Do you prefer the Ten Commandments or signs of PRIDE?
EPOCH TIMES: Louisiana has become the first state to enact a law mandating that the Ten Commandments be prominently displayed at all public schools and colleges.
Under legislation that became law on June 18, Louisiana schools that receive state funds will have to display the Ten Commandments “in each building it uses and classroom in each school under its jurisdiction.”
The bill specifies that the text must be printed in a “large and easily readable font” and also requires a 200-word “context statement” explaining that the Ten Commandments were “a prominent part of American public education for almost three centuries.”
The Ten Commandments have been included in some of the most popular textbooks in U.S. history. Webster’s “The American Spelling Book” contained the Ten Commandments and sold more than 100 million copies for use by public school children all across the nation. It was still available for use in U.S. public schools as recently as 1975.
While more than a dozen states have enacted laws mandating or explicitly allowing schools to display the phrase, the Louisiana law goes one step further to require signage in each individual classroom.
Texas said they would have been the first state to do this but the RINOs got in the way:
DAN PATRICK: “Texas WOULD have been and SHOULD have been the first state in the nation to put the 10 Commandments back in our schools. Last session the Texas Senate passed Senate Bill 1515, by Sen. Phil King on April 20th and sent it over to the House, to do what Louisiana just did. Every Texas Republican House member would have voted for it. But, SPEAKER Dade Phelan killed the bill by letting it languish in committee for a month assuring it would never have time for a vote on the floor. This was inexcusable and unacceptable. Putting the Ten Commandments back into our schools was obviously not a priority for Dade Phelan.”
In 1980, a divided U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that a Kentucky law requiring public schools to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom signaled the government endorsement of “a sacred text in the Jewish and Christian faiths,” in violation of the establishment clause of the First Amendment.
In 1980, Supreme Court ordered the Ten Commandments be removed from public schools. The 5-4 opinion was issued without ANY briefing or oral arguments. The rogue Justices invented a rule of their choosing out of thin air and used the now overruled case of Lemon v. Kurtzman as the basis of their ruling.
“If the posted copies of the Ten Commandments are to have any effect at all, it will be to induce the schoolchildren to read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate and obey, the Commandments,” the high court’s 5–4 majority wrote at the time.
“However desirable this might be as a matter of private devotion, it is not a permissible state objective under the Establishment Clause.”
In its ruling, the Supreme Court said in 1980 that the Ten Commandments "had no secular legislative purpose" and were "plainly religious in nature" - because they made references to worshipping God.
When Louisiana reinstated the Ten Commandments in schools - I knew that this was going to be a defining moment in our country - a move back to morality.
The Supreme Court removed the Ten Commandments in 1980 and Louisiana is the first state to restore them. MORE WILL FOLLOW. The Ten Commandments will REPLACE the signs of PRIDE.
Louisiana has rightly argued today that the Ten Commandments are the basis of all laws in Louisiana and our moral code.
LOUISIANA: “The Ten Commandments are the basis of all laws in Louisiana. And given all the junk our children are exposed to in classrooms today, it’s imperative that we put the Ten Commandments back in a prominent position. It doesn’t preach a certain religion, but it definitely shows what a moral code that we all should live by is.”
I agree - but it goes further. The Ten Commandments are the basis of all laws in America!
Atheists, Satanists and agnostics that mock America's Judeo-Christian roots are trying to remove that moral code from our legal system and all US institutions and traditions. Yet, what do we base the American legal system on? The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount.
"The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount contain my religion."
- John Adams, Nov. 4, 1816, letter to Thomas Jefferson.
"The fundamental basis of this nation's laws was given to Moses on the Mount. The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings we get from Exodus and St. Matthew, from Isaiah and St. Paul. I don't think we emphasize that enough these days."
- Harry S Truman, Feb. 15, 1950, Attorney General's Conference.
"The Ten Commandments have had an immeasurable effect on Anglo-American legal development."
- U.S. District Court, Crockett v. Sorenson , W.D. Va. (1983)
"It is equally undeniable that the Ten Commandments have had a significant impact on the development of secular legal codes of the Western World."
- U.S. Supreme Court, Stone v. Graham, (1980)
That’s a pretty simple concept. Even for kids to understand. Even the very first commandment —“no other gods” - provides prophetic resistance to anything that would make itself into a god, such as a totalitarian state under Communism or Fascism. In Communist China and Communist Cuba, the people must WORSHIP the Communist Party, not GOD. NOT in America.
The first amendment to the US Constitution - known as the Establishment Clause - says that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
Louisiana argued that posting the Ten Commandments does NOT violate the Establishment Clause:
LOUISIANA: “We are aware of no historically sound understanding of the Establishment Clause that begins to make it necessary for government to be hostile to religion in this way.”
Christians see the Ten Commandments as key rules from God on how to live.
The new law describes them as "foundational" to state and national governance. But opponents like the ACLU say the law breaks America's separation of church and state.
A joint statement from the American Civil Liberties Union, the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and the Freedom from Religion Foundation promises to use.
