The fake news isn't covering this story - which means we must cover it ourselves
A Pfizer mRNA lead scientist was filmed undercover in a restaurant by Project Veritas and basically confirmed, on camera, that the FIRST COVID VIRUS - released in 2020 - was a BIOWEAPON made in the Wuhan lab and was a MUTATION that had been engineered to be more potent and more deadly! So Trump was right from the beginning about the COVID virus.
The FIRST COVID virus was a deadly bioweapon designed to attack the elderly and compromised. Then it mutated to weaker versions. Even worse, Pfizer is doing the same thing right now - working on ways to MUTATE the COVID virus themselves! They don’t call it “gain of function” which is illegal - they call it DIRECTED EVOLUTION.
How did Project Veritas get this information from the Pfizer scientist? The journalist posed as a gay man and went out on a blind date with the gay scientist and got him drunk. A gay honeypot sting!
Jordan Trishton Walker - the scientist - is the Pfizer Director of Research & Development & Strategic Operations for mRNA Scientific Planning. He’s no lackey. His supervisor reports to Mikael Dolsten who reports to Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer.
Project Veritas’ video has gotten 30 MILLION plus views so far on Twitter - even though the fake news won’t cover it. Tucker did a 20 minute segment on it last night but that was it. So far, Pfizer has refused to comment.
Before I give you my take - you should watch the video yourself:

After the interview, James O’Keefe confronted Jordan and showed him the video. Jordan immediately said he was “lying” to impress his gay date and then proceeded to cry, act out, call the police & claim he was the target of racism. Watch that little episode. These are the people they put in charge of YOUR health!

THEN, Harvey Risch - one of the smartest and most credentialed viral scientists around - FINALLY admitted that the first virus WAS a bioweapon out of the Wuhan lab that circulated in the world for about a year and that Big Pharma can’t keep up with the mutations of COVID so the BOOSTERS only work for 2 months and then the VIRUS mutates! So mandating BOOSTERS that only work for 2 months is INSANE!
In other words, it takes 6 months to make a booster and by then the virus is on it’s way out AND has mutated to another version! So the only way they can come up with BOOSTERS is to try to figure out a way to mutate the virus themselves! This is sick. This is playing God!
What does this mean? The FIRST vaccine issued in November 2020 was necessary to stop the FIRST bioweapon. It had a six month shelf life. PERIOD. It was designed for elderly people and compromised people to help them fight the bioweapon. It was never meant for children or healthy people. Remember that President Trump almost DIED from the first bioweapon in October of 2020.
All the mandated BOOSTERS released later from the Biden administration were UNNECESSARY AND IRRELEVANT as they only lasted 2 months and they were late to the party! I am NOT anti-vax! I am pro-common sense!
That also means that if the FIRST DANGEROUS BIOWEAPON VIRUS was a result of “gain of function directed evolution” - future viruses will be the result of the same if they keep doing this! And they will be even more deadly!
The Daily Mail ran this article and then PULLED it! Likely from pushback from Pfizer! The regulators at the FDA and CDC won’t do anything because they are paid off by Big Pharma and are promised big jobs and big money!

BTW - I do not trust Dr Malone because he works for CIA and DARPA and I do not trust Tracy Beanz because she is working against President Trump now and is in the tank for DeSantis. I take everything both of them say with a grain of salt.
Newsweek is claiming the video is “unverified!”

Three years ago, I wrote the first major article on COVID. I predicted where it came from and predicted what was ahead. It got 1.5 MILLION views. Bill Gates tried to shut me down and even threatened legal action- I refused to take it down. Let’s review some of what I reported back then. We knew what was going to happen - but NOBODY wanted to know. I sent this to every news organization in America and nobody would publish it. NOT even those who later pretended to know this all along! Everybody was TOO SCARED.
MARCH 2020: Bill Gates & Barack Obama released a docuseries on Netflix called PANDEMIC in December right before the Wuhan virus was "discovered."
The docuseries pushed the need for the Gates Foundation to receive funding to carry on virus research to prevent the next PANDEMIC!
Bill Gates, and his sidekick, Anthony Fauci, funded the Wuhan lab in China that released the Wuhan virus and is already selling test kits. Coincidence? Bill Gates was a member of China's Academy of Sciences who built the lab and he was awarded their highest honor.
The Wuhan virus was originally developed by Chinese scientists at the University of North Carolina by NIH grants approved by the Obama administration in 2012. Fauci runs the vaccine arm of the NIH.
The NIH defunded the "dangerous" UNC research because of the proven human-to-human transmission, so the Communist Chinese scientists left UNC and took their work to the NEWLY BUILT Wuhan lab in 2017 - funded by Gates, NIH & pals.
The head of the Harvard Chemistry & Biology department, Charles Lieber, with ties to Gates & Epstein, was arrested at the end of 2020 for accepting bribes from the Communists. Epstein is also tied to Obama & Gates through the Nobel committee. Did Epstein know what was coming?
What was Charles Lieber's expertise? He invented a virus-sized transistor that could enter a human cell without harming it and be controlled remotely. Not kidding.
The Pirbright Institute, funded by Bill Gates, owns the "patent" on Coronavirus genetic sequencing. They did simulation testing on a global PANDEMIC in 2019.
The first case of Wuhan virus was reported in China on November 17