I just watched two short videos from Mike Benz, who worked in President Trump’s State Department. I learned more in that 15 minutes than I have uncovered in the past 4 years. I’ve followed him for a long time but never have I heard such a succinct explanation of why we are where we are today! This is a must read! Benz has been vetted by several people I trust.
Here’s a brief synopsis of what Mike said and what you need to know to understand just how important it is that Trump DISMANTLE the DC swamp (and the bureaucrats embedded in US agencies) if we are to survive and prosper as a free nation.
MIKE BENZ: Foreign Policy For Personal Profit
There is an incredible swirl of scandals right now where the US foreign policy with 3 different countries -- Ukraine, China & Mexico -- all seem to be maximizing the personal profit of the Biden crime family & their partners and outside backers. This will help explain WHY they need internet censorship to keep the truth about these 3 scandals from the taxpayers.
There are 3 separate scandals happening around the Biden crime family - which has, for years, been selling out American foreign policy for personal profit (along with other crime families like the Bushes, Cheneys, Romneys, Clintons, Obamas, etc.)
The first is Ukraine-Burisma which explains why they needed internet censorship to hide and distort this story from the public in 2020 and Hunter Biden’s ties to it.
Burisma is a private Ukraine gas company around which there was a mega bet on a grand energy strategy. The bet was that if the US State Department, Department of Defense, and the CIA - along with the equivalent agencies in the UK - if they could pry open the Ukrainian gas market and replace Gasprom (Russia’s gas company) with Soros-affiliated actors (funded by London and Wall Street hedge funds) it would give them trillions in profit. This would be at the expense of US taxpayers who funded the war in Ukraine!
Burisma was put in charge of internet censorship for the 2020 election very early out of the gate and Hunter Biden was put on the Board of Burisma to spearhead just that.
Burisma and the Atlantic Council signed a cooperation agreement to kick energy deals to Burisma just one day before Trump took office in 2017. Trump’s foreign policy of being neutral on Ukraine threatened the daylights out of the Atlantic Council - which has 7 CIA Directors on their board. That’s why they had to neuter Trump.
The Atlantic Council is basically an arm of NATO and the Intelligence Community and they’re funded by 4 different branches of the DoD - Army, Navy, Marines & Air Force, the State Department and the CIA. In other words, they’re funded by the taxpayers. So, the Atlantic Council is basically an OUTSIDE CIA and they were the cheerleaders of this Ukraine-Burisma energy play.
Burisma and the Atlantic Council were PUT IN CHARGE of internet censorship during the 2020 election to hurt Trump. They were one of 4 entities that partnered with the Department of Homeland Security to push mail-in ballots and COVID fear and censor anyone who questioned the steal, the Russia collusion narrative or the Hunter Biden laptop.
The next scandal is with China. Hunter Biden co-partnered with a head of Chinese intelligence on a deal with China’s (CEFC) energy. China signed a 400 BILLION deal to get the natural gas and oil of Iran and the Atlantic Council & Biden had this big Iran energy play. So, not only did they want to control Ukraine’s energy and Russia’s energy - they want to control Iran’s energy - for profit. They are using the CCP as a proxy to do that and skirt sanctions.
CEFC (China energy) was the company that was brokering the Iran oil deals. Iran has the third largest reserves of oil in the world and the second largest reserves of natural gas.
Hunter’s whole bag man deal was around profiting off the LNG gas market. So, here they’re prying open the Iran energy market using China as a proxy for that. China is evading US sanctions on Iran and sending 10% to Biden, the big guy, and his family and pals. So the Biden family has sold out American policy on Ukraine & Iran & China for personal profit.
The third scandal is Mexico policy. It turns out that Hunter Biden has a major interest in a company partnered with the Mexican Government to provide banking services for illegals coming over the southern border. ePlata, a digital banking platform partnered with the Mexican government to enable migrants to send and receive remittances, has deep financial and personnel ties to Hunter Biden. Biden just threatened to prosecute banks if they deny banking services to illegals. So the Biden family (and their pals) profit by subverting foreign policy and then threaten the private sector if they don’t comply.
