What was revealed at Mike Lindell's Truth Summit? Evidence of election fraud in all 50 states & forensic proof that machines are manipulated! More will be revealed today.
Dan Scavino posted this during Mike Lindell’s Truth Summit. Says it all.
I watched quite a bit of it. Bannon & Gateway Pundit were there live. A representative from all 50 states summarized the voter fraud issues in their respective states. That in itself is an amazing feat. You can find your state at frankspeech.com.
For example, here’s Minnesota: https://frankspeech.com/video/minnesota-election-fraud-moment-truth-summit
Then, they aired Lara Logan’s new movie on the steal called [S]ELECTION CODE - based on the real life experience of Tina Peters in Colorado. It was excellent and shocking and showed just how over the top the FBI has gone to stop anyone who questions the stolen election. Here’s one review:
“Mike Lindell brought it BIGLY! He’s put it all together and shown us there IS a path to recovery. We can fix this! We will win for America!”
Here’s another:
“I thought it was powerful and engaging. It seemed geared more toward Democrats, while "2000 Mules" seemed geared more toward Republicans who couldn't see the rigging. I don't know any Democrats who care what Dennis Prager or Larry Elder think, but I know many Republicans who do. Both movies are necessary.
I didn’t know that Mesa County clerk Tina Peters is a Gold Star mom of a deceased Seal Team 6 member.
TINA PETERS: "If a 66-year-old grandma and her chief deputy and her election manager can be fearless — grandmas and great-grandmas — you guys, you judges, you clerks out there can also be courageous."
I try to watch things through my many Democrat family/friends' eyes. Through their eyes, I see them being more apt to identify with the information presented in “[S]election Code" partly because it featured so many Democrat officials questioning the machines. It also showed that questioning elections and machines did not start with the 2020 election - it started long ago. I think this movie will plant fertile seeds. I look forward to sharing it.”
If you missed Selection Code - remember that you can go register at https://selectioncode.com and receive a FREE digital copy of this amazing movie on Monday, August 22nd.
A valid email address is the only information required to register. Then please share it with your friends & family! Hold watch parties - or use it to kick off your events. It’s that important!
"These people are being selected, not elected."
"They left the evidence in the machines..."
“They knew who won before the results are even tabulated!”
In the movie, you can watch how easy it is to secretly rig elections. A programmer wrote code that changes the votes on the fly way back in 2000. He testified in 2004 about how it works - under oath.
The movie tells the story of how Tina Peters, an election official in Mesa County, Colorado, has been persecuted and slandered for simply doing her job. She’s been indicted and arrested - raided - her house ransacked - she’s been vilified and called horrible names - and they wouldn’t even allow her to travel to Mike’s Truth Summit - but she keeps fighting on.
But, the biggest reveal from the Truth Summit is about what Lindell will present to the world on Sunday, August 21st. He wants us all to watch INSIDE THE MACHINES at 11am CT on the 21st on FrankSpeech.com or RSBN LIVE - where he intends to prove how election files were changed on a Dominion machine in Colorado…and more. He has before and after forensic files.
You can download them yourself here:
Lindell presented before and after images (showing what changed) of the Mesa County computer that is the subject of Tina Peters lawsuit.
And. It. Has. Hash. Codes.
TRUMP DRAFT EO: “Dominion voting systems is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.”
The downloads provided for the "Before" and "After" image files of the Dominion Machine from Mesa Colorado (related to the Tina Peters case) have hash values! This is indisputable evidence that they are valid.
LINDELL: "This will be the beginning of the end of the machines forever. Tina Peters can't unsee what she's seen, and she can't unknow what she's known. And I'm telling you tomorrow, what you're gonna see tomorrow is gonna shock the world. Only 5 people in the world have seen what I’m going to show you."
Inside the Machines begins Sunday, August 21st, starting at 11am CT on FrankSpeech.com and RSBN LIVE. Tune in!
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