This is a huge precedent. The Delaware Supreme Court just ruled that mass vote-by-mail is unconstitutional!
THIS IS HUGE. The Delaware Supreme Court just ruled that mass vote-by-mail is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and will NOT be allowed in the 2022 mid-term election. This is a huge step toward ending cheat-by-mail!
That means that election officials can't just mail out ballots to everybody under the sun - willy nilly - like many states did in 2020 - but that voters must either vote in person or have a valid excuse to vote absentee.
This is a monumental decision that allows those cases being fought in other states to point toward regarding precedent.
“The Vote-by-Mail Statute impermissibly expands the categories of absentee voters identified in Article V, Section 4 of the Delaware Constitution.”
The Delaware Supreme Court also ruled that last minute, same-day voter registration was ALSO illegal and unconstitutional. Voters must register in advance so they can be verified as legal voters before they cast a ballot!
The ruling is a major defeat for the Democrats. Imagine if they followed the election laws in 2020! 80 MILLION ballots were sent out in 2020 to households that NEVER REQUESTED them! Where did they end up? Who filled them out? Who mailed them back? NOBODY KNOWS. Over half the votes cast in 2020 were by mail! A recipe for massive, widespread and untraceable fraud.
I can't wait for this to go before the US Supreme Court - so we can put an end to cheat-by-mail once and for all!
Last night, at his rally in Nevada, President Trump said we ALL must vote and he prefers that we vote IN PERSON on election day. “It makes it much harder for them to cheat that way.”
Is this Biden's "October surprise"? I wouldn't put it past him.
I predicted months ago that if they couldn't figure out a way to stop or steal the mid-terms they would resort to some kind of nuclear false flag. These demons are capable of anything.
Also, remember that Communist China exploited the threat of the Cuban Missile Crisis to invade India while President Kennedy and the US military were distracted. They will use the same strategy to invade Taiwan!
History is repeating itself. That's why we study history!
How did Biden's White House respond to Biden's claims of Armageddon? They are back tracking. "The US has "no indications" that Russia is preparing to use nuclear weapons."
DICK MORRIS: "Biden is suddenly warning of "Nuclear Armageddon" right before mid-term elections to alarm the American people so much that they forget about inflation and the bad economy and vote Democrat."
Morris should know. He worked for Bill Clinton. He was once called the "man who had Clinton's ear."
This is what President Macron of France had to say about Biden's recent off-the-cuff warnings of "Nuclear Armageddon."
MACRON: "We must speak with prudence when commenting on such matters. I have always refused to engage in political fiction, and especially … when speaking of nuclear weapons. On this issue, we must be very careful."
In other words, stop fear mongering for politics.
Biden actually gave his "Nuclear Armageddon" speech at the home of James Murdoch, the son of Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox News. THINK ABOUT THAT.
James Murdoch is a liberal and the heir apparent of Fox News. When Rupert, 91, dies or become incapacitated - it’s his. Michael Savage confirmed that James Murdoch plans to turn Fox News into a progressive "establishment" network - to rival the BBC on a global scale - and that he will eventually fire all the conservative hosts. I've been predicting that for years. Watch, CNN and CBS will veer to the right and Fox News will take a hard left. The question is - what role will Trump Media play?
Zelensky (at the direction of Biden) is even going so far to suggest that we and NATO pre-emptively bomb Russia FIRST!
The Pelosi/Cheney January 6th Committee appears to be proving the opposite of what they hoped - they are proving that President Trump did nothing wrong, did NOT incite any "insurrection" and was set up by the FBI, the Oath Keepers, and the Democrat and RINO Koch Libertarian coup plotters in the DOJ and Congress.
The January 6th Committee - in trying to “get Trump” - is actually exonerating him. Which is what always happens when folks or agencies set out to “get Trump.”
The January 6th trials were supposed to prove that President Trump was somehow involved in what militant "groups" like the Oath Keepers and Boogaloo Boys and Proud Boys were planning to do to cause chaos at the January 6th rally.
The trials were supposed to prove that Trump's "Secret Service" protection was coordinating the chaos and "insurrection" with the groups on the ground on January 6th.
Turns out that was a total lie - the militant groups were filled with FBI agents, saboteurs and informants! January 6th was a false flag run by the same people who were trying to frame Trump and glorify Biden. Look at the mess we are in due to their schemes!
Stewart Rhodes, the founder of the the Oath Keepers, was a plant, an informant and operative for the FBI. Rhodes wasn't talking on the ground on the phone to a Secret Service agent close to Trump. He was talking to his FBI handler!
