forever Catholic back him 100%. The media knows he is and they can’t take the truth. Thank you Peggy for your newsletters and all you do!”
“I am not Catholic, I was raised Lutheran, which is pretty close. And so much of what he said resonates with me. I graduated with a Bachelors of Science degree and I could have really climbed the ladder to become an Executive. But that would mean many days away from home. So I decided to work part time in my job. I was fortunate enough to have managers that allowed me to do that. So I really enjoyed the best of both worlds, as a mother with a career without compromising either one. There hasn’t been a day when I wished I had done it differently. We need more God, and more family in our world today.”
“This guy is 100% correct. Looks like he got his life figured out. Thanks for the newsletter.”
“I am not Catholic, but I am a Christian, that makes this speech from Butker
even more important and transcending to speak to the world the TRUTH of
the Gospel of Jesus. Butker is a blessed man to have a Godly wife teaching their children to love Jesus and to have a personal relationship with Him. This is what America needs more of young families who have made the commitment early on to commit their marriage and their Children to know who Jesus is and what he has done for them on the Cross of Calvary. We need this conversation to spread across America and around the world. Thank you for your steadfast commitment to continue to educate people on the truth of what is taking place in America and around the world! May God multiple your time 3 fold for doing this!”
“It was an excellent speech. All in line with Catholic teaching. In a nutshell - he spoke truth.”
“I was proud of him. I hope he wakes up a few priest and bishops. The left has been preaching for years do not talk religion or politics. Wrong - that is exactly what we need to be talking about. The Bible is a story of politics.....Here is a man, supported by a women, who made children in the like of God. So few in athletics ascend to this height. Sports have become a Satan's distraction so men have a place to rage hormones.”
“I'm a Lutheran, Peggy - and a child of the King Jesus. What [Butker] writes is truth and I wish the world would embrace it. When abortion was legalized 50 years ago began the deterioration of values and the mind. I pray for this message to be heard in America. May God bless your journey.”
“Harrison is exactly on the mark. The family is the fundamental of America and its constitution rests on the strength of the family form of government. That is the natural order of father, mother and child rearing. Society has debased traditional roles, not by accident but through the hand of evil. GK Chesterton said (my quote is my recollection), before you tear down a fence (tradition) be sure to know what it protects you from.”
“Twelve years of Catholic education, and many years not associated with the denomination, I say HE IS RIGHT ON! Thank you for the transcript!! I watched the video when it first came out, and wanted the transcript! Blessings on you and your 'ministry'!!”
“I have been a non-practicing Catholic my entire adult life. I have not let go of my faith in God and Jesus, I have always considered myself a Christian, but no longer a practicing Catholic. I have been paying more attention to my faith over the past 3-5 years. For the last year or two I have been strongly drawn towards understanding more about God, mostly in an effort to make sense of the evil that is driving our society these days. In the back of my mind I have thought that at some point I may find a Christian church to become a member of but I’m not there yet. I have been confident that it would NOT be a Catholic Church. I do not know enough about all the various Christian faiths to know which ones do appeal to me. That is a bit of background on who I am. You asked folks to reach out with their Catholic perspective of Butker’s commencement speech, here it is…
When I am ready to explore membership in a church community, he has re-opened the door to a traditional Catholic faith in my mind. That door was completely closed but now is open a small crack. The leaders of the Catholic Church have a lot to atone for, as do much of the hierarchy down to the majority of individual priests. However it is a faith I know and there’s something to be said for finding comfort in what you know. I would now consider a very traditional parish, maybe even a Latin one like he spoke of.”
“Thank you for sharing the speech with us! I am not Catholic either, but it is encouraging that so much truth is being shared. Some people are critical of Catholics … but so much truth here. I also thank you for sharing the article about how Jesus spoke and we should be not be critical of Trump … that was a great new thought to me. May the Lord Jesus continue to use you and your faithful writings!”
“I absolute adored Butker’s speech and yes I am a Catholic. He spoke the truth and I applaud him for his convictions to speak up. We need more good, faithful men and leaders to do this and not make a hypocrisy of our faith. I wish more bishops would speak up like this but they’re so afraid of being cancelled.”
“In addition to this significant personal impact his speech has on me, I agree with 100% of his speech and loved hearing him speak from his heart of so many things that need to be said. I hope it is a catalyst for more people with strong faith to pick-up his ball and run with it (pun intended) and speak their minds publicly. It could be an important catalyst. I am praying for him and his family.”
