Here's what you need to know - October 6, 2023
The US and Russia both conducted tests of their public warning systems on 10-4.
10-4 is universally known as "affirmative, message received."
In Russia - sirens wailed with this message:
"Attention everyone! The readiness of warning systems is being checked, please remain calm. When you hear the sound of a siren, you need to remain calm and not panic, turn on the TV - any publicly accessible channel or radio - and listen to the information message. The warning system is designed to timely convey a signal to the population in the event of a threat or emergency of a natural or man-made nature."
The United States also conducted a large-scale test of its public warning system on mobile phones, radio, and TV stations on October 4. A statement from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) said the purpose is to ensure systems continue to be effective during emergencies, “particularly at the national level".
Like I said - the New World Order has plans for WW3 and they want to be ready to scare the world half to death with threats of nuclear war or whatever & stage some incident at the right time. I'm guessing election day 2024 in America will be one of those days. They have something planned and it’s not good.
People are laughing about the 10-4 test because of all the hype and nothing happened on that day. Well, I think they hyped it on purpose to make you feel foolish for being scared. Remember when they tested Hawaii’s alert system and then it failed when it was really needed during the Maui fires? Hmm. Why did they do a test if it failed when it was really needed? So they could say they did something! Oops.
If you don’t know the past - you are doomed to repeat it. They did this for a reason - you should not assume otherwise.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop listening to Fox News & Newsmax pundits who “interpret” for you what people say through clips and sound bites. They often leave out the most important part or spin it so it’s not exactly right. Instead, go to Twitter where ALL influencers have accounts and listen to what they say, and read what they say, yourself.
For example, do you think you know who Mark Levin or Matt Gaetz or Chip Roy really is? NO, sorry, you don't. Not unless you follow their Twitter accounts, post by post.
You will be much more informed if you do that. Seriously. You don't have to post anything on Twitter. Just use it for research. If you’ve been banned from Twitter - like Trump was - you can use a different browser and email address if you want to remain anonymous and just use it for research. ALL the influencers are there and all the fake news is there too. So is Tucker.
You can use this “direct from the source” information to share on other platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Telegram & Truth Social.
This is 2023 users in millions by social media platform. If you truly want to reach people - you need to post “publicly” on Facebook, Telegram & Twitter at a minimum so they can share your work. Otherwise you’re just preaching to the choir.
Basically, 30% of Republicans, 70% of Democrats & 50% of Independents say they will get the new COVID vaccine in a new poll.
Yet, guys like James Woods say the jig is up and people will basically refuse to be vaccinated in the future. This poll says not. People are still willing to line up to be vaccinated. The jig is not up. COVID may not force people to stay home and vote by mail but a more deadly virus - like Ebola or Smallpox - certainly would change that.
This is why they’re trying to take down Russell Brand - because he has a huge following and is going after the New World Order elites…
Biden suddenly wants to build a wall in Texas after he’s let in 15 million illegals. Another PR scheme before the election to appease the angry peons.
Remember when they told you that walls don’t work? Wrong. Trump was right.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: "Over thousands of years, there are only 2 things that have consistently worked: WHEELS & WALLS."
PRESIDENT TRUMP: "So interesting to watch Crooked Joe Biden break every environmental law in the book to prove that I was right when I built 560 miles (they incorrectly state 450 in story!) of brand new, beautiful border wall.
As I have stated often, over thousands of years, there are only two things that have consistently worked, wheels, and walls! Will Joe Biden apologize to me and America for taking so long to get moving, and allowing our country to be flooded with 15 million illegals immigrants, from places unknown. I will await his apology!"
Either you have a NATURAL wall in the form of mountains, rivers or oceans on your border - or a MAN-MADE wall - to protect your nation and your people - or the Barbarians will use some form of wheel to invade and conquer!
What did the GOP House do during the first two years of Trump’s term to help build the wall? Nothing!!!! That’s why I don’t believe they’ll do anything now unless we push them hard! Republicans and Democrats & Koch Libertarians in Congress all want open borders and millions of illegals - for votes & cheap labor!
Biden already sold off the wall parts that Trump built and now wants to do it over! Why? To launder more of our money?
Trump and his family gave EVERYTHING to New York and this is how we treat him? They are trying to bankrupt him and take everything that his family has built! Our country is a JOKE. I am so sick of it all - and I am particularly sick of the weak people who do and say nothing while they railroad a good man!
