Give me ears to listen
I wasn’t going to write a newsletter today - but after the huge response to my newsletter yesterday about useful idiots - I knew I had to tell you about it. If you haven’t read yesterday’s newsletter yet - please read it first before you read this. Otherwise, it won’t make sense.
I know there are many other pressing political topics I could address today - but I think the response to my newsletter yesterday is one of the best examples to demonstrate how the conservative worldview has changed FOR THE BETTER in the past few years.
I want you to see what I see. The change is truly PROFOUND and HOPEFUL for the future.
I received dozens of comments about my newsletter yesterday - more than usual - and they were ALL positive with the exception of one. Here are several examples of the positive comments I received. Thank you to all who shared their thoughts with me by email and on social media!
“Peg, read your back and forth with the realtor. You really put her where she belongs in the woke-folk commie group. Stupid used to be free but these days people like her pay for it and are educated in word salad expertise and non existent logic. As always, great columns, keep up the great work.”
“OMG, I couldn't roll my eyes enough times.”
“Great response. Way to stand up!”
“I was a Realtor for 38 years, 28 at RE/MAX. This “equity” business appears to be a sham to me. Rather than make people be the best they can be, where some will shine, some will be average, and some will not do as well, the equity weenies want all to be on the same level by regulation, but not by merit.”
“[Julie] reminds me of the Communist dictum, “From each according to his ability, to each according his needs.” It doesn’t work that way in the NFL, the NBA, or in Major League Baseball. Only merit works there. Life should be as rewarding as one can make it, while respecting your fellow man and acting ethically. The “Golden Rule” always worked for me. Others need to learn it. We are a nation of immigrants who became Americans.”
“Thank you. The USA is under attack from Communists, China, Marxist, and Democrats. The Democrats stay in power to make money.”
“I applaud you! So proud to be on your team. That realtor reminds me of a conversation I had with an insurance broker. Yes, they are full of rage and want us to “join” in. Not for me. Sending you love!”
“It has nothing to do with diversity. Businesses who have invested decades, generations of sacrifice and finances should not have to bend to DEI mandates. We were a nation of immigrants, we are now a nation struggling with illegal invaders who are changing our culture and landscape. Julie seems like a useful idiot to those looking for an advantage at everyone else’s expense.”
“Hi Peggy, My wife I read your Newsletter as soon as you publish it. The Communist Left wants people to think all Trump supporters are knuckle dragging, illiterate fools. That is not the case as you well know. Thank you for your insightful writing. We appreciate you deeply.”
“I sent this to my email list and penned this note. Good job Peg! I applaud you!”
“It is good that Peg Tierney had the guts to respond to this "useful idiot" as they usually get away with their propaganda to poison the naive minds that don't think beyond their thumb nail. Well done for speaking up. More of us should defend free speech and thought by using it when you have been attacked for your views.”
“I'm tired of debating and putting up with these idiots.”
“She learned nothing other than she had NO IDEA WHO SHE WAS DEALING WITH! You chewed her up!”
“Ahhhh. The old equity argument now being applied to immigration. Where’s the fairness to the millions of people around the world who have taken the proper steps to come here legally and are patiently waiting their turn? F them I guess.”
“What a loathsome dumbass...”
“All I can say is "you go, girl!" Thank God for intelligent people like you who speak truth to useful idiots. Keep up the good work!”
“I don't believe her, and that is my right. I do not believe she wrote all those points from her own thoughts. They seem "canned." I have read and heard nearly word-for-word the same lecture. As for "sources," they continue to cite each other in an endless loop, somehow believing themselves to be wise, they are fools. The tone of [her] condescension is very strong, as if her college education and being a realtor elevates her opinion above others. Was she civil? Yes, but it came across as fake civility, but that's just my opinion.”
“OMG! What an idiot she is. Kudos to you! I will definitely contact Remax, then tell the agent I just remembered a friend (you) of mine shared info from a commie Remax agent sooo we are boycotting Remax. I'll do this every time I contact an agent and save this email for sure!”
“Oh my! Useful idiot for sure. You were nicer than I would have been.”
“You really bring them out! Love this one, keep it up!”
“Bet she’s not from the south and therefore not allowed to use Bless Your Heart. Bless her heart for being such a dimwitted fool.”
“Hi Peggy, I am so grateful for all of your hard word on your newsletters, Facebook posts and the research you do. I've learned so much from you and you are my go to source for all relevant news happening across the globe.”
“God bless her little heart and her even smaller little brain. I applaud you Peggy for your responses to her canned retorts. You are definitely a bigger person than I. It’s too frustrating for to engage with these nitwits, Thanks for your writings!”
“Today's "immigrants" have zero intentions on become Americans. They simply want to re-create the failed countries they ran from within our borders!”
“I bet she doesn't do it again.”
“One of the biggest things progressives don’t seem to understand is no one is against immigrants coming to the USA. But, come here LEGALLY through the LEGAL process & our government should properly vet each individual entering our country . It should be to protect our national security.”
“When she’s car jacked at gun point by an illegal or attacked as she’s leaving the grocery store in her really nice neighborhood by a gang of them wanting her purse, she may think otherwise on the immigration situation. Or perhaps it will be when CA decided to charge an exit tax just as she’s deciding to move to another (tax free) state. Or maybe when the stock market crashes or when her bank closes and she can’t get her money out. Something will happen to this woman that will turn her entire belief system upside down and turn the light on in her brain. Sooner rather than later, I suspect. I hope like hell you will be there to see it or hear about it.”
