Are we being played for fools? I'm pretty sure we are. This explains why.
I want to show you what’s really going on with Twitter and how the SPY AGENCIES, which I believe are STILL actually running Twitter behind the scenes, and pulling Elon’s strings, are playing us all for fools. The question is - is he doing this willingly or under duress?
Agree. IMHO, they are using Elon to take our eyes off the ball and focus on nonsense - instead of real issues. Placating us all so we won’t act.
Bear with me. Let’s look at this in chronological order. Let’s connect some dots. This post is long and tedious and difficult. I apologize for that, but it’s important to see the detail - IN SEQUENCE - in order to show you how we are being subtly played. Stay with it.
I’m going to show you what President Trump does and says on Truth Social (remember that he’s NOT posting on Twitter) - and then show you how Elon and the IC Twitterverse either ignore it, try to sabotage it or downplay it.
Let’s get out of the echo chamber and look at the bigger picture. Let’s see how the Intelligence agencies use the fake news and social media to control our minds and our attention. This is just the tip of the iceberg. But it’s a start. Let’s begin.
One month ago, on November 13th, Winsome Sears, the recently elected Lt. Governor of Virginia, who was endorsed by President Trump, called him a liability. To which Trump replied:
The next day there was a horrific mass shooting on the University of Virginia campus. Was it a coincidence? Or was a sleeper engaged, and a patsy used, to hijack the news cycle? Which, IMHO, happens more often then you think.
Meanwhile, Trump posted this on Kari Lake’s election - where Maricopa County kept finding ballots.
Then it came out that the Club For Growth broke with Trump because he chose JD Vance and won. They couldn’t defeat JD.
Trump posted an old ad from DeSantis pledging his eternal love for Trump.
Then, Trump announced his run for the Presidency.
Twitter was silent. Elon was silent. Instead, while reporting no news, Elon was telling everybody how Twitter was going to replace the fake news. Hmm. Twitter has now become the biggest fake news site of all. They don’t report what they don’t want you to see!
Then it came out that J6 was set up by the FBI and had dozens of agents in the Proud Boys. Twitter was silent. Elon was silent.
Then, a judge ruled that the FBI agent who worked with Facebook to hurt Trump could be deposed. Twitter was silent. Elon was silent.
Trump’s announcement had great ratings. Over 12 MILLION watched live which doesn’t include the millions who saw it through other online sources.
Then Trump mentioned that many billionaires (Elon included?) are owned by China.
Trump announced he was making a statement from Mar-a-Lago at 8:30pm on November 18th.
What did Elon do? He started tweeting. Look here, not there. On November 18, in order to interfere with Trump’s announcement, Elon suddenly asked Twitter what he should do next.
Many suggested that Elon reinstate Alex Jones.
Elon said no. People said Elon was not really in favor of free speech if he refused to reinstate Jones who had not broken any laws on Twitter. Elon said he didn’t care, too bad. Not very free speechy, huh?
During this time, there were also several HUGE breaking stories that the fake news wasn’t covering. Arizona was debating whether or NOT to certify the fraudulent election and AG Garland announced he was hiring a Special Counsel to go after President Trump. Both these were HUGE issues against the Biden administration and needed to be buried.
So, instead of talking about those, Elon suddenly decided to do a poll asking users if President Trump should be reinstated.
Interesting timing, no? It’s almost as if he wanted to deflect attention from Trump at Mar-a-Lago and the Arizona election & the Special Counsel - like everybody else in the fake news.
There was severe blowback to the Special Counsel. That had to be buried.
Biden’s White House was getting heat for being involved. That had to be buried.
Counties in Arizona were threatening to NOT certify Katie Hobb’s win and DNC lawyers were scrambling to shut them down. Kari Lake was gathering evidence and threatening lawsuits. That had to be buried.
So, suddenly, Elon launches his poll about Trump on Twitter. He asked people if he should reinstate President Trump. It was the biggest response EVER SEEN in history to a poll.
It started at 64% for Trump and - overnight - the bots brought it down overnight to 52%. Just like our elections!
