It's time to sort the lies from the truth!
I will probably lose subscribers because of this newsletter - but IMHO there are still way too many good conservatives who are buying into the DeSantis & Never Trump campaign propaganda that Trump killed people with his COVID vaccine & DeSantis and RFK Jr. will take down Big Pharma, banish ALL vaccines and save the world.
That false narrative is not only a lie but it’s dangerous for America. I’m here to tell you the truth and help you survive and make informed decisions. Not to fuel BS to make you feel good…
Here's the 2nd half of Trump's interview with Bret Baier. Listen to what he says about the FIRST COVID-19 virus and vaccine.
He finally comes out and basically says that the FIRST version of COVID-19 out of the Wuhan lab was a deadly bioweapon and the most DEADLY VERSION of the virus - which killed lots of people all over the world - and then it mutated to weaker strains - just like the flu does - so the vaccine stopped working and the boosters were worthless.
Every virologist knows that respiratory viruses mutate to weaker strains over time and it's difficult to vaccinate against respiratory viruses and mutants.
I said this 3 years ago when the COVID-19 bioweapon first hit. I'm glad Trump finally said it. People have been misled about this for politics - and many people on left and the right are lying about it to score political points and fundraise off it.
IMHO - hundreds of millions of SENIORS and compromised individuals are still alive today because they took the FIRST shot in the FIRST year. The first vaccine was designed to SAVE SENIORS and the COMPROMISED. PERIOD. Trump almost died from the FIRST BIOWEAPON so he knows what he's talking about. He watched several of his elderly friends die from the first COVID-19 bioweapon as well.
Trump NEVER pushed it for healthy young people and children. That's what his opponents did! That's what Biden did.
After that - WHEN IT NO LONGER WORKED - Biden mandated it for everybody - made up lies about it - and turned it into a dangerous money making grift for Big Pharma - of which I guarantee many took kickbacks.
PS: I never took ANY COVID vaccines so I have no reason to push it. Why? Because I wanted to take the egg-based (non-mRNA) Johnson & Johnson version but they didn't make it available in my state. I didn't want to take the mRNA version because it can cause auto-immune problems - where your body attacks a foreign invader. I have a strong immune system for my age and I didn't want to risk my body attacking both the virus and the mRNA vaccine. Auto-immune runs in my family.
I am NOT anti-vaccine. I am against too many vaccines, unnecessary vaccines and vaccines for profit!
I've been vaccinated for measles, mumps, pneumonia, shingles, chicken pox, tetanus, rabies, polio, etc. etc. etc. and lived a long healthy life. We don't need to vaccinate children with 400 vaccines so Big Pharma can make more money!
BTW - guys like Malone (CIA) and Elon Musk (WEF) and DeSantis (GOPe) took the original shots AND all the boosters - and are now saying all vaccines are deadly because they want to take down Trump. That’s the ONLY reason. DISHONEST AS HELL.
Elon Musk admits he took 5 shots - he even took versions from the CCP and Russia! So did all of Congress, every Governor and all the elderly members of the Supreme Court! Funny how they are all still alive and well! 94% of seniors in America took the first shot and if it was that deadly - there would be bodies stacked up like cordwood in the streets...seriously...
My biggest fear for the future - with all the lies - is that our enemies (from within and out) will hit us with a truly deadly bioweapon (like ebola or marburg or smallpox with a mortality rate of 50-75%) and people will refuse to vaccinate because of all the lies they've been told about the first COVID vaccine. Bodies WILL be stacked up in the streets and people will say "What did I do?" as they helplessly watch their families die.
It will be the greatest bait and switch depopulation scheme in the history of the world. Behind the scenes - all the "leaders" who said they are against all vaccines will be quietly taking shots while they watch you die. Mark my words.
PS: If you are a fan of RFK Jr. because of his “anti-vaccine” status - remember that he told Tucker he is not anti-vaccine but thinks they should be studied. He also said today that the CCP is developing deadly bioweapon viruses that can target and kill certain racial groups. Let's see what people say when they watch their entire race get wiped out - will they refuse to take a vaccine then? I think not. Know what you're going to do before you do it and fully understand the motives of the people you are listening to for medical advice.
Here’s another thing that people have conveniently forgot. In February 2020, WHO and Fauci said a vaccine would not be ready for at least 18 months - until mid-2021 - if not later. Fauci said it COULD take 3-5 years. How do you think America’s seniors would have survived for 5 years hiding and frightened in their basements waiting for WHO and Fauci’s vaccine! They would not have.
In June 2020, Communist China (CCP) announced their vaccine was almost ready. In August 2020, both China and Russia announced their vaccines were ready for emergency use.
