How do Communists and tyrants take over a country? They boil the frog slowly. The premise is that if you put a frog into boiling water - he will jump out. But if you put him in tepid water and heat it slowly - he will happily boil to death. He will not realize he is in danger until it’s too late.
In retrospect, Joe McCarthy, JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, Nixon & Billy Graham ALL had it right: 70 years ago - the Communists WERE coming. Nobody listened. America chose to avert its eyes and immerse itself cluelessly in hot water. We are like frogs being slowly boiled to death. Now the Communists are here. That's what the Deep State really is.
In 1950, Joseph McCarthy, a Republican Senator from Wisconsin, warned America that the Communists were infiltrating our Government and Hollywood. He warned that Communist atheism sought to destroy Christianity and freedom of religion in America and around the world.
He was vilified by the media and censored by the Senate and died 7 years later.
JFK, RFK and MLK would all agree with McCarthy's assessment.
JFK warned of a "vast conspiracy" by hidden forces (swamp) to take over the US in a speech to the press - before he was assassinated by the CIA, HW Bush, the mob and LBJ.
The assassinations of RFK, MLK and Malcolm X followed. This was NO coincidence.
A 1964 SCOTUS ruling, New York Times vs Sullivan, gave the media free rein to lie with impunity. That’s how the media truly became the FAKE NEWS. The New York Times Co. vs Sullivan began as a lawsuit against the newspaper because they lied in a full-page civil rights fundraising editorial advertisement in 1960 entitled “Heed Their Rising Voices.”
The Supreme Court said it was OK for the fake news to lie about anything they wanted to if the victim of their lies could NOT prove they did so with “malice.” That ridiculous “standard” has destroyed the free press and has given them a license to lie about and destroy whoever and whatever they want!
Paul Harvey broadcast his famous IF I WERE THE DEVIL in 1965 which foreshadowed where we are today!
Then, Time Magazine declared GOD IS DEAD in 1966. The publication of this article immediately led to a public backlash. Editorial pages of newspapers received numerous letters from angry readers, and clergymen vehemently protested the content of the article…but it was the official start of the ATHEIST & SATANIST movement in America.
Billy Graham warned America of the coming Godless Communism.
LBJ and his CIA pals got rid of JFK and created a new GREAT SOCIETY dependent on the socialist welfare state. He opened the borders wide and his chain migration immigration plan ensured a permanent underclass dependent on the Democrat Party.
Then they removed Nixon through a coup - just like they did to President Trump. The coup against Trump was a repeat of the coup against Nixon by many of the same players. Who helped? George HW Bush, the CIA, Stephan Halper, the FBI, the Washington Post and White House Counsel John Dean.
In 1984, a KGB defector warned that the Communists were slowly “brainwashing” America into compliance. Nobody listened.
In the 1980’s, Big Pharma flooded America with anti-depressants, benzos and pain meds to medicate away resistance and ensure ambivalence and compliance. Today, one out of every four Americans is taking psych medication.
All that's left is taking away our guns like they did in Europe.
Today, Satanism and atheist Communism have spawned a global Christian genocide around the world that threatens our Judeo-Christian roots here at home. Christianity is the world’s most persecuted religion. Over one million Christians have been executed in the past decade and the media says nothing.
Atheist groups infiltrate our schools, our churches and our town squares and poison our children.
Drag Queens dance half naked for our children. Satanism is the fastest growing religion in American and they thrive on child sacrifice through abortion and castration.
The Communists & their allies in the Muslim Brotherhood have been working to overthrow America since the 1920s. Just like Hitler of the National SOCIALIST German Worker's Party (NAZI) worked with the Muslim Brotherhood during the Holocaust. They've infiltrated every facet of American life.
Today, Hollywood is owned by Communist China and conservatives like James Woods are blacklisted. The media is owned by the wealthy Muslim Brotherhood in Qatar and Iran who censor our news and silence our voices - and the Globalist hedge funds that want to create a New World Order using totalitarian Communist China as their model!
The Washington Post calls Prince, the singer who died of a drug overdose at 57, a hero, and calls Reverend Billy Graham, a Christian who died a natural death at 99, a druggie.
In retrospect, it looks like Joseph McCarthy, JFK, Nixon, MLK and Billy Graham were correct. No wonder the Communist party got angry in the 1960's when the Democrats stole their platform. It's time to take it back.
What is in store for America if we don't stop the Communist takeover? What happens when tyrants take over a country, remove legal guns & fair elections & good people are no longer able to defend themselves or vote OUT bad leaders. This is what happened to Cuba and Argentina. If America isn't careful, we're next.
Che Guevara is a great example of a murderous Communist tyrant who has been "reimagined" by the fake news as a saint to fool the world.
