What's really going on? They want to indict President Trump for ANYTHING to stop him from running for President again!
Yesterday, they released the “search warrant” used to raid President Trump’s home - which basically gave the FBI the authority to take ANY document Trump ever touched in the entire four years of his Presidency! In other words, it wasn’t “limited in scope” or a “narrow search” looking for certain documents - as AG Garland stated on TV. It was a fishing expedition.
The good news is that President Trump and his family WATCHED the FBI raid from their offices in New York on their home surveillance cameras!
Plus, we still haven’t seen the affidavit which supposedly outlines the necessary “reason” for the 6:30am raid. They are keeping that hidden. We also learned that Garland has empaneled a DC grand jury to indict Trump - in the hopes they can use the raid as justification to arrest, try and imprison President Trump so he can’t run for President.
As I’ve said from the beginning, indictment was their goal. Lawrence Tribe, the DNC’s top Harvard lawyer told us that months ago!
People who tell me they won’t indict Trump are the same people who told me they wouldn’t impeach him either! Wrong! They will do ANYTHING - even assassinate him, his loved ones, his friends - or send everybody he knows to prison! They will use any pretext to shut down the nation and stop voting on election day so they can rig it with machines and cheat-by-mail! This is what Communists do! Starve the people into submission!
Even if they are NOT successful - they can drag this out for months! Just like they did impeachment - and many sheep will believe whatever the fake news tells them! Our tax dollars pay for this circus - meanwhile our country is being destroyed!
This is Drudge today. He always leads with the latest “narrative” out of DC. I sat on a Grand Jury once - trust me - they will indict a sandwich if they are told to!
And don’t forget - they still plan to imprison Bannon and there’s ANOTHER criminal trial against Trump’s CFO and the Trump organization scheduled for October - right before mid-terms to try to hurt him and MAGA. What other OCTOBER SURPRISES are coming?
Remember I told you years ago that the coup against Trump is a repeat of the coup against Nixon by MANY OF THE SAME PLAYERS. Kash Patel confirmed that:
“This is the modern day version of Watergate except the only difference is, it wasn’t political operatives breaking in to their opponent’s headquarters. It was the FBI & DOJ busting in to the home of their political opponents.”
SOLOMON: “President Trump had a standing order during his tenure at the White House, that anything he brought home with him was to automatically be considered declassified!”
JOHN RICH: “A BIG thank you to Joe’s FBI for raiding Trump’s home! You guys just poured 81 million gallons of premium Patriot octane on an already blazing Freedom fire! See, you are good for something after all:) Much appreciated! See you in November!”
75% of the country is now fed up with Biden - and that includes a large percentage of Independent as well as Hispanic & Black voters who traditionally have the MOST conservative values in the nation!
Ask yourself who the 24% of Americans are that are still defending Biden? I know who they are. It’s primarily hate-filled clueless liberal white women with college educations!
The raid has motivated MORE people to vote - most believe it is a witch hunt - that means the Communists must either STOP Trump or STOP the election altogether:
Michael Hayden, a former CIA Director & Communist mouthpiece, is calling for Trump to be tried for treason and executed. Hayden is also behind NewsGuard - the fact checker that came after me yesterday - now you know why they are ratcheting up the harassment right now - and even targeting little old me! Drudge Report is even insinuating that Trump will release nukes.
Trust me, I wouldn’t put it past the CIA and the Communist NEW WORLD ORDER from engineering a nuclear blast somewhere in the world to murder a few million people and blame Trump. This is the kind of false flag they are famous for - along with mass shootings - and they have lots of patsies to do it for them!
Remember, the CIA invented the MK-Ultra program to do just that! People think this is a conspiracy theory - no it’s NOT. This program is still ongoing - where do you think they get operatives to run false flags or take the fall as patsies? They create them!
CIA Director Dulles approved the beginning of MK-Ultra decades ago, a top-secret CIA program using “mind control” techniques to counter the Soviet Union’s propaganda.
MK-Ultra’s “mind control” experiments generally centered around behavior modification via electro-shock therapy, hypnosis, polygraphs, radiation, and a variety of drugs, toxins, and chemicals. These experiments relied on a range of test subjects: some who freely volunteered, some who volunteered under coercion, and some who had absolutely no idea they were involved in a sweeping defense research program.
From mentally-impaired boys at a state school, to American soldiers, to “sexual psychopaths” at a state hospital, MK-Ultra’s programs often preyed on the most vulnerable members of society. The CIA considered prisoners especially good subjects for mind-control. Got it? Sounds just like all the “terrorists” they trot out behind the mass shootings!
In fact, much of the propaganda you hear on the fake news is written by experts in MK-Ultra brainwashing techniques! People actually become addicted to the “talking heads” on TV and turn on the nightly news to get their fix! What they don’t realize is that they are being brainwashed every night. That’s why I can’t even watch anymore. It’s subliminal & subversive & designed to rewire your brain without you even knowing!
As Dinesh said - the files that the FBI seized from Trump’s house were supposedly so top secret that they sent them to Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal (who also owns Fox and the NY Post) to review - and then took their sweet time AFTER they got the warrant to raid - waiting until Trump was in New York!
BANNON: “The Murdochs — Australians via England — not American, have never sacrificed anything for this Country — their entire media Empire has turned on Trump — Fox News, Wall Street Journal , New York Post , Times of London , The Sun etc etc etc——all lockstep against Trump. They HATE Trump. They don’t consider him ONE OF THEM.”
A friend of mine sent me this Twitter thread that explains the legalities around declassification. Must read!

Remember that the Communist NEW WORLD ORDER behind all the lockdowns, and famine and persecution and censorship are NOT just left-wing - they are SATANISTS and ATHEISTS and EUGENICISTS and believe THEY are God. Now they are even telling NFL players that their families may not speak of God! Wait until they do the same to you!
Aaiden Diggs, 5, whose father Trevon plays cornerback for the Dallas Cowboys, said:
"Every time I'm with my dad I love it because he gets me picks and it makes me happy. I love the whole world, I love God and Jesus, and I love my family.”
The NFL’s response? A Tweet stating, "It does not get any cuter than Aaiden Diggs. I love the whole world.” They removed the part about God & Jesus!
REMEMBER: “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.…”
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Please read the in-depth reports I've written on many subjects. These are worth your time! They will open your eyes.
For my in-depth report on George Floyd, click here.
For my in-depth report on the truth about the Wuhan virus, click here.
On Roe vs Wade, click here.
On the importance of Flag Day, click here.
On the resurrection of Jesus Christ, click here.
On Castro, Guevara & Communist Cuba, click here.
On Biden, Romney, Kerry & Ukraine/China collusion, click here.
On Hyperinflation, click here.
On the Koch Brothers Libertarians, click here.
On Drag Queen Story Hour, click here.
On the fall of Fox News, click here.
On Communism in America, click here.
On birthright citizenship & anchor babies, click here.
On the Parkland Massacre, click here.
On the truth about Slavery in the Americas, click here.
On the Vegas Massacre, click here.
On Marijuana Legalization, click here.
On the Coup against Nixon, click here.
On evidence of Election Fraud, click here.
On Avenatti, bin Talal & Trump, click here.
On October 12th, 2021, I celebrated 27 years of sobriety. I was fortunate enough to tell my story before a group of friends & family at a speaker meeting. Here's a video of my testimony if you'd like to listen - or share my story with anyone still suffering from addiction. Thank you all for being here! God is Good! Peg