The WHO approved vaccines from the CCP & Russia for emergency use. The world forgets that President Trump STOPPED the CCP & Russia from sending THEIR vaccine out to the free world FIRST. Who knows what the hell was in the CCP's vaccine! I don't even want to think about THAT!
That was their plan! Think about that before you bash President Trump for the first vaccine. Back then, people were so desperate they would have ordered directly from the CCP! That's what Elon Musk did!
I remember this like yesterday - thinking that Trump needs to get one out before the Communist Party takes the reins and destroys us all for the NWO. Meanwhile, Fauci was pushing Remdesivir - another one of his failed drugs that his pals in China patented! Trump was pushing HCQ & Regeneron which WHO tried to stop!
The whole goal of it in the beginning was turning global healthcare over to the CCP and WHO - that was the plan! TRUMP STOPPED IT.
This is an honest statement from Rogan that I agree with. Children and healthy adults under 65 did not need to be vaccinated for COVID unless they choose to. President Trump said that from the beginning. In fact, excessive boosters can HARM a healthy immune system!
Those who force vaccinations and booster shots, or ANY drug for that matter, on people with healthy immune systems should be prosecuted.
But to say that the first COVID-19 vaccine is the number one cause of death in America is as ridiculous as when they said COVID was the number one cause of death in America. Somebody is feeding us propaganda for an agenda. Ask yourself what that agenda is.
We all know that they lied about the COVID deaths. Why wouldn't somebody lie about the COVID vaccine deaths? FOLLOW THE MONEY.
I am not anti-vax but I chose not to take the COVID vaccine. Why? Because I didn't need it. Plus, my family is prone to autoimmune disease, and I did not want to take the mRNA version. So I have no agenda here other than the truth.
What I do know is that 13 billion COVID shots have been administered to 5.1 billion people on the planet. If the vaccine were truly that deadly as people claim, there would be MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of bodies stacked in the streets like cordwood.
Can somebody explain to me why they are not? I can do the math, and the math doesn't add up. You are called a fool for vaccinating against COVID and called a fool for NOT vaccinating against COVID. IMHO, if you are senior or compromised - taking the FIRST shot against the COVID bioweapon was correct - the rest was NOT necessary.
I remember when I said COVID was mutating to a less deadly strain, and becoming less deadly - and they were exaggerating the statistics to scare us - and people called me crazy. ALL RESPIRATORY VIRUSES MUTATE AND ARE DIFFICULT TO VACCINATE AGAINST.
Twitter is swimming with trolls who tell me that Trump needs to go to prison for the documents hoax and J6 and the vaccine and that if only Ron DeSantis were in charge, none of this would have happened. If you haven't figured out that's the play, you're not paying attention.
Other people tell me that they will vote for RFK Jr. instead of Trump because he is against all vaccines. That’s another lie.
This is propaganda from the swamp to get you to turn against Trump.
I remember when DeSantis quietly agreed to give the shots to infants and toddlers when he pretended publicly he would refuse to do so.
I remember when Ron pushed the shot and the booster shots and wandered around with a mask on all the time.
I remember when RFK Jr. said he was going to be hired by Trump to head a vaccine commission and would work with crazy Robert DeNiro on that - and Trump denied this.
Here’s an article on that meeting. RFK Jr. met with President Trump in 2017 about the possibility of creating a vaccine commission. Here's what RFK Jr. said about that meeting at the time. BTW - contrary to what you've been told - RFK Jr. is PRO-vaccine.
RFK JR: “Trump is troubled by questions of the links between certain vaccines and the epidemic of neurodevelopmental disorders including autism. And he has a number—he told me five—friends, he talked about each one of them, who has the same story of a child, a perfectly healthy child who went into a wellness visit around age 2, got a battery of vaccines, spiked a fever, and then developed a suite of deficits in the 3 months following the vaccine.
He doesn't know whether it's the schedule or the sheer number of vaccines or the age at which they're given or the ingredients.
I'm an environmental lawyer. I'm not a scientist. I am for vaccines. I am pro-vaccine. I had all my kids vaccinated. I think vaccines save lives. But we are also seeing an explosion in neurodevelopmental disorders and we ought to be able to do a cost-benefit analysis and see what's causing them. We ought to have robust, transparent science and an independent regulatory agency. Nobody is trying to get rid of vaccines here. I just want safe vaccines.”
I remember when RFK Jr. told Tucker that he was NOT anti-vaccine - he was for more study and research.
Yet - every person who says they will vote for RFK Jr. - instead of Trump - tells me it’s because he’s anti-vaccine. NO HE IS NOT. Ultimately I think RFK Jr. and Trump feel the same about vaccination.
The propaganda we are being fed is just another way we are all being played again by the Deep State. And I don't like to be conned. That’s all. I love you and want you to thrive. Have a great day! Peg
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