Liz Cheney loses by 37 points - a huge win for MAGA and a humiliating defeat for the RINO establishment!
Liz Cheney lost BIG TIME. 8 House RINO impeachers down - 2 to go!
After losing by 37 points in her home state, Liz Cheney actually compared herself to Abraham Lincoln in her concession speech. Not kidding.
When Liz Cheney was sent packing last night by Wyoming’s voters, it became the first time in over 50 years that we will no longer have any Bushs, McCains, Cheneys or Clintons in office!
Thank you Donald Trump.
Even Papa Dick knows the Bush-Cheney family reign of terror is over. Bye bye!
JULIE KELLY: "No matter how bad your life is going, be glad you didn’t humiliatingly lose a congressional seat defending your dad from killing millions of people around the world for 2 decades over a lie."
DINESH: "Liz Cheney didn’t lose because she took on Trump. She lost because she took on her own constituents. She refused to represent them. She came to believe she was better than them. She alone possessed and upheld the truth. The voters put an end to this delusional bullsh*t."
Liz said she is going to lead the campaign to stop Trump and perhaps run for President herself! Delusional.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Congratulations to Harriet Hageman on her great and very decisive WIN in Wyoming. This is a wonderful result for America, and a complete rebuke of the Unselect Committee of political Hacks and Thugs. Liz Cheney should be ashamed of herself, the way she acted, and her spiteful, sanctimonious words and actions towards others. Now she can finally disappear into the depths of political oblivion where, I am sure, she will be much happier than she is right now. Thank you WYOMING!”
“Liz Cheney’s uninspiring concession speech, in front of a “tiny” crowd in the Great State of Wyoming, focused on her belief that the 2020 Presidential Election was not, despite massive and conclusive evidence to the contrary, Rigged & Stolen. It was, and that’s not even counting the fact that many election changes, in numerous States, were not approved by State Legislatures, an absolute must. Liz Cheney is a fool who played right into the hands of those who want to destroy our Country!”
BANNON: "Cheney’s family racket is the Arms Industry—they are her paymasters. That's how she made 36 MILLION dollars in only 6 years in Congress. This is the opposite of serving the people."
BANNON: “President Trump nails it: Cheney’s repudiation by Wyoming voters is a rejection of the J6 Committee. Dissolve the Show Trial now and start real a investigation in January of 2023.”
TRUMP: “I assume that with the very big Liz Cheney loss, far bigger than had ever been anticipated, the January 6th Committee of political Hacks and Thugs will quickly begin the beautiful process of DISSOLUTION? This was a referendum on the never ending Witch Hunt. The people have spoken!”
As I’ve said for months - Biden is heading us toward another Great Depression. Whether you like Target or not - this signals that something much worse than a recession is ahead. This will rival the Great Depression. All part of the plan to bring us to our knees. Prepare accordingly.
If you want the true picture of what's ahead - listen to Roubini and Burry.
Once they crash the economy, crime skyrockets and people start starving to death - they will demand we turn over our weapons so they can “save us.”
People don't realize that one of the first things that totalitarian dictatorships do is "disarm" the people -under the guise of protecting them. Then they can't defend themselves from tyranny. Never ever give up your guns. The only thing protecting the 1st amendment in America is the 2nd amendment.
In response, here’s a public statement from the CEO of Smith & Wesson - this is golden. I’m glad Smith & Wesson is my preferred brand:
“A number of politicians and their lobbying partners in the media have recently sought to disparage Smith & Wesson. Some have had the audacity to suggest - after they have vilified, undermined and defunded law enforcement for years, supported prosecutors who refuse to hold criminals accountable for their actions, overseen the decay of our country’s mental health infrastructure, and generally promoted a culture of lawlessness - that Smith & Wesson and other firearm manufacturers are somehow responsible for the crime wave that has predictably resulted from these destructive policies.
But they are the ones to blame for the surge in violence and lawlessness, and they seek to avoid any responsibility for the crisis of violence they have created by attempting to shift the blame to Smith & Wesson, other firearm manufacturers and law-abiding gun owners.
It is no surprise that the cities suffering most from violent crime are the very same cities that have promoted irresponsible, soft-on-crime policies that often treat criminals as victims and victims as criminals. Many of these same cities also maintain the strictest gun laws in the nation. But rather than confront the failure of their policies, certain politicians have sought more laws restricting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens, while simultaneously continuing to undermine our institutions of law and order.
And to suppress the truth, some now seek to prohibit firearm manufacturers and supporters of the Second Amendment from advertising products in a manner designed to remind law-abiding citizens that they have a Constitutional right to bear arms in defense of themselves and their families.