The Oath Keepers actually instructed members that if President Trump did not declare the Insurrection Act and call up the military to overturn the election before January 6th - that ’we would have to do something about it.' There are letters and taped phone conversations that prove this! Several members of the Oath Keepers contacted the FBI after they heard this and were never called back!
So far, after listening to the trial of the Oath Keepers - it is confirming my suspicions. The coup plotters were trying to get Trump to "send in the military" after the election - so they could arrest him for treason. He refused to do that. He was seeking LEGAL means to prove the election was filled with fraud. He had NO intention of using the military - EVER.
That entire narrative – pushed by a number of right-wing propagandists – was designed to HURT Trump – not help him. In fact, Trump asked for the National Guard to PROTECT the Capitol on January 6th - yet Pelosi and Bowser and the Capitol Police refused to do that.
The FBI infiltrated groups like the Oath Keepers and told their members if Trump did NOT send in the military to seize the country and overturn the election - they were to attack the US Capitol on January 6th. The fake "insurrection" was an inside job - run by the FBI and their handlers (likely Pelosi, McConnell and pals.) In other words, it WAS a total set up from the beginning to hurt Trump. And the media played right along. CNN was even embedded with the mercenaries!
So – who is Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers? Stewart Rhodes once had *unescorted badge access* to the U.S. Capitol building while working as a legislative assistant for Libertarian Ron Paul! After college, his first political job was supervising interns in Washington, D.C., for Libertarian Ron Paul. He later volunteered on Paul’s failed 2008 presidential campaign. In 2009, Rhodes started the Oath Keepers. A TOTAL PLANT funded by the Koch Libertarians! He is NOT MAGA.
Why does Rhodes wear an eye patch? Rhodes was working as a valet in Las Vegas when he met a young Mormon woman. A few months after the couple started dating, Rhodes accidentally dropped a gun and shot out his eye.
Does Rhodes sound like a MAGA guy? NOPE.
As I've said all along, the Koch Libertarian RINOs and the Communists are working together to destroy our country - and they are funded by the atheist Globalist banksters and money launderers like Soros.
Who else is funded by the Kochs? People like Romney, Graham, McConnell, Murdoch, Ryan, Collins, Ducey, Murkowski, Kemp. Got it?
Koch, Soros & Murdoch are ALL in bed together - they just hired a Bernie Sanders lackey - and they are all funding the nightmare known as Biden - the media wants you to think they are enemies. NOPE. Tight as ticks!

Soros is an self-described atheist who launders money for the GREAT RESET, Sanders is a Communist and Koch is a Libertarian. They are ALL atheists - in bed together - AT THE SAME THINK TANK while pretending to be enemies. STOP BUYING THE CON.
Every time you vote 3rd party LIBERTARIAN you are helping the Communists and atheists win! VOTE STRAIGHT TICKET MAGA REPUBLICAN if you want true conservatives to govern.
While visiting Florida after Hurricane Ian, Biden actually said on a hot mic: "No one f*cks with a Biden."
Rudy Giuliani once said that Biden was a true "mob boss." Rudy should know - he took down the New York mafia when he was a US Attorney for the SDNY. Rudy literally invented RICO. Was Biden threatening Tony Bobulinski?
Later, reporter Peter Doocy said: "The President says no one Fs with a Biden, but it appears OPEC+ has done just that."
GIULIANI: "Is the Biden family a crime syndicate? You're damn right it is! Look, I started the RICO prosecutions. I'm not talking from lack of knowledge. I prosecuted, who knows, 200 mafia members in the United States, about 800 in Italy. I prosecuted the top people on Wall Street, United States Congressmen, turned around New York City. I prosecuted the commissioners in New York City before I was the mayor of New York City, so I'm not talking off the top of my hat.
This is a 30 year long criminal enterprise in which Biden uses his relatives to shake people down for money. They hold the money and then they pay for Joe's expenses and they give him extra money."
This is why I don't fully buy Biden's "dementia" act.
Vincent "The Chin" Gigante, one of the biggest New York mob bosses and head of the Genovese crime family, wandered around New York City in a bathrobe and slippers, muttering, pretending to be crazy - to stay out of prison. He was always staring off and looking confused. People felt sorry for him. It worked for 30 years.
The New York Times called him a "disturbed but harmless" person. Right! At 75, Gigante finally admitted it was all fake!
I’m not disputing the fact that Biden has had a series of small strokes. So did my mom. TIAs. But that isn’t necessarily dementia. What a perfect way to gain sympathy if you have been engaged in treasonous acts against America!