Now, let’s talk about Soros. The history has to be told and I’m not telling you this to be inflammatory. This may upset you but…
Why did the Reagan Library become hard-core Never Trump? Reagan inherited, in 1980, a CIA whose name was dirt. The CIA had been RIGHTLY dragged through the mud in the 1970’s for coups and assassinations. Now they wanted redemption.
JFK, RFK, Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon all pledged to dismantle the operations wing of the CIA. We all know what happened to them. There are two sides of the CIA - the operations wing and the intelligence wing. The operations wing is the one that overthrows Governments with Color Revolutions like George Floyd.
Reagan saw a need for the intelligence arm of the CIA to accomplish Reagan’s Cold War goals but the Democrats back then hated the CIA. So Reagan created the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) in 1983 that was basically a CIA cut-out that would benefit both Republicans and Democrats and would do what the CIA used to do.
Reagan wanted to liberate Europe from Communism by creating insurgency movements all over that were aligned with the US. The US Government benefited but so did corporate stakeholders who wanted a global audience (an example would be Pizza Hut opening in Russia and suddenly getting new customers.)
Corporations could capture new markets and hundreds of millions of people would become customers of US corporations. That was the goal of the US Chamber of Commerce lobby and libertarians like the Kochs and the Murdochs. There are a whole host of benefits to the US when they politically capture a country - cheap labor, favorable tariff treatment, supply lines, etc.
Reagan was a cowboy and partnered with the corporate interests (like Koch’s Chamber of Commerce.) Which in turn partnered with the money folks.
The financial backers (hedge funds) in London and on Wall Street were all betting on the currencies of the countries that Reagan wanted to capture during the Cold War and the NED, CIA and State Department were overthrowing. Enter George Soros.
Soros started the Open Society Foundation in 1979 in South Africa as a tax loophole for his kids. In the early 80s, he joined hands with the US State Department and NATO as a “civil-society” conduit for NED & the CIA. So Soros was basically the financial guy behind Reagan’s cold-war capture plan. Who knew? Not me.
Soros was a New York hedge fund guy and speculating on the currencies in Europe. He’s now worth $30 BILLION because of that partnership with the US State Department and advance knowledge of their plans to overturn Governments.
This is the ultimate version of insider trading and a great example of the uni-party swamp alliance. Soros was used by BOTH parties (including anti-Communist right-wing Republicans) to navigate the cold war - which we won when the Berlin wall fell.
Soros knew, in advance, which countries were going to be toppled and what would happen to their currency. Beyond the benefits of anti-Communism all of these Communist countries held collectively TRILLIONS of dollars of publicly held assets (especially Russia.) The moment you move from a Communist country to a private economy all of those assets go up in a fire sale to be bought by London and Wall Street hedge funds and their clients! Politicians all take a cut just like they are doing in Ukraine!
These hedge funds get to dumpster dive all the Federally held and publicly held assets of the people who lived in those countries. George Soros & his Harvard pals could gobble up those assets at bargain basement prices and then give a cut to the various crime families that are complicit in the schemes.
I wrote in 2019 about how American political crime families were all taking a cut out of Ukraine. At the time, I didn’t realize how it all started and how it is all tied together. Now I do! This is still a good read and still applies.
Soros set up satellite facilities all over Europe under the protection of Reagan’s State Department to topple Governments from within and bring them into the orbit of the US empire. Now those same actions are being used by the CIA against Americans!
I’m not casting judgment. It is what it is. The whole world was upended in 2016 with the surprise election of President Trump - he wanted to dismantle the power factions that Reagan very artfully navigated and set up and which now have been totally corrupted. Trump wanted to succeed where JFK, RFK, Nixon and Carter had failed.
Now you know the rest of the story!
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