It's good to see Reverend Franklin Graham speak out about what they're doing to President Trump. Our country is going to hell and we need all people to stand against evil.
This isn't just politics. This is our country.
The battle is not D vs R in 2024. The establishment GOP doesn't care about beating the Democrats - that's how we got Biden. They helped Democrats cheat to defeat Trump.
The establishment GOP has one goal - they want to defeat Trump and MAGA and populism. Much of the establishment GOP in DC and Congress is ideologically aligned with Democrats - open border, pro-amnesty, free-trade, anti-gun Globalists. So are the Koch Libertarians and RFK Jr.
It's time to purge them all from the GOP.
Every other politician makes a fortune off us - but the Trump family is losing money trying to help America!
In fact, establishment Republicans are so evil that they helped the Democrats rig the 2020 election against Trump and then rigged the 2022 midterms against Republicans so they could say it was Trump’s fault! Even Baris agrees with that!
Even worse, Hillary is going on TV to tell the world that MAGA Republicans are terrorists and that all 74 MILLION of us should be locked up and deprogrammed.
They think she might be running!
You all know by now that Matt Gaetz finally got rid of McCarthy for House Speaker after much prodding from Loomer and others.
What’s next? In 2015, remember that Ron DeSantis got rid of Boehner & McCarthy for House Speaker and installed Paul Ryan instead. How did that work out? IT DID NOT. RYAN OBSTRUCTED EVERYTHING THAT TRUMP TRIED TO DO.
Trump wants to avoid a repeat of that mess. Right now, contenders are Jordan, Scalise & Emmer. Jordan is the best of the three. Jordan refused the job before and refused to run against McCarthy. Then McCarthy refused to endorse Trump when Jordan did.
Emmer is a snake. I still remember when Emmer went on Newsmax after the 2020 election and laughed about Trump “losing” and said he was glad he did because that meant Republicans in Congress would win big in 2022. The GOP establishment even messed that up with their silence on abortion!
Personally, I like Lou Dobb’s plan the best: Trump for the short term. Nunes for the long.
President Trump: "We cannot wait until 2025 to begin stopping Biden's nightmare...that's why I'm calling on Congressional Republicans to ban Joe Biden from using a single taxpayer dollar to release or resettle illegal aliens into the United States effective Sept. 30."
Trump endorsed Jordan. He talked about his wrestling wins instead of his wins in Congress which I found quite odd.
SUNDANCE: "Jim Jordan is not going to change anything.... NOTHING!"
Most think the Speaker race will come down to Jordan vs Scalise. Bannon thinks Jordan is weak and hasn’t proven himself yet. I agree. So does Sundance. So does Emerald. So does Kash. We shall see.
EMERALD ROBINSON: “If Jim Jordan really had the guts to stop the Biden regime, it would have been stopped by now. If Steve Scalise had the guts to stop the Biden regime, it would have been stopped by now.” TRUE.
It all depends on who replaces McCarthy. In the end, Trump did NOT defend McCarthy from removal. McCarthy thought Pelosi would save him. He was wrong to trust her. Trump said he is supporting Jordan and will stand in if he doesn’t have the votes.
Trump shared this article which basically says Republicans are impotent and it took Gaetz too long to move - and his actions were too little too late.
I know that everybody is gaga over Gaetz right now - our new savior - but...please hold your emotions and adoration in check until it's over and he has proven himself. He basically said something really stupid on Twitter two weeks ago and got himself into hot water by glorifying DeSantis so I think he finally came through to save himself.
Forgive me if I totally don't totally trust Matt Gaetz - but he was Ronnie D's best friend and groomed him for office.
It all depends on who Gaetz and his pals replace McCarthy with next week - that's the tell. This is the same move that DeSantis played in 2015 and that's how we got Paul Ryan for House Speaker. We shall see.
I hope we get someone better - but it doesn't always work out that way.
ARI FLEISHER: "No Republican should accept the Speakership without changing the number of votes required to vacate the chair. Only a fool, happy to be taken hostage by Matt Gaetz, would leave the threshold at one vote. This is the time to move it back to 10 or 20 votes."
So - is this the real reason they are playing these games? To reverse this rule about the motion to vacate? I wouldn't doubt it.
