How does Social Media frame patsies for crimes they didn't commit?
Fox News did a story about a writer, Alain Sorel, who was sentenced to 60 days in jail in Switzerland for calling a journalist, Catherine Macherel, a “fat lesbian.” This is our future - being imprisoned for speech and thought crimes - while murderers, looters and rapists go free.
You can find the article here:
Sorry - but this headline from Fox News makes it sound good!
So, this morning, I started to post the article on Facebook, along with his picture and her picture, which was in the Fox News article and also available from a Google search.
The moment that I downloaded HER picture on Facebook into my post, and before I could even write an introduction or even post it, I received this warning from Facebook:
What does this picture have to do with any of that? She’s not naked or being attacked. It’s all a lie. This picture is all over the internet.
Then they added more “restrictions” to my account as a safety measure! Do you see how they use the words “looks like” as justification for everything they do?
What are the new restrictions? I’ve been banned from posting or commenting for a week - right during the vote for House Speaker - to shut me up. See how this works?
In 2020, they banned me for 11 months out of 12 to stop me from talking about COVID and the 2020 election.
Now my Facebook file contains lots of “evidence” that smears me as someone who posts “adult sexual exploitation” and “hate speech” and is “coordinating harm” and “promoting crime.” They’ve even tried to paint me as “suicidal” with this post and contacted me to see if I needed help!
This is how they set someone up to be taken down. This is actually how they build a Facebook file to use on patsies - this is how they frame people for crimes they did NOT commit or for “suicides.”
I know many people will say - who cares - it’s Facebook. Big deal. I’ve been banned many times.
Well, we now know that Facebook spent $400 MILLION to rig the last election and many of its employees used to work for the CIA & the FBI. So I don’t think it’s benign or should be laughed off or shrugged off as nothing.
Many people are on Facebook to mingle with friends & family only and post pictures of their life and family. That's fine - I applaud that as long as you’re not providing too many details that can be used against you in the future. But I am there to post publicly to reach new people and provide content that my friends and family can share. People ask why I post on Facebook at all? Because Facebook has more users than any other platform by far. If I want to reach the brainwashed - I need to be on Facebook. That’s where the people are. When asked why he robbed banks, Willie Sutton simply replied, “Because that's where the money is.”
This is 2023 users in millions by social media platform. If you want to reach people - you need to post “publicly” on Facebook, Telegram & Twitter at a minimum. Otherwise you’re just preaching to the choir.
What they do to me and others on Facebook matters because this is a perfect example of what living under the Globalist New World Order would look like. They will target people, like me and you, and use whatever reason they want to remove us from society. They aren’t just going after President Trump for made-up crimes anymore - they are coming after all of us - and we will not have the resources or the voice or the army to fight back!
Some people will say - well that’s just someone with a grudge against you who reported you. Wrong. This wasn’t done by someone with a grudge against me (who reported me) because it was done BEFORE I even shared the post!
If her picture and the message is so offensive…
Why didn’t they remove her picture from Google? It’s still there.
Why didn’t they remove her picture from the Fox News article? It’s still there.
Why didn’t they remove the Fox News article on Facebook all together? It’s still there.
In fact - others are sharing it and posting about it and Facebook doesn’t seem to care.
There are several other posts talking about this SAME article currently on Facebook and they haven’t been removed. Why not? Why didn’t the “algorithm” catch them?
This is proof that censorship like this and fact checkers are not just some “algorithm” designed to remove “offensive” content. They are being purposefully used to target individuals - like me and you - WHO ARE ON A LIST - and timed to stop us from reporting on important issues.
Why do they only care that I posted about it and flagged my account for banishment? I’m a nobody with only a few thousand friends & followers. I believe it’s because I am an EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATOR, I create original material that is often shared far and wide, I have a strong loyal following and I’m not paid off to lie to you and spin the truth.
Still think I’m making this up? Newsweek came out today and said that the FBI is targeting Trump supporters and has labeled them MAGA EXTREMISTS. We are the new terrorists.
If you follow me on Facebook - please share this there so people know what’s going on. I will do the same for you.