What's next from the hoaxers? Vaccine Gate!
So, Birx wrote a book to try to smear President Trump, Fauci resigned to escape punishment from a potentially new Congress in 2023 and then the Democrats, RINOs and their toadies in the fake news have started their latest hoax - before mid-terms - to blame President Trump for the first vaccine and stop him from announcing his run for President in 2024. Along with everything else! I predicted Vaccine Gate a year ago!
KASH: “After defeating Russia Gate, Ukraine, Impeachment, Bounty Gate, Jan 6, and the Mar-A-Lago raid: Vaccine Gate - let the lies begin.”
POLITICO: The Trump administration pressured the Food and Drug Administration, including former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, to authorize unproven treatments for Covid-19 and the first Covid-19 vaccines on an accelerated timeline, according to a report released Wednesday by Democrats on the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.
Senior Trump administration officials fought for the reauthorization of hydroxychloroquine, a drug normally used to treat malaria and lupus, after the FDA revoked its emergency clearance of the drug because data showed it was ineffective against Covid-19 and could lead to potentially dangerous side effects, the report found.
The Democrats’ investigation also documents potential influence from former White House officials regarding the FDA’s decision to authorize convalescent plasma, and White House attempts to block the FDA from collecting additional safety data on Covid-19 vaccines in order to get them to the public before the 2020 presidential election.
The Select Subcommittee’s findings that Trump White House officials deliberately and repeatedly sought to bend FDA’s scientific work on coronavirus treatments and vaccines to the White House’s political will are yet another example of how the prior Administration prioritized politics over public health. These assaults on our nation’s public health institutions undermined the nation’s coronavirus response.”
Read about how hard the Trump administration fought the “health experts” to get the American people early treatments for COVID - like Hydroxycloroquine and convalescent plasma!
Then, in lockstep, Tucker Carlson did a show last night where he was pretending to mock the fake news and the left for going after Trump for the vaccine but he succeeded in blaming Trump for everything. It was a carefully crafted assassination. That's who Tucker is.
I still remember two years ago when Tucker got on the air and said Trump needs to take covid more seriously and I'm going to go see him and talk to him about it because he's just not doing enough. Now Tucker pretends that he always thought it was a nothing burger to begin with and that Trump overreacted. Then I remember a year ago when Tucker said that Trump planned January 6th and incited the mob and should have been removed from office.
I actually think that Tucker is evil. That's how slimy I think he is.
Don’t believe me? Watch.
TUCKER CARLSON 1999: "Donald Trump is the sort of person I want to keep kicking once he's down. He is the single most repulsive person on the planet. That said, I still plan to write about him some time. I don't think I'll be able to help it. Horrible as he is, Trump is interesting, or at least more so than most candidates. Trump and his Reform Party are just a bunch of wackos with a Web site and federal matching funds."
TUCKER CARLSON 2018: “I don’t think Trump is capable. I don’t think he’s capable of sustained focus. I don’t think he understands the system. His chief promises were that he would build the wall, defund Planned Parenthood and repeal Obamacare, and he hasn’t done any of those things. It’s mostly his fault that he hasn’t achieved those things. I’m not in charge of Trump.”
TUCKER CARLSON 2021: “Trump recklessly encouraged what happened on January 6th. That is in fact what happened. Trump told a group of his supporters to head to the US Capitol building. While they were there, they pushed over police barricades, crawled through broken windows and made a mess inside.”
Does that sound like a Trump supporter?
I’m sure I’ll get angry emails from Tucker fans - who seem to support him - even over Trump! Here’s what one person said - she gets it:
“Peg, I saw the Tucker Carlson show last evening and agree that it was a sneaky good way of blaming Trump while pretending that he was defending him. A wolf in sheep’s clothing.”
That's why it's so evil. Saying "Trump's vax" over and over again on air and on the screen to cement it in people’s minds. That way he can say "I was just being sarcastic" while still blaming Trump! That’s the worst kind of propaganda....
President Trump didn’t mandate the vaccine, he didn’t push endless boosters and he said children and healthy people should NOT be vaccinated. Why didn’t Tucker mention that? Remember when President Trump almost died from the first strain of COVID in October 2020 before it mutated into weaker version? I do. Yet, America has conveniently forgot that.
Meanwhile, the CDC says you MUST get a 5th COVID booster shot for the fall - but wait - you won’t be eligible to get that if you aren’t fully vaccinated and agree to TAKE ALL FOUR PREVIOUS SHOTS!
That’s like saying you’re not eligible for the flu shot this year unless you take all 200 previous versions! They want you to take vaccines that are two years old and no longer work - to treat strains of COVID that are no longer circulating - and have mutated over and over again! It’s ALL about PROFIT and CONTROL.
CDC: “If you’re unvaccinated, you won’t be eligible for the updated formula until you complete a primary series with all the existing Covid vaccines.”