I'm watching a documentary about the fall of Rome and I'm learning lots of things I didn't know. I need to investigate this more, but I think this is important for Christians to hear. There are many striking parallels to today.
After Jesus was crucified, there was a General in the Roman army who was a pagan and he didn't like the fact that the emperor of Rome at that time was conciliatory toward the new religion called Christianity.
So he got the Army together and they killed the emperor and installed this General as the new emperor.
Then he decided that all Christians needed to make sacrifices to Roman pagan gods and goddesses. He required that all Christians donate their money and goods to pagan gods and goddesses.
If they refused, they were murdered. Many leaders and followers in the early Christian Church were executed and martyred because they refused to bow down to demons.
Then a plague hit Rome, and the Barbarians invaded, and the pagan emperor convinced the Roman people that Christians were responsible for the plague and the chaos because they had angered the Roman gods.
So the pagan Emperor told everybody in Rome to go out and slaughter their Christian family members, friends and neighbors. This is very similar to what's going on right now in the United States - as they demonize Christians and conservatives. MAGA and Trump is being blamed for everything.
In the end, they slaughtered every Christian they could in the vast Roman empire that didn't, women and children. We always hear about the Holocaust but we never talk about this. Why not?
This is where we're at. The pagan demons slaughtered Christians for 15 years. Eventually, the first Christian Emperor of Rome, Constantine, was able to remove the Pagan Army of Rome (which was basically ruled by the Praetorian Guard) and install Christianity as the official religion of Rome. I may not have all this right but I think it's close enough.
I personally think that information like this is important for church congregations to know. It's not just politics, it's everything. Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it. This isn't a game and this can happen here.
The fixed mortgage rate peaked in 1981 at 18.4% under Jimmy Carter and has basically been declining for 40 years - until now under Biden. But back then houses didn’t cost $400,000 either. Major crash ahead. Schiff thinks rates could reach 20% before it’s all over.
Remember when Rudy Giuliani stood outside the landscaping business in New York on November 7, 2020 and said that ActBlue was laundering money for the Democrat party and they laughed at him?
Then James O'Keefe said that he could prove that ActBlue was using unsuspecting elderly people to launder their money? Well, it's all coming out now. And it's laundered CCP money. The Chinese Communist party is donating to the Democrat Party and using ActBlue and unsuspecting American elderly people to do their dirty work.
I think that's one major reason why they released COVID to target the elderly in 2020 and sent them to nursing homes to get sick and die. So they could launder CCP money through them and steal votes through elderly dead people.
Remember how they locked down the nursing homes in 2020 and kept people away while fundraising and voting for elderly residents by mail? I do. Turns out the CCP has been buying up American nursing homes too! They have a long term plan!
60% of the Democrats' ActBlue donations that James O'Keefe investigated are coming from the Chinese Communist Party.
This means the Chinese Communist Party is literally funding the Democrat party and influencing American elections.
Most people don’t really understand what ActBlue is and don’t really understand where WinRed came from. I believe that WinRed was created at the direction of President Trump to compete with ActBlue for small donations. ActBlue is technically a political action committee, or a PAC - which doesn’t support or endorse candidates but acts as a conduit to donate to individual candidates.
ActBlue is basically used by the Democrats to bundle small donations and launder foreign money through fake small donations.
WinRed, on the other hand, is a legitimate fundraising tool that Trump pushed for to compete with the cheaters on the left.
ActBlue Charities Inc. is an American nonprofit technology organization established in June 2004 that Democratic candidates and progressive groups to raise money from individual donors on the Internet by providing them with online fundraising software.
As of September 2023, ActBlue has facilitated $12.5 billion in donations to left-of-center candidates and causes since its creation. Think of all the money they have laundered!
ActBlue became even more prominent in the 2018 midterm elections as it was the primary vehicle for record fundraising for Democratic candidates. Before ActBlue, there was an array of platforms on the Democratic side, but when John Kerry lost in 2004, the party started to coalesce around a single tool.
In 2020, all Democrat presidential candidates from all wings used ActBlue,
WinRed is basically a carbon copy of ActBlue. Trump played a huge role in the development of WinRed. While ActBlue has operated independently from the DNC so it can cheat, WinRed so far appears under tight control by the RNC and Trump.
