More leaks & lies from the DOJ and FBI - plus get ready for the Truth Summit on August 20th!
Biden’s DOJ is leaking selective “sound bites” from the “affidavit” they allegedly used to justify the FBI raid - but refuse to release the entire document and have asked a Judge to keep it under seal. They did the same thing with Russia collusion - and every other hoax - to create a fog of uncertainty and give the fake news ammunition to smear Trump 24/7 by innuendo - and create something that isn’t there. This is what they do…
HEMINGWAY: “People in DC say ‘shouldn’t we wait and hear what the FBI has to say about ransacking Mar-a-Lago.’ The era of that is OVER. We went through 6 YEARS of them dripping out leaks, claiming they had the ‘goods’ on Trump regarding Russia. At the end of the day, they had nothing.”
MIKE DAVIS: “These leaks make clear Attorney General Merrick Garland’s unprecedented, unnecessary, and unlawful raid was to retrieve (declassified) records that are politically damaging to Obama, Biden, Hillary, and the top brass in the intelligence community (including the FBI).”
Many believe that the FBI raided Trump to get back documents that President Trump declassified on January 17, 2021 that would expose the FBI and DOJ coup plotters behind Russia Gate and the stolen election. That makes sense to me…read this article and this statement from Trump about how the FBI was against this declassification from the start:
"They collected everything that rightfully belonged to the U.S. government but the true target was these documents that Trump had been collecting since early in his administration."
Read this great report from Paul Sperry about Durham and the FBI. Sperry is one of my favorite journalists and one you can count on with the most solid sources. He’s been cancelled on FB & Twitter for just that reason!
BTW-Mike Pence is giving speeches telling MAGA to stop being mean to the FBI. Not kidding. He’s pretending that because MAGA is the party of law and order we need to accept and tolerate corrupt FBI agents and corrupt AGs and DOJ prosecutors. NO, we do not!
You need to listen to Bannon’s rant on this!
Is it just me or is anybody else noticing that temperatures suddenly dropped and the winds quickly died down right AFTER Biden signed the new "climate change" bill? We’ve had months of gale force winds almost every day for six months and bizarre high humidity and heat in my neck of the woods - and now it's all gone away...was it HAARP?
If you think our enemies wouldn’t join together to manipulate the weather patterns to push climate change hysteria - think again. Read on:
The U.S. military developed a facility, way out in the woods of Alaska, that beamed hugely-powerful radio waves into the ionosphere…called the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP.) HAARP was designed to spy on our enemies, control the weather, and spew out death rays.
In 2002, Russia stated: “Under HAARP, the U.S. is creating new geophysical weapons that may influence near-earth medium with high frequency radio waves.”
The U.S. military said they abandoned HAARP after people wised up. Right. Experts say it’s now controlled by the Globalist elites behind the GREAT RESET.
Russia should know. HAARP wasn't the first installation of its kind. The Soviets had their own, high frequency ionospheric research center. Both China & Russia admit they are running experiments to mess with the weather. Do you think they wouldn’t use them against us? Just like they used a virus to infect the world?
Meanwhile, 1,200 scientists and professionals from across the world led by the Norwegian physics Nobel Prize laureate Professor Ivar Giaever declare:
"There is no climate emergency."
American Greatness calls Bill Gates and the climate change lobby GREEN FASCISTS.
AMERICAN GREATNESS: "Green fascists are destroying the world. The green fascists have declared war on energy, water, and housing. They claim that conventional energy creates deadly CO2 emissions and attempt to forbid all debate about the validity of that theory. They claim water supply infrastructure destroys ecosystems and consumes unsustainable quantities of energy. They claim suburbs with single-family homes cause unacceptable increases in automotive pollution.
Now they’ve also declared war on livestock, which they claim produce the allegedly deadly gas methane, and on farming itself, which relies on petroleum-based fertilizer. This is no joke. Look no further than the ongoing protests in the Netherlands, Sri Lanka, and across the globe. They’re coming for our farms.
