The Supreme Court gave Joe Biden a green light to cut down razor wire barriers put in place by the State of Texas to stop the invasion into America through the Texas border. Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Amy Coney Barrett sided with the liberals, 5-4.
The fake news is spinning this a million ways. Here’s what I know to be true…
The Supreme Court ruled that the Feds could not be stopped from cutting down the razor wire anywhere if they wanted to, not that Texas had done something illegal in erecting the razor wire. They also did not rule that Texas couldn’t put up MORE razor wire. The Supreme Court gave NO reason for siding with Biden but the argument made by the Feds was that the razor wire interfered with the Fed’s ability to process illegal immigrants and get them medical attention if wounded by the wire. Right!
The Texas National Guard responded to the Supreme Court's order to remove the razor wire in Eagle Pass, Texas by installing even more. Governor Abbott has said "Texas will not back down" as it defends its border.
ABBOTT: “Texas’ razor wire is an effective deterrent against the illegal border crossings encouraged by Biden’s open border policies. We continue to deploy this razor wire to repel illegal immigration.”
Texas Governor Greg Abbott deployed the Texas National Guard at the Border, added more border wall and added more razor wire despite the Supreme Court ruling and Local Law enforcement is assisting.
Ken Paxton, AG of Texas, said it’s not over:
PAXTON: “If the Supreme Court’s rationale is correct any president can do anything about immigration that he wants and it’s fine. If that’s true than presumably Trump can do whatever he wants to do whether the states like it or not.”
“There’s no way the federal government has the authority to damage our property or to stop us from defending the border. This is not the constitution. This is a bunch of liberal judges ignoring the fact that we have a right as a state to protect ourselves.”
“We are in uncharted territory given the invasion that we have and the federal government aiding and abetting the invasion. We have an obligation to protect our citizens if the Biden administration is going to do just the opposite. More deportations, more razor wire.”
"Our law enforcement can now act as, in essence, Border Patrol. We can arrest, we can detain, we can put in jail people who come here illegally."
“Hopefully it actually wakes the Supreme Court up, wakes Congress up, to actually act or maybe change because up until now the Supreme Court has never had any pushback from Republican governors.”
“Biden is partnering with the cartels, who make money on each person they bring across our border, to bring as many people across as fast as they can.”
Ken Paxton is also fighting TLR - a Karl Rove/Bush backed open-borders Never Trump organization that is bribing the Texas Supreme Court.
Greg Abbott, the Governor of Texas, declared an invasion and said that Texas has a constitutional right to self-defense that supersedes the Feds.
Abbott is of course correct that the US Constitution affords states a remedy for self defense in case of invasion, which is exactly what's going on right now in Texas. He is justified against Biden and SCOTUS. He said that Biden is not protecting America from invasion so he and the states must. Many of the states agree.
ABBOTT: My statement on Texas’ constitutional right to self-defense.
A Senior CBP said "the relationship between Border Patrol, Texas DPS, & TMD remains strong... Bottom line: Border Patrol has no plans to remove infrastructure (c-wire) placed by Texas along the border.”
So far, 26 state Governors have joined with Texas. More coming. What is YOUR state doing? Please find out and speak up.
Just a reminder that the US Capitol defended itself with walls and razor wire…so SCOTUS and Congress is fine with razor wire when it is used to defend them!
Now that Texas is fighting back on the border for control, will Biden stage another "Aylan Kurdi" in America to get the bleeding hearts to open it up wide - like Angela Merkel did? I wouldn't be surprised.
Facebook is blocking users from posting information about what’s really going on at the Texas border - like this flyer of an upcoming convoy. You know what to do!
LEGAL OPINION: The Founders did not give the Supreme Court a police force for a reason. The court issues opinions, which are supposed to persuade the other branches based on the quality of its facts and analysis.
This is why Hamilton in Federalist 78 said that the judiciary is the “least dangerous” branch because it has “neither force nor will.” As Eleventh Circuit Judge William Pryor once explained, respect toward the Supreme Court must be earned.
“Hamilton’s point was that we must depend upon the persuasiveness of our written opinions to command the respect of our fellow citizens. In that way, we have the foremost responsibility of safeguarding our independence.”
CONGRESSIONAL OPINION: “Congress has the Trump card. We can refuse to fund activity we do not agree with. For instance, in March, when funding expires, we can put a rider in the next bill that says none of the money hereby appropriated can be used to countermand border security measures of the states.”
God Bless America!