It is a sad reflection of our time that Che Guevara, the squalid Communist killer, terrorist and totalitarian tyrant, who was chief jailer and executioner for Fidel Castro's Cuban dictatorship, remains an iconic emblem of ignorant idealists the world over. His 1960 beret-and-curls photograph still stares swooningly from thousands of dorm room walls and millions of T-shirts.
The liberal re-engineering of the Che Guevara story is an excellent example of how Communist propaganda infiltrates organizations and brainwashes nations to unwittingly accept Communist rule.
Che Guevara was born Ernesto Guevara de la Serna on June 14, 1928, in Rosario, Argentina to a middle class family. He had severe asthma which kept him out of the military.
After graduating from medical school in Argentina, Guevara toured South America on a motorcycle. Finally, he was stuck in Mexico with no money and not much of a purpose. While living in Mexico City, Guevara was supporting himself, his wife & daughter and working as a nurse and a physician.
Through some friends, he met first Raúl Castro, then Fidel. After talking with them, Guevara decided the Cuban cause was the one he had been searching for. This would be his claim to fame. He was certain Communism would take over the world. He left his wife and daughter in Mexico.
Guevara became part of Fidel Castro’s efforts to overthrow the Batista government in Cuba and install Communism. He served as a military advisor to Castro and led guerrilla troops in battles against Batista forces. When Castro took power in 1959, Guevara became in charge of the La Cabaña Fortress prison.
One week after Castro took over Cuba, and installed Communism, he called for the people to turn over their weapons. He said the new "revolutionary Government" was a FRIEND to the people and they needed no protection. The people cheered and complied. Then they were executed.
As boss of the notorious La Cabaña prison in Havana, at just 31 years old, Che Guevara personally supervised the detention, interrogation, summary trials and execution of hundreds. It is estimated that 550 people, opposed to Communist rule, were executed on Guevara’s orders during this time.
Ernest Hemingway – then a Cuban resident – documented the horrors of the Castro regime & Che Guevara's reign.
Hemingway invited his friend George Plimpton, editor of the Paris Review, to witness the shootings of prisoners condemned by the tribunals under Guevara's control. They watched as the men were trucked in, unloaded, shot, and taken away.
As a result, Plimpton later refused to publish Guevara's memoir, The Motorcycle Diaries, which has been used to rewrite history and paint Guevara as a romantic, revolutionary Socialist hero.
There have over 200,000 such executions since the Castro brothers, Guevara and their merry men swept into Havana, Cuba in January 1959 and called for the people to disarm.
About 100,000 Cubans who have fallen foul of the regime have been jailed. Two million others have succeeded in escaping Castro's Communist nightmare, and lost everything, while an estimated 30,000 have died in the attempt. Che Guevara made no secret of his bloodlust: "It is hatred that makes our soldiers into violent and cold-blooded killing machines," he wrote.
Later, Guevara became president of the Cuban National Bank and helped to shift the country’s trade relations from the United States to the Communist Soviet Union. Then Castro appointed Guevara as the minister of industry. After helping to ruin Cuba's economy (sound familiar) as the minister of industry and president of the Cuban National Bank, Guevara left his post in 1965 to export the ideas of Cuba’s Communist revolution to other parts of the world.
In 1966, Guevara began to try to incite the people of Bolivia to rebel against their government and install Communism too, but he had little success. Not impressed, Bolivia's peasantry turned him over to the army. With only a small guerrilla force to support his efforts, Guevara was captured and executed by machine gun by the Bolivian army on October 9, 1967.
After his execution, Guevara's body was lashed to the landing skids of a helicopter and flown to a nearby city where photographs were taken of him lying on a concrete slab in a laundry room. Later, they cut off his hands and buried him in an unmarked grave.
This is the kind of murderous tyrant that American millennials glorify and choose to adorn their T-shirts. Why? They've been lied to and brainwashed by Communist propaganda. Shows you the power of Communist mainstream media indoctrination. The power of Hollywood social engineering. The power of an academic elite hell bent on teaching revisionist history. The power of fake news.
Tucker just did an interview with the leading candidate for the President of Argentina who talked about the horrors of Socialism & murderers like Castro that destroy nations like Cuba and Argentina. He explains how fascism and Communist are simply different sides of the same coin.
He used the boiling frog metaphor to describe what happened to Argentina. LISTEN. You will learn a lot. It’s already been viewed by nearly one-half BILLION people around the world so far. This is what’s coming to America if we don’t wake up AND get out of the pot…
It's time to STOP listening to the liars and thieves who have come to “steal, kill, and destroy.” It's time to take our country back from the Communists.
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