As the bots started rigging the poll, Trump came out and asked MAGA to vote. Problem is that most MAGA voters are still banned on Twitter. So it’s a rigged poll.
After 24 hours and lots of bots, support to reinstate Trump drops from 64% to 51.8%. But, considering it was rigged and MAGA isn’t even on Twitter, it’s amazing. It’s enough that Elon is forced to say - yes, I’ll reinstate Trump.
Elon announced that the people wanted President Trump to be in reinstated. So he said it would be done.
Elon got the entire Twitterverse excited about his “Trump” poll and Trump coming back. Over 15 MILLION people voted - he made sure you knew that. Now only that - now he has all their preference information in his database!
134 MILLION people saw the poll and Elon bragged about that.
What did people learn from reading Trump’s tweets after his account was reinstated? That HE DID NOT INCITE VIOLENCE. That he was INNOCENT OF ALL THE BS that the fake J6 committee was accusing him of.
The FBI ordered Twitter to remove these tweets from President Trump on January 6th that PROVED he did not incite violence or call for an insurrection.
Then they told Twitter to shut down his account to hide the evidence so he could be framed & destroyed.
This is not speculation anymore. This is FACT.
Did Elon mention these tweets that were removed by the FBI in January 2021? That proved that Trump was innocent of “inciting violence” on Twitter? NOPE. That’s pretty big news to skip over.
Instead, Elon talked about how many people saw his poll.
What happened next? The fake news said they were leaving Twitter because Trump was being reinstated - but the headlines made it sound like Elon was doing this all because he was in favor of free speech and he was going to save free speech for the world. Hmm. NOT TRUE.
The truth is the only reason Musk reinstated Trump was because his poll backfired and he used the response to his poll to get new users and convince advertisers to stay!
Elon then got push back not to just reinstate Trump - but to bring back ALL of Trump’s supporters - millions of which have been banned on Twitter.
Everyone on Twitter was anxious to see if President Trump would tweet and the volume of activity was HUGE - everyone was waiting breathlessly for Trump to tweet. HE DID NOT COME BACK - as he said all along.
Finally, President Trump responded and said he was NOT going back on Twitter. He was staying on Truth Social. Elon already knew this from the beginning but he head faked Twitter into thinking otherwise.
Jason Miller said that Twitter was having financial issues and Trump wasn’t going to bail out Twitter - no matter what Elon did.
Then Elon tried to entice Trump supporters with these tweets. Real news? I think not. Elon is mocking people of faith.
Elon considers himself to be Russell Crowe in the Gladiator. He has used this meme often. Remember that for later…
Let’s see what else was going on while Elon was diverting your attention by reinstating Trump. Texas was defending its border from a massive invasion.
There was massive evidence of election fraud piling up in Arizona.
The J6 committee had failed and was looking at ways to extend their committee under the table.
Biden agreed to pay climate reparations to other countries while Americans can’t afford gas or food.
Meanwhile - Elon was JUST focusing on Trump. But NEVER mentioning that the election was stolen from him.
Then, there was a so-called Q shooting to distract us further. Engineered by the DS?
Followed by Biden calling for an assault weapons ban.
Oh - and there were massive protests in Brazil over the Communist takeover which Twitter was covering up - and Elon promised to provide information on that he never did.
To which Bannon said that Elon was a cuck and Twitter was funded by money from Communist China.
Hundreds of “influencers” on Twitter called Elon a hero for free speech.
To create further distraction, Elon said Apple threatened to take the Twitter app out of the Apple Store. This happened just as the FTX scandal broke, Musk was being tied to China, the Saudi/Khashoggi/Biden scandal broke and CBS admitted the Hunter laptop was real.
So, what did Elon do? Reinstated MTG’s Twitter account. How noble.
People were calling for Kari Lake to fight and for the IC to release the JFK files. Twitter was silent. Elon was silent.
All that was going on and Elon decided to engage Stephen King to mock Mike Lindell and My Pillow. Is that what you call real news? NO, it’s distraction!
Elon says Twitter is all about trust. Right. Look here. Not there.
Then Elon did a poll asking Twitter if he should reinstate Trump supporters who were wrongly banned - which is MILLIONS.