Where does this end? Without energy, water, housing, meat, and farm produce, civilization dies. Before that happens, though, billions of people who had either achieved a middle-class lifestyle, or were about to, will be wiped out. And as this reset runs its course, the green fascists will acquire more political power, and their corporatist allies will acquire more economic power.
If you have a problem with this, and speak up, you will be marginalized and smeared if not silenced."
TRUMP: “They want to reduce livestock on the planet by half. You’re next.”
Even more telling is that information has come out that Bill Gates, Mr. Depopulation and in bed with Communist China & WHO, BRIBED Joe Manchin & Kyrsten Sinema into signing the bloated “Green New Deal” bill - even though they said for months that they would not.
What did Gates offer Manchin - who likes to call himself Mr. Bipartisan? Manchin wants to be President - I bet Gates promised him he would make that happen! Just like he promised Biden that he would be President!
I’m pretty darn certain that Bill Gates uses his MS software to give our enemies a back door to hack into into our election databases & machines!
After True The Vote came out with information that Chinese Communist Party (CCP) operatives may be embedded in our election systems across America - and that servers might be running out of Wuhan - General Flynn gave an interview saying much the same - but taking it one step further:
“Wuhan is also an interesting place for some of these think tanks. The infiltration by the CCP into the USA, into our education system, into our businesses, into our military, into our diplomatic corps… the fabric of Washington, DC…
We have many that are in the US government that should not be in those positions because of their direct ties to the CCP and China.”
In fact, Biden’s CIA Director even employed members of the Chinese Communist Party at his think tank in DC!
CIA Director William Burns formerly headed a prominent D.C. think tank while it employed Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members…
Remember, Joe McCarthy, JFK, RFK, Nixon & Billy Graham had it right - the Communists WERE coming!
In 1950, Joseph McCarthy, a Republican Senator from Wisconsin, warned America that the Communists were infiltrating our Government and Hollywood. He warned that Communist atheism sought to destroy freedom of religion in America. He was vilified by the media and censored by the Senate and died 7 years later.
JFK and RFK would agree with McCarthy's assessment and warned of a "vast conspiracy" to take over the US. JFK even warned of the fake news and gave a major speech about it!
JFK, RFK, Malcolm X and MLK's assassinations followed. Time Magazine declared GOD IS DEAD in 1965. Billy Graham warned America of the coming Godless Communism. LBJ's new society created a dependent socialist welfare state. LBJ’s chain migration immigration plan ensured a permanent underclass dependent on the State. JFK was totally against that!
Then they removed Nixon through a coup - just like they're trying to do to President Trump. Big Pharma medicated away resistance with drugs like Xanax & anti-depressants - that ensured ambivalence and compliance. All that's left is taking away our guns.
Today, radical Islam, Satanism and atheist Communism have spawned a global Christian genocide around the world and threatens our Judeo-Christian roots here at home. Over one million Christians have been executed in the past decade and the media says nothing. Atheist groups infiltrate our schools, our churches and our town squares. Satanism is the fastest growing religion in American. The NEW WORLD ORDER is pushing ONE WORLD RELIGION under the guise of Interfaith “inclusion.”
The Communists & their allies in the Muslim Brotherhood have been working to overthrow America since the 1920's using front groups like CAIR and BLM-ANTIFA. Just like Hitler of the National SOCIALIST German Worker's Party (NAZI) worked with the Muslim Brotherhood during the Holocaust. They've infiltrated every facet of American life.
Today, Hollywood is owned by Communist China and conservatives like James Woods are blacklisted. The media is owned by CIA-run hedge funds and the wealthy Muslim Brotherhood in Qatar and Iran who censor our news and silence our voices. The Washington Post calls Prince, the singer who died of a drug overdose at 57, a hero, and calls Reverend Billy Graham, a Christian who died a natural death at 99, a druggie. In retrospect, it looks like Joseph McCarthy, JFK and Billy Graham were correct. No wonder the Communist party got angry in the 1960's when the Democrats stole their platform. It's time to take it back!