Thanks to Fauci, Birx and the “health experts” - RFK Jr. says they destroyed an entire generation of children with their lockdowns, school closures and mandates:
• A third of elementary school children are going to need remedial education.
• The mental illness rates, suicides, alcoholism, marijuana use and drug addiction are off the charts.
• Children of abusive households were locked at home with their abusers.
• They closed the beaches, gave $1,000 tickets if people were caught surfing or swimming, and covered outdoor skateparks in sand. Thus, people spent less time outdoors and more time inside, where COVID actually spread.
• Instead of treating people in the hospital who were diagnosed with COVID, they sent them back home, where they returned to their families ill and sick to spread more disease.
• Parks departments padlocked inner-city basketball courts and took down the rims, one of the few amenities some people had for recreation.
RFK Jr: "It just was insane. This is Tony Fauci; this is his legacy."
Marjorie Taylor Greene said this:
• There were countless injuries and deaths that could have been prevented.
• People died alone, away from their families.
• Horrible hospital costs.
• Children's education was delayed by years.
• Small businesses shut their doors that will never reopen again.
• People lost their First Amendment rights: churches closed; freedom of speech was shut down.
Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Republicans in Congress, when we take back the House seat, we need to be investigating, and we should be locking up Dr. Anthony Fauci."
In DC, they won’t even allow unvaccinated children to learn virtually!
Here’s what Biden said about Fauci:
“During my time as Vice President, I worked closely with Dr. Anthony Fauci on the United States’ response to Zika and Ebola. I came to know him as a dedicated public servant, and a steady hand with wisdom and insight honed over decades at the forefront of some of our most dangerous and challenging public health crises.
When it came time to build a team to lead our COVID-19 response – in fact, in one of my first calls as President-elect – I immediately asked Dr. Fauci to extend his service as my Chief Medical Advisor to deal with the COVID-19 crisis our nation faced. In that role, I’ve been able to call him at any hour of the day for his advice as we’ve tackled this once-in-a-generation pandemic. His commitment to the work is unwavering, and he does it with an unparalleled spirit, energy, and scientific integrity.”
Why is the left suddenly going after President Trump for the vaccines? To protect this guy - Bill Gates. Gates is all about population control and eugenics - and he is using abortion, viruses, lockdowns, endless boosters, climate change hoaxes and destroying energy sources and the food supply - all with the intent to eliminate half of the world’s population.
TRUMP: “They want to remove half the livestock on the planet. You’re next.”
Bill Gates and his Foundation continue to be at the center of everything. The Clinton Foundation is a close second.
• Gates has close ties to Fauci and the NIH.
• He has close ties to Deborah Birx and the FDA.
• He has close ties to Robert Redfield and the CDC.
• He has close ties to the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab.
• He has close ties to the World Health Organization and Communist China.
• He has admitted to making huge, obscene amounts of profit off Big Pharma and Big Health.
• Not only was he involved in the planning of Event 201, which foreshadowed all of this, but he funded it.
• He has close ties to Planned Parenthood and the late term abortion lobby.
• His Microsoft software runs the front end of nearly every database in the world - including our election databases and machines! That’s how the hackers get in to manipulate the results!
• He is buying up farmland in America and abroad to build wind turbine and solar farms, pushing fake meat and insect farming - and funding climate change and the green new deal lobby.
They are even so desperate to get rid of all those toxic wind turbine blades - that can’t be recycled - they now say they will turn them into gummy bears for your kids!
Who knew that “climate change” could be so fun and creative!
Fiberglass gummies! You can feed your kids fiberglass gummy bears along with their insect happy meals!
Not only that, but now “scientists” want to grow headless babies, using human DNA, so that they can “harvest” their organs and sell them to the highest bidder - in the name of “my body my choice.” They call them “artificial” to fool the sheep!
Communist China already does this with real people. So does Iran. They send prisoners and COVID positive people to hospitals with bars on the windows and take out their hearts, kidneys, livers & lungs while they are still alive!
Planned Parenthood also harvests organs from live babies - it’s called late-term abortion!
Here’s a brief clip about the Bill Gates Foundation for Population Control:

But, there’s more. Here’s a picture of:
Jeffrey Epstein, the most prolific child sex trafficker in American history, who installed hidden cameras at his properties to blackmail billionaires, scientists, presidents, princes, judges, doctors, politicians and prime minsters.
Boris Nikolic, the former Chief Scientific Advisor to Bill Gates, who was named as the backup executor on Jeffrey Epstein's $577 million will.
And Bill Gates, the man whose wife left him because of his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein, the man who believes the world is "overpopulated" and the man who is currently selling the world on depopulation through climate change, forced injections, abortion, euthanasia and genetic engineering.
Nobody knows how much money the Gates Foundation launders and donates to the Globalists - because much of it is hidden - but it’s likely BILLIONS every year.
Dr. Robert Malone: "Every corner you turn, there's Bill Gates looking at you in this whole mess!"