He said he would do that at the end of November. IT HAS NOT HAPPENED YET. TWITTER IS STILL AN ECHO CHAMBER FOR THE LEFT.
Elon basically said here he doesn’t care about voters - he cares about influencers and “opinion leaders.” As I’ve said before - Twitter is where influencers come to be brainwashed.
Catturd is already brainwashed.
ALX asks Elon to disclose the Twitter files.
Elon responds to a DeSantis-con and says Ron is his man.
Then Elon threatens Apple with his own phone.
Then the FBI sends Kanye and Nick Fuentes (an FBI asset) to set up Trump at Mar-a-Lago. Elon mocks him on Twitter.
Elon says he’s just a warrior fighting for free speech!
Charlie Kirk and many others announce Kari Lake’s lawsuit.
Elon wonders about the earth 88 million years from now.
The Hodgetwins join Elon’s Twitter panel and start promoting the narrative that Twitter is the only one who has free speech.
Elon admits he voted for Obama, Clinton & Biden - while he told Trump he voted for him.
Elon says Twitter will replace ALL the media and also function as a bank. What does that tell you? It will be the mouthpiece for the New World Order and we’ll all be chipped to love it!
OK - now you get the idea. I will stop making commentary and let you decipher this until the end.
All of sudden Elon forgets all about Apple locking Twitter out of the app store and makes nice. This was either a head fake or blackmail.
When Elon was caught - he had to scramble and regroup.
Then Elon suddenly said someone was going after his son. Hmm. The night before Trump’s big announcement. Watch this video. No comment necessary.
President Trump announced he had a big message to deliver on December 15th. He head faked with a Trump card before he delivered his statement on free speech. The fake news and even guys like Bannon, Cortes, Robinson & Gorka dumped on Trump for the Trump Card. Trump offered 45,000 digital cards for sale for $99. They sold out in 6 hours and netted him $4.5 MILLION.
Last summer, Ron DeSantis was fundraising by selling goofy baseball cards with his picture on them and auctioning off pieces of his boot from when he was in the military for $2,600.
The media never mentioned DeSantis’ gimmick - nor did they make fun of him.
But they jump all over Trump for his Trump Card, and everybody jumps right off the train. This is how they play us. I'm wise to their BS. Diamond & Silk came up with the Trump card and it's very successful so far.
The worst part is that guys like Bannon, Cortes & Gorka know this - but went after Trump anyway. Which puts them in the "can't be trusted" column - in my mind. In politics, you need to find out who to go into the foxhole with - and there are NOT many trusted advisors around.
BTW - this is my Trump Card. I paid $99 two days ago. Now it's worth $619.
So, I made a campaign donation of $99 and then I can trade the card if I want. Trump gets the original $99 plus 10% of every trade. Genius. Kids love these. This a great way to reach young voters. 25% of young people buy NFTs. Each one is unique - using blockchain.
Every person who called Trump stupid over this - is the stupid one!
It's easy to do. I've never done it before. They send you the link by email. Took 2 minutes!
President Trump did this because he knew the fake news wouldn’t cover his policy statement on FREE SPEECH and a DIGITAL BILL OF RIGHTS - which is brilliant - and he knew Elon would do something to distract. Which he did. Here it is. You should listen.
So, Elon spent December 15th suspending reporters for doxxing and doing more polls! All in an attempt to deflect from President Trump’s excellent policy statement on free speech! Elon wants to be known as the hero for free speech!
This was Elon’s first poll. He didn’t like the results - people wanted reporters to be suspended for 7+ days. So he did it over.
First Elon said 7 days - then he cut it back to one day.
First poll: 48% said doxxers should only be suspended for 1-2 days 52% said doxxers should be suspended for 7 days or longer…
AOC didn’t like the results of this poll so he did it over to appease AOC.
Elon’s 2nd poll 58% said doxxers should NOT be suspended at all 42% and said doxxers should be suspended for 7 days. The exactly opposite results of the first poll.
PLUS - Elon didn’t include an option for suspending doxxers permanently! Why not?
Tom gets it