“I can’t stand these people. They’re a disease. She used the “classic talk” they all say. My favorites: “we can do better and these immigrants are future tax payers and future workers.” Biggest f’ing lie. They are here to leech off of us. Taxpayers are slaves. We shouldn’t be paying ANY TAXES AT ALL.”
“Oh man! Another Hillary bot! Eeeesh, I cannot get through most of what she writes, as it's far reaching, breathless bias and outright lies! Good grief!”
“She sounds like another idiot that I had to deal with. She had posted on a friend's posting about immigration and she said what would Jesus do and all these people that are coming here are searching for a better life. Mind you this woman lives in Minnesota so they have no clue about immigration as I used to live in South Texas and my husband's family ranch is on the border of Texas near Mexico.
I told her you are being duped and the people that you think are here for a better life or the ones that are nothing but thieves and all they do is come here for the benefits.
My cousin used to drive the city bus in Minneapolis and she asked the Somalian women what are you doing here and why are you here. Those women stated that they are here for the free money.”
“B R A V O Peg!!!! Smart responses - wish it were that easy with all the misguided plebs!!”
“I have found that many progressives are very wealthy also. Could be an illusion, but the ones I know in Minnesota are. They also have wealthy parents that were progressives. They continue to support big corporation stocks. Lots of progressives have the big properties on MN lakes. Polluting the private schools too with their children. That’s why liberal Christianity is so prevalent now too. Huge problem for Biblical principles in MN.”
“She is kind of dumb . She pissed me off.”
“Nicely done Peg!! GOD BLESS!!”
“You are too kind. I would have told her to F-off in my first letter. Time is precious and she is not worthy of any of yours.”
That’s a sample of the positive responses I received to my newsletter and my responses to “Julie” the realtor. I only received one negative response:
“Peggy, Before you dig a deeper hole for yourself: you are not scoring any points with publicizing this exchange. The Realtor comes across as naive, but well-intentioned. Your responses come across as snippy and mean-spirited. She proposes constructive dialogue; you put her down and kick her in the ass. I'm not sure what line she crossed that set you off; and I suspect that many of your readers are wondering the same.
I read your posts religiously, and I find your work is to be of fundamental importance. I'm writing to you only because it troubles me to see you shooting yourself in the foot with for no good reason. Move on.”
I’m not sure how any person could have read her emails and thought she was well-intentioned and constructive. I also thought it was odd a conservative would tell me to “move on.”
But, I thought that I owed it to my subscriber, whom I respect, to re-read the exchange and see if I was wrong about Julie. I did that - and found that I interpreted it correctly. I was not wrong. She was not well-intentioned - she actually contacted me to hurt me and inflict harm. Let’s review HER words to me:
First, “Julie” said that my writing was conspiratorial and xenophobic and polluted. Her words:
JULIE CARPENTER: “Sad, though, that “conspiracy” and xenophobic rhetoric had to pollute [your] otherwise interesting article.”
Then, she said that I twisted facts and probably didn’t even write my newsletters myself! She said that I must have a team of writers whose purpose was to destabilize the United States! In other words, she implied that I was a political and financial terrorist who was inciting violence. Her words:
JULIE CARPENTER: “[Your] twisting of some facts to focus on “hot button” topics pushing inflammatory messages is what makes me think that you are “production team” intent on destabilizing the United States of America for “political” and financial reasons.”
Then, she mocked the fact that I never got a college degree. My readers know that quite well. Then she gave me a back-handed compliment on my “productivity” while calling me wrong and nasty.
JULIE CARPENTER: “I admire your productivity, and applaud you for building your writing-based business, even if I don’t agree with much of your focus. What I don’t get is the nastiness. Why do it? We can do better.”
Then she gave me another back-handed sarcastic compliment for being a real person because I responded to her email.
JULIE CARPENTER: “I’m somewhat reassured that you might be a real person, not an organized assault on civil democracy, based on your direct response to my email.”
Next, she mocked me and God, dripping with condescension, when I told her I rely on God to help me write:
JULIE CARPENTER: “Bless your heart, you and God have produced a lot of newsletters.”
Finally, she gave me an example of what she called a “prolific, good journalist” - implying that I was neither.
JULIE CARPENTER: “In the spirit of good journalism, below you can find an offering from a prolific writer…”
I don’t know about you - but after reviewing her emails a second time - I found they were even nastier than the first time I read them!
Why is this important? Is it because most people who contacted me overwhelmingly agreed with me? No. It’s because people actually read what she wrote, disagreed and then spoke up and defended themselves and the principles they believe in! I love that!
I can’t tell you how many of my old friends (conservatives and liberals alike) pulled me aside - six years ago - when I first started writing this newsletter and told me that I needed to ‘tone it down’ and ‘turn the other cheek’ and ‘just be kind’ and ‘don’t make waves.’ They told me to find ‘common ground’ and ‘unity’ with the enemy. They didn’t really listen to WHAT I had to say - they just wanted to ignore the bad - shut their eyes and ears - and pretend all was well.
I guarantee you that if I would have published yesterday’s newsletter 5 years ago, I would have received lots of negative reviews - and very few positive. People would have told me to stop being mean and just be quiet. That’s no longer the norm. Praise God!
I was pleased to see Chanel Rion of OANN reinforce this view!
CHANEL RION: “Globalists use the words "don't be divisive" to guilt us into a submissive stupor. Unity with the insane is a death sentence. We must resist.”
That’s the power of God in our lives! There is a GREAT AWAKENING and we’ve only just begun.
Give me ears to listen. Give me eyes to see. Give me words to speak and show your face to me.