Read both these statements from President Trump and then review the links I've provided from CNN and the New York Times. It's all true.
“Before FDR, every president just took their records home; some kept them around the house, others used [them] for the fireplace. Let’s face it, keeping papers that are supposed to be in presidential archives is akin to not returning an overdue library book.”
Now, ask yourself why the fake news has never told you any of this - about how thousands of Presidential documents were misplaced or lost by NARA and the Clinton, Bush & Obama administrations!
Remember - it's not just what they report and lie about - it's what they hide from you!
Kanye West and Candace Owens said that Black Lives Matter was a scam and then Kanye West (Ye) gave a two hour interview to Tucker Carlson to set up his 2024 Presidential run. Whether you like him or not, he then said and did many interesting things you should know.
After learning that the leaders behind BLM are stealing donations and aren't doing what they promised - Sharon Osbourne says she wants her money back from the scam.
OSBOURNE: “Well, we gave $900,000 to BLM, and I’d like my money back, please."
How many times have the American people been CONNED and PLAYED by Communist & atheist organizations like BLM? Lots and lots! Black lives DO matter. BLM does not!
Kanye West has been censored on Instagram by Mark Zuckerberg - who owns both Facebook and Instagram. Here's what Kanye West just posted about Zuckerberg.
The gloves are off, folks. It looks like the Big Tech overlords will NOT win the censorship game in America. We the People have had enough of being told what we can and cannot say in the LAND OF THE FREE.
Kanye has 18 MILLION followers on Instagram and 31 MILLION on Twitter. They will all know what he thinks about Zuckerberg!
How did Elon Musk respond? He welcomed Kanye back to Twitter! Musk & Dorsey both hate Zuckerberg. This is personal.
Occupy Democrats is not happy and they’re calling both Kanye and Candace “white supremacist racists.” The one-size-fits-all slur that the left uses on all conservatives.
This is why Kanye West said he is against abortion:
KANYE: "I'm pro-life. Abortion is genocide. I care about the fact that there are more black babies being aborted - than born - in New York City at this point. That 50% of black death in America is abortion. So I really don’t care about people’s response. I perform for an audience of one and that’s God.
They want to k*** us in any way they can. Planned Parenthood was made by Margaret Sanger, a known eugenicist, with the KKK.
They're [also] killing us with the food. [They are glorifying obesity.] It's actually clinically unhealthy [to be obese] and for people to promote that, it's demonic."
KANYE: "We are in a battle with the media. The majority of the media has a godless agenda.
These Fortune 500 companies just sell out for the cash. Our country is under attack. Media and industries outside of our country are doing anything to keep it as it was. With liberals, their main tool they use is artists and influencers.
We're living for the battle. And what's the battle for? Life itself. Our children. They're killing us through the content. They're killing us through the programming."
MSNBC didn't like this truth so now they are labeling Kanye as a "racist hatemonger." See how this works?
Kanye loved President Trump but was told that his career would be over or he would be killed if he supported him.
Kanye did not have kind things to say about his old friend Obama:
In case the media tells you that Obama & Kanye were never close.
KANYE: "I was Obama's favorite artist. He played 'Touch the Sky' at his inauguration. See, Obama came to me before he ran for office. And he met with me and my mother to let me know he was going to run for office. Cause, he told me that I was his favorite artist of all time.
So Obama is like, "Ye, you're my favorite artist. I want your support. I’m running for office."
I’m like, "All this is dope. Ya know, we gonna get a black president from Chicago."
Obama was in office for eight years and nothing in Chicago changed."
There was a leak to the Washington Post that the DOJ is considering indicting Hunter Biden for minor crimes.
Most think this is head fake for them to use to justify indicting and arresting President Trump. “Look what we did to the Biden family - it’s only fair we indict Trump too!” President Trump said the same thing last night at his rally.
BlackRock and several other major financial institutions are pushing the WOKE ESG "climate change" movement - which benefits Communist China - not America. Several red states are pulling their funds from BlackRock. Louisiana just followed suit.
Louisiana Treasurer John Schroder penned a letter to BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, explaining the state would liquidate all BlackRock investments within three months and, over a period of time, divest nearly $800 million from the bank's money market funds, mutual funds or exchange-traded funds. The state treasurer blasted Fink's pursuit of so-called environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards that promote wind and solar over other forms of energy.