It took a while to name WinRed. “Patriot Pass” was the original choice–until Robert Kraft fretted that it sounded too similar to his NFL team. Then, “ActRed” was a possibility until President Trump shot it down. So, “WinRed” was born in 2019.
WinRed filled a big gap in the GOP’s fundraising strategy. It’s an intermediary through which “small donors” can contribute to their favorite candidates up and down the ballot, with the simple touch of a button - not unlike buying stuff on Amazon.
So, if you don’t trust WinRed and want to donate directly to Trump - you can do so this way. But I frankly think telling people to avoid WinRed is a mistake.
PAUL TWITTER: What the hell here goes; I am 78 years old. I worked most of my life. I paid my taxes and now I'm 100% disabled.
So, I draw SS disability, this is supposed to provide for me. I get $1705 a month; I also get Medicare. Now I draw more from other retirements.
My question is what in the hell are these criminal illegals doing getting $2200 a month and Medicare and can it be stopped.
As the J6 prisoners languish in prison - most people still don’t know the sequence of events that really happened on J6. Here’s a reminder. I wrote this almost three years ago on January 8, 2021 - and it’s all pretty much been proven true.
1) Trump KNEW what the coup plotters were plotting on the 6th, so he arrived an hour late to the DC stage, where ONE MILLION Patriots stood before him, and talked longer than he intended, before he asked MAGA to walk peacefully down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol. He also didn't walk or ride WITH them as he promised because he was told it was not safe. NONE of the Trump supporters were armed or dangerous or wearing costumes.
2) Pelosi, Pence & McConnell planned to start the joint debate & certification session early and expected Trump and his supporters to appear outside the Capitol just BEFORE they started when the chamber was empty. The plan was to unleash ANTIFA-BLM terrorists into the building and then BLAME Trump for the violence. Then they would arrest HIM for an armed insurrection. NOT kidding. I've reviewed thousands of pieces of evidence & it was all staged.
3) Pence would then call for Trump’s removal under the 25th amendment. What did Trump do? He had PRE-TAPED a message to the people asking for peace & asking them to go home and be safe. He delayed his speech so it ended well after the Feds breached the Capitol. Then he got on a plane and went to a secure location.
4) This explains why Trump did what he did on the 6th. Why he said, to the MILLION people before him, that he had "heard" bad things about what Pence was planning. When that plan failed, they called back Congress to finish debate & Biden's certification but used most of that time to bash Trump. Again, part of the plan.
5) Rudy and another Constitutional lawyer, John Eastman, also explained to the crowd their plan to argue for a Constitutional delay. They had actually reached out to Senators and asked them to stick to the original schedule they promised to allow a complete debate - but they refused to respond. Then, Trump's Twitter account was banned to remove his peaceful video - so they could say he was inciting violence and remove proof of his calls for peace. Facebook & Instagram followed.
PASTOR GREG LOCKE: "The Capitol was a set up from the word Go. The media is complicit by spreading totally false information. I was there. They are lying. We are watching the Left steal an entire Nation right before our very eyes."
He's right. There's numerous videos of DC police LETTING people in the door - taking selfies with them - it's like they were telling Trump supporters it was a tour and all were welcome. Meanwhile, BLM-ANTIFA terrorists were up front creating havoc and innocent people were unaware. They were only there for the cameras so the Deep State could use them as patsies.
6) At the same time, a sworn affidavit was received from an hacker who worked for an Italian defense contractor who works for the Deep State, who CONFESSED, under oath, that he had RIGGED the election against Trump. He had also testified in open court to the same. Also, DNI Ratcliffe finally released his report on foreign election interference & blamed China, Iran, Russia & more. Congress panicked & needed to bury both pieces of evidence that could derail the certification.
7) They finished up at 4am and half the Senate - who agreed to object - now did not do what they promised. There were no objections to Georgia, Nevada, Wisconsin or New Mexico as Ted Cruz, Ron Johnson & Josh Hawley promised. Even Rand Paul bailed. Things moved quickly - they conspired together to allow LITTLE evidence presented.
8) Pence allowed debate to start & stop & end, even though he had told the President that he couldn't adjust the timing at all because it was sacrosanct & he must respect the process. In other words, it was a total set up against Trump & Pence refused to honor his sacred duties.