LOUISIANA: “If you want to respect the rule of law, you've got to start from the original law-giver, which was Moses. History records that James Madison, the fourth President of the United States of America, stated that "we have staked the whole future of our new nation upon the capacity of each of ourselves to govern ourselves according to the moral principles of the Ten Commandments.”
MEANWHILE - in blue Minnesota - they are TAKING DOWN the TEN COMMANDMENTS and putting up PRIDE SIGNS.
A Minnesota Sheriff PAINTED OVER a Ten Commandments mural at a new county jail after pressure from atheist groups. Itasca County Sheriff Joe Dasovich said he didn’t want to paint over the religious displays but did so on the advice of legal counsel.
Neighboring St. Louis County also removed a decades-old Ten Commandments plaque from the Hibbing Courthouse in 2018 after a complaint from the same group - the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) - a bunch of Wisconsin-based atheists.
FFRF’s attorney wrote a letter to county officials on May 1 demanding that the Ten Commandments be removed or covered up.
“The message to county officials is simple: Repaint and repent. Paint over the Ten Commandments display, then apologize to constituents for wasting money on two paint jobs.”
Itasca County bowed to FFRF’s improper pressure to paint over the county’s Ten Commandments mural in its new jail. Government hostility toward religion and the Ten Commandments itself violates the establishment clause.
FFRF has been slowly changing America while we have not been paying attention. In 1996, in a landmark ruling, FFRF won a federal court decision that overturned a half-century-old law that declared Good Friday a state holiday in Wisconsin.
In November, it won a settlement in a lawsuit against the state of New Jersey for requiring elected officials “to swear to God” when taking their oath for office. Under the settlement, the state agreed to adopt a secular option for oath-taking.
It also won a settlement with the city of Santa Clara, California, over its gripe with the display of a 14-foot granite cross at a public park. The group dropped its lawsuit when the city agreed to move it to a nearby memorial park.
The group recently dropped a lawsuit that it had filed against President Trump and his administration for refusing to adopt a policy stating that anyone receiving social services and supplies, such as food and shelter, provided through religious organizations using tax dollars does not have to comply with the group’s beliefs.
I’m guessing the atheist groups are probably behind this as well. The City of Minneapolis is installing PRIDE SIGNS on street corners with our tax dollars!
The month of June, for centuries, has been called the month to honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Now it’s been turned into a month to celebrate Sodomy. They stole the entire month of June for PRIDE - along with God's rainbow - to mock Jesus. Every time you celebrate PRIDE month - you mock Jesus Christ. Please stop it.
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
Some people are still under the delusion that PRIDE MONTH is just a bunch of family friendly festivals. NOPE. It’s Sodom & Gomorrah.
I’ve been down to the area where Minneapolis is installing the PRIDE signs. They don’t have enough money to fund the police department - yet they have money for this?
I used to ride my bike around the Minneapolis lakes and one year I stopped to see what was going on in Loring Park with the PRIDE movement. They were handing out condoms, lube, dildos and other sex toys AND simulating sodomy in front of children. The entire purpose of the PRIDE movement is to glorify sodomy and mock God. Not kidding.
Some people asked me how long the signs will stay up. Well, in nearby Richfield, Minnesota, they painted a roundabout with the PRIDE flag three years ago and it never went away.
In ancient pagan cultures they worshipped a variety of demons which demanded an army of feminized men around their "gender fluid" selves at all times. This has been done many times in history before. Most of those civilizations were destroyed and I'm pretty certain GOD had a lot to do with that.
IN ancient pagan culture, Ishtar/Inanna was known as the “Queen of Heaven” and was the goddess of sex, war and justice. You can find her in the Hebrew bible. She could bring vengeance against individuals, go to war, change the climate, destroy fields, and make the earth's creatures infertile. She also was believed to have the ability to change a person’s gender. Now you know where that came from! Her cult was devoted to climate change, transgenderism, prostitution, abortion, infanticide and sodomy. CONNECT THE DOTS.
The PRIDE rainbow flag was first introduced in America in 1978 by the gay community as an eight horizontal stripe rainbow colored flag. It was created at the request of San Francisco City Supervisor Harvey Bernard Milk for the 1978 San Francisco Gay Freedom Day parade. Milk was a secular gay Jew. San Francisco is Pelosi's district!
Previously, the gay community had commonly used a downward pointing pink triangle (called the sodomy arrow) as their symbol.
Now - it looks like this - they combined the “sodomy arrow” with the rainbow flag!
Early Christians were not amused by pagan PRIDE:
ST. AUGUSTINE: “They wear effeminately nursed hair and dress in soft clothes. They can barely hold their heads up on their limp necks. Then, having made themselves alien to masculinity, swept up by playing flutes, they call their Goddess to fill them with an unholy spirit so as to seemingly predict the future to idle men. What sort of monstrous and unnatural thing is this? With dripping hair and painted faces, with flowing limbs and feminine walk, they passed through the streets and alleys of Carthage, exacting from merchants that by which they might shamefully live.”
Many scholars say that modern-day feminists AND the PRIDE/TRANSGENDER movement have modeled themselves after “pagan demons” like Ishtar/Inanna. I agree. That would explain a lot!