To be clear, a Smith & Wesson firearm has never broken into a home, a Smith & Wesson firearm has never assaulted a woman out for a late-night run in the city, a Smith & Wesson firearm has never carjacked an unsuspecting driver stopped at a traffic light. Instead, Smith & Wesson provides these citizens with the means to protect themselves and their families.
We are proud of our 170-year history. We are proud of the commitment of our employees to making a quality product. We are proud to provide law-abiding citizens and law enforcement—our customers—with the tools to provide for their security and independence. We are proud of our responsible business practices.
We will continue to work alongside law enforcement, community leaders and lawmakers who are genuinely interested in creating safe neighborhoods.
We will engage those who genuinely seek productive discussions, not a means of scoring political points. We will continue informing law-abiding citizens that they have a Constitutionally-protected right to defend themselves and their families. We will never back down in our defense of the Second Amendment.”
Please share this message with everyone you can in every way you can. Important and timely.
DUNDAS: Eventually, all totalitarian dictators, which is what we’re facing right now, go down the same way. They become so overreaching, so narcissistic, so megalomaniacal, like Hitler, like Stalin, they do themselves in. And at this point, when you’re weaponizing triple letter agencies to go after a former president…raiding him with what’s left of the FBI, times are dark. But it is going through these dark phases that wake up middle America that we need to get to.”
In other words, Biden’s over-reach and the FBI raid is finally waking people up.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Republicans could win many additional seats, both in the House & Senate, because of the strong backlash over the raid at Mat-a-Lago. Polls are showing that some lost Republican territory over the last number of weeks has been more than made up with the unannounced Break In by the FBI, which should never have happened!”
Even the Daily Mail decided to write a truthful headline:
Told ya! Minnesota’s AG Keith Ellison is a Communist in bed with BLM-ANTIFA and the Soros family!
Together they ran the George Floyd false flag! What are they planning next?
That pretty much tells you that Soros is paying Ellison to run false flags and destroy Minnesota. Now you know what the problem is and why crime is out of control and the police is defunded and humiliated.
Also, Soros put Steve Simon, the Minnesota Secretary of State, and Ellison’s good buddy, in Office in 2006. Minnesota elections have been rigged ever since.
Here’s a big story coming out of the True The Vote presentation about election fraud:
An American election technology company called Konnech Incorporated, which builds election software used in the United States - also builds software for the Chinese Communist Party-aligned Confucius Institutes. Not good. Read this and connect the dots.
It’s looking like the FBI & DOJ raided Mar-A-Lago to seize documents THAT INCRIMINATED THEMSELVES, and Foreign Officials that are accessories to those crimes. I bet Trump kept copies! Can’t wait for the Trump family to release the video of the FBI rummaging through Melania’s underwear drawer for nuclear secrets!
President Trump sent out this fundraising email today. This tells me his agenda.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Do you remember Schedule F, Peggy?
When I was in the White House, I took executive action with Schedule F to make it possible to fire federal employees who are bypassing our democracy to advance wokeism and corruption.
I promised to Drain the Swamp and root out the Deep State, and to do that, we need to make it much easier to fire rogue bureaucrats who are deliberately undermining democracy. That is exactly what SCHEDULE F accomplishes, and I want to know what YOU think about it.
If you don’t know what Schedule F is - you should. Read on:
On the heels of new information from True The Vote on foreign interference and election fraud - and a new movie coming out on election fraud on August 20 called [S]ELECTION - Mike Lindell is having another summit. Who knows? The 3rd time might be the charm! Tune in. Even President Trump is pushing Mike’s upcoming Summit!
LINDELL: “The Moment of Truth Summit will be the critical event that will change history!!! Share this with everyone you know and watch on August 20-21 from 9am-9pm CT on or RSBN. Go to to learn more.”
I’m hearing that the FBI is trying to shut down True the Vote the same way the RNC, Fox News & Dominion tried to shut down Mike Lindell!
BANNON: “I love this guy. Without [Mike Lindell] there's no Kari Lake. He put his company up. Do you know why? His political beliefs. His ardent belief that the election was stolen and he is not going to rest until he proves it.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Mike Lindell. He is a patriot. He is a great guy, too.
Make sure to watch The Moment of Truth Summit this Saturday, starting at 9 am CDT, hosted by Mike Lindell!
Watch the movie premier of [S]election Code and hear experts and Patriots from all 50 states showing how the 2020 Election was RIGGED AND STOLEN and how to STOP it from ever happening AGAIN. A MUST SEE event to help SAVE our COUNTRY from the deliberate AND ILLEGAL DESTRUCTION going on NOW!!
Watch on or RSBN. For more info, go to”
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On October 12th, 2021, I celebrated 27 years of sobriety. I was fortunate enough to tell my story before a group of friends & family at a speaker meeting. Here's a video of my testimony if you'd like to listen - or share my story with anyone still suffering from addiction. Thank you all for being here! God is Good! Peg