9) Then they began plotting the removal of President Trump again today. They ignored the shooting death of a female Trump supporter by a DC cop, they ignored evidence that BLM-ANTIFA incited the riots, they blamed racism, they VILIFIED both Trump & all of us. All part of the plan.
10) Pelosi & Schumer are both calling for Pence to remove Trump under the 25th. They're passing around articles of impeachment that prevent the President from ever running for office again. Facebook & Instagram banned him for 2 weeks for no reason.
11) The media is calling for the immediate arrest of Trump, Giuliani & Eastman for insurrection. Big Tech is removing his product websites and corporations are calling to remove him from office. Police are holding residents at his hotels hostage against their will. And more...
12) This is the GREAT RESET. The Communist takeover of the world. If they can do this to our President, imagine what they can do to you and me?
13-14) In my opinion, they are abusing their power to paint a good man who loves his country as a dangerous person. They are painting us all as evil monsters as well. Trump supporters aren't the fringe GOP. We ARE the GOP and the party is OVER. None of us will EVER vote for the same failed GOP self-serving elitists that have worked hand in hand with the Democrats for the past 40 years to destroy everything good and pure about America while lining their own pockets and fleecing ours. It's time for a new party. Our very SURVIVAL depends on it.
15) Let me add one more point about Pence & his authority in the chamber. John Eastman, one of the nation's most respected Constitutional lawyers, told Pence that he the authority to reject illegal or unconstitutional electors in the swing states where two slates were given.
16) Many states WANTED to investigate their elections further but felt restrained by their Governors who wouldn't allow them to call a session. They sent two sets of electors to alert Congress there was a dispute. Eastman told Pence he was ONLY allowed to accept legally cast....
17) electors that complied with the state legislature & Federal constitution. Since all the swing states did NOT comply, he could send them back to the state legislatures & ask them to investigate further & fix them. Pence agreed to do that early on --- and then changed his mind.
18) Pence came back later & said "I don't want to choose electors." Trump told Pence he didn't ask him to choose electors. He asked Pence to send BOTH slates back to the states & let THEM decide. Then Pelosi rewrote the rules at the last minute to give Pence a reason to break his promise! The truth is coming out that Pence & Paul Ryan & the Bush family WERE conspiring against Trump all along.
TRUMP: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”
The real reason Barr was pushed out early was because Trump found out that Barr, along with a US Attorney & a Judge, were colluding to cover up evidence of a massive ballot harvesting scheme in Michigan - they had recordings proving it was happening & did nothing. Trump was shocked. THAT SHOWS YOU HOW FAR THEY WENT TO COVER UP THE FRAUD.
After Barr & Cipollone refused to file Trump's Pennsylvania case before SCOTUS - which was based on proof that hundreds of thousands of ballots were cast illegally due to unambiguous Constitutional violations - Trump asked the AG of Texas to do so. As you know, SCOTUS declined to hear the Texas case based on "standing." So, on December 23rd, Trump's personal attorney, John Eastman, filed a request for an expedited hearing on the Pennsylvania case before SCOTUS.
SCOTUS kicked the can down the road and asked for responses from the Pennsylvania Secretary of State & other electoral offices on January 22nd - after the inauguration. That way they wouldn't be interfering in the electoral process. The same thing happened with DNI Ratcliffe & the intelligence community. They withheld their report on foreign election interference until January 7th so Trump could NOT use his 2018 Executive order to delay the electoral college meeting on January 6th in Congress & sanction the coup plotters. Both of these actions neutered Trump's ability to act.
I wrote that summary on January 8, 2021 from PUBLISHED SOURCES. How could I, a simple citizen journalist, know the truth that the rest of the world did not? Yet it’s taken almost 3 years, two impeachments, four indictments, 91 felony counts & an endless witch hunt for the fake news to catch up. What’s wrong with that picture? We must make sure this never happens again!
ROD BLAGOJEVICH: “Consider the endless persecution Trump has to face. Very hard. I ask, Why would he put himself through that when he can enjoy life & the things his great success brought him? Only reason is he must truly love his country & believes he can fix it, and make it great.”
The FBI & CIA is the modern-day version of the Praetorian Guard of Rome. For 3 centuries, the Guard controlled Roman politics & assassinated Emperors they didn't like. Constantine, the first Christian Emperor of Rome, ended the Praetorian Guard. President Trump is basically OUR Constantine, whether you like it or not!