“Your blatantly anti-fossil fuel policies would destroy Louisiana’s economy. Simply put, we cannot be party to the crippling of our own economy. BlackRock is funneling billions in U.S. capital to China. Chinese firms are not held to the same transparency standards as their western counterparts."
In late July, West Virginia became the first state to punish banks that pursue ESG standards. Several other states including Louisiana, Texas, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Florida, South Carolina, Arizona, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Arkansas and North Dakota are taking similar actions.
BlackRock, the largest money manager in the world with more than $10 trillion in assets under management, announced in January 2021 that it had signed on to supporting a goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner.
BLACKROCK: "We recognize that our stakeholders have differing views on China — BlackRock takes those concerns seriously." Uh, no they don't.
Other states need to follow suit and send BlackRock a message. What's going on in your state? Find out please. BlackRock is the enemy of We the People.
So not only is it a long, difficult and expensive process to charge electric vehicles during a natural disaster - they also EXPLODE and CATCH FIRE when they get wet during floods or hurricanes.
I guess they forgot to tell you that part. Oopsy.
Two journalists plugged in a Ford Electric Truck at a campground, and found it will take from 14 hours to 5 days to charge. That’s not going to work during a natural disaster either! Sorry - I need to evacuate now but I can’t leave for 5 days because my car needs charging!
MILES GUO: "There are probably ten or twenty financial institutions in the West helping the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with operating foreign exchange - including arm trades, overseas selling of arms.
At the same time, they cooperate with Bank of China, China Development Bank, China Postal Savings Bank, China Construction Bank, China Agricultural Bank which are the biggest state-owned banks Under CCP control. The above Chinese banks make transactions with overseas counterpart banks quietly. One of them is Credit Suisse."
Draw your own conclusions. It’s ALL coming down.
YTD - the S&P 500 is down 24% and the Nasdaq is down 32%. Building back better?
BANNON: “Democrats bet the ranch on abortion as THE issue—and bet wrong—It’s the Economy Stupid!”
First the left told us that fetuses in the womb aren't really human and are just a clump of cells. Now they say that fetuses in the womb are wise enough to know they are transgender - before they are born!
Which is it? Both can't be true. Scientists, especially medical scientists, cannot have it both ways. This is only more evidence that scientists who campaign for abortion are driven by ideology - and not reason.
Team Biden is now raiding and locking up pro-life Christians.
MIA CATHELL: "11 pro-life activists have been indicted by Biden's DOJ for protesting outside an abortion clinic in Tennessee.
Meet the Christian memaws and papaws charged as "co-conspirators" now facing up to 11 years in federal prison for a peacefully demonstrating against abortion.
One of the pro-life leaders targeted by Biden's DOJ sent me footage of the early morning FBI raid on his family home. Paul Vaughn was placed in handcuffs by armed FBI agents in front of his children just before school drop-off. Watch as his wife pleads for answers mid-arrest."

Guess how much money that the drug cartels are making from smuggling folks across Biden's "open border?"
$13 BILLION so far in 2022. Ask yourself which of our so-called leaders are getting kickbacks from the cartels. You know they are!
The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals just affirmed that Obama's DACA program is unlawful and unconstitutional and was an overreach of Obama's Presidential authority. DUH.
Congress did NOT give Obama, Biden and the executive branch the power to grant mass reprieves to “DREAMers" - contrary to what they say. DACA is just another cash cow for the Globalist elites!
Biden said the latest UNANIMOUS court ruling against him is the fault of MAGA Republicans. As usual, MAGA forces are the cause of all of Biden's failures.
Here's a tip. MAGA voters were not sitting on the 5th Circuit Court bench, Joe. Judges made that decision. I imagine they made that decision based on the laws written, voted on and passed by both parties in both houses of Congress. Civics 101.
How many of you have heard of THE AMERICAN'S CREED? I didn't until today. I think it's worth honoring.
In 1916, on the eve of the U.S. entry into World War I, there was a national writing competition to promote Patriotism among American citizens. William Tyler Page's entry won - out of more than 3,000 submissions.
Page, who received $1,000 (the equivalent of $27,000 today) for his submission, recited "The American’s Creed” on the steps of the US Capitol and the House placed a bronze tablet of the “American’s Creed” in the US Capitol.
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies."
THE AMERICAN'S CREED contains elements from the Preamble to the Constitution, the Gettysburg Address, Declaration of Independence, The Federalist, United States Oath of Allegiance, John Hancock, George Washington’s farewell address, and the War Department Oath of Allegiance.
How do I find hope in these difficult and uncertain times? BE WILLING TO FOLLOW wherever He leads...
"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
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