“Harrison very obviously is a “practicing” Catholic. CINO is easy peasy! To truly be Catholic, it takes work and dedication. It takes education and virtue. Harrison was speaking to young adults who have been educated in an environment that is providing that foundation, that Truth. I doubt that any of those in attendance were disturbed or shocked with his words. I am a better Catholic today after having read his speech, and I read nothing contrary to Church teachings. Well done!!”
“As a former Catholic, long-time Christian and a lifetime Kansas City Chiefs fan, I appreciate his speech and you printing it. The NFL doesn’t need to espouse their “values” of what I call “DIE” nor supporting Marxists (BLM) like they do. I for one am not the least bit interested in their “values.” Also, he didn’t represent the NFL or the Chiefs, just exercised his 1st Amendment rights of freedom of speech and religion.”
“I am not Catholic but was married in the Catholic Church, my husband is Catholic and many of my good friends are Catholic. I have spent many a Saturday evening or Sunday morning attending Catholic mass with my husband. I loved his speech, it resonated with the way I grew up and the way I raised my children. Perfect speech on traditional family values of which we are lacking today. Our government does not want a nuclear family. Kudos to Harrison Butker for his bravery and speaking the truth.
I have however seen negative comments from “liberal” Facebook friends regarding his stance on women staying home to raise their children. For me, I worked outside the home with my first 2 children and was a stay at home mother with my 3rd child. The stay at home job was my favorite!! However, in today’s world it is almost impossible for most families to make ends meet with only one parent working. Best to you Peggy and thanks for what you do.”
“I am Catholic. The most significant phrase in this speech this sums it all up for me. “growing support for degenerate cultural values and media” come from “the pervasiveness of disorder.” I never imagined I would see what is happening in America. I have never read a more significant phrase. This speech was truth for me, whether people like to hear it or not society has changed bit by bit in a degenerate way and now we see the results. Evil is rising all around us, and this man’s voice is in direct conflict with acceptance of it, which is why he is being attacked. Many in society today wants us to embrace the evil and change in common beliefs and values so that a diverse people are united together as a degenerative nation. That’s BS. I hate what I see all around me.”
“As a lifelong Catholic, educated from a Catholic seminary, I have been shocked at the controversy surrounding his speech. It was good to read it and I was surprised I didn’t find it the ‘big wicked talk ‘ that has made all the news channels. I read the Sisters’ response earlier and agreed with their statement about a woman being able to bring their gifts to the world not just their immediate home though. Of course his wife has the ability to stay home because he earns a big salary. As an older woman, I was fortunate to stay home until my youngest reached about 9. I enjoyed the time but then worked and also appreciated this opportunity. My children have not had this same opportunity. Life is just too expensive for one worker unfortunately.”
“I don’t like it that too many Catholic institutions try to please everyone without taking a strong stand. I would be considered a liberal Catholic by those who adhere to pre Vatican II theology. I think of myself as open to embracing others who think and live a different lifestyle than myself. I leave it to God to judge. Thanks for the opportunity to read the speech and invitation to express my views. Thank you for always giving me food for thought.”
“The man makes a plea for normalcy and traditional values and is vilified. The NFL prefers players who kneel and beat their girlfriends. Years ago the government saw a way to increase its tax income and feminism then put women in the work force. The government then took over educating our children. Society, civility and decorum decline. How utterly sad and discouraging.”
“The owners of the Chiefs are devoted Christians. Tavia Hunt publicly supported Butker and they will not be bullied by the woke NFL.”
“As a former member of the RC, I hope God ignites a deepening hunger in him for the true Word of God and he finds a KJV of the Bible, read it cover to cover and compare what it clearly teaches to what his denomination teaches. Hopefully, after that it will take him less time than it took me (two years) to remove himself from its heresy. That aside, I applaud his bravery in being a truth teller and may God bless him and his family.”
“Peggy, how can we contact him to support him?”
He has a website - you can contact him there: https://www.harrisonkbutker.com/contactharrison
“I am a life-long practicing Catholic and I am very proud of this young man's courage. It is discouraging that our current Pope and current President will not stand for up for the teachings of our church as this young man has, but Catholics and Christians everywhere can be inspired by and take hope in the faith and he has proven is still alive in our church. We need more young people like him who see The Emperor's New Clothes of Wokeness being played out right before our eyes and standing up to the reality the naked agenda.”
“I’m Catholic. What a tremendous and timely speech! How anyone can argue with anything he said is beyond me. My only explanation is that evil certainly exists in this world and is more prevalent now than at almost any time in history. I know you are not Catholic, but you are a Christian and I believe I know your HEART. Thanks for highlighting this for all your readers! God Bless you and keep it up!”