BTW - nearly all of the people who contract Monkeypox are gay males who have had 10 plus sexual partners in the last 14 days. It’s spread by sodomy, not skin contact. Don’t let them tell you any different.
These photos are disturbing - but I think you need to see them. A gay male porn star, named SILVER STEEL, decided to share his 30 day journey with monkeypox. Ask yourself how kids and pets are contracting monkeypox if it’s spread by sodomy? Connect the dots!
Here’s how. Yale’s “Pediatric Gender Program Director” says she treats toddlers as young as THREE YEARS OLD on their “gender journey” - including medical intervention.
“Our mission is to provide comprehensive, interdisciplinary, family-centered care for children questioning their assigned gender and/or seeking gender-affirming consultation and treatment.” That means pumping kids full of hormones, puberty blockers, and prepping young boys for castration, young girls for double mastectomies…providing breast implants for boys, penile implants for girls, etc. etc. etc.
Don’t believe me? LISTEN:
Oops! The minute I posted this - Yale took it private so you couldn’t listen to their doctors! Here’s the original post so you can see that it was there!
On the heels of new information from True The Vote on foreign interference and election fraud - and a new movie coming out on election fraud on August 20th called [S]ELECTION - Mike Lindell is having another Summit. Tune in. Even President Trump is pushing Mike’s upcoming Summit!
LINDELL: “The Moment of Truth Summit will be the critical event that will change history!!! Share this with everyone you know and watch on August 20-21 from 9am-9pm CT on or RSBN. Go to to learn more.”
I’m hearing that the FBI is trying to shut down True the Vote the same way the RNC, Fox News & Dominion tried to shut down Mike Lindell!
BANNON: “I love this guy. Without [Mike Lindell] there's no Kari Lake. He put his company up. Do you know why? His political beliefs. His ardent belief that the election was stolen and he is not going to rest until he proves it.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Mike Lindell. He is a patriot. He is a great guy, too.
Make sure to watch The Moment of Truth Summit this Saturday, starting at 9 am CDT, hosted by Mike Lindell!
Watch the movie premier of [S]election Code and hear experts and Patriots from all 50 states showing how the 2020 Election was RIGGED AND STOLEN and how to STOP it from ever happening AGAIN. A MUST SEE event to help SAVE our COUNTRY from the deliberate AND ILLEGAL DESTRUCTION going on NOW!!
Watch on or RSBN. For more info, go to”
God instructed us to be alert and sober-minded. He did not tell us to put our heads in the sand or sit on our hands, head hung, waiting for something to happen.
“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”
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Please read the in-depth reports I've written on many subjects. These are worth your time! They will open your eyes.
For my in-depth report on George Floyd, click here.
For my in-depth report on the truth about the Wuhan virus, click here.
On Roe vs Wade, click here.
On the importance of Flag Day, click here.
On the resurrection of Jesus Christ, click here.
On Castro, Guevara & Communist Cuba, click here.
On Biden, Romney, Kerry & Ukraine/China collusion, click here.
On Hyperinflation, click here.
On the Koch Brothers Libertarians, click here.
On Drag Queen Story Hour, click here.
On the fall of Fox News, click here.
On Communism in America, click here.
On birthright citizenship & anchor babies, click here.
On the Parkland Massacre, click here.
On the truth about Slavery in the Americas, click here.
On the Vegas Massacre, click here.
On Marijuana Legalization, click here.
On the Coup against Nixon, click here.
On evidence of Election Fraud, click here.
On Avenatti, bin Talal & Trump, click here.
On October 12th, 2021, I celebrated 27 years of sobriety. I was fortunate enough to tell my story before a group of friends & family at a speaker meeting. Here's a video of my testimony if you'd like to listen - or share my story with anyone still suffering from addiction. Thank you all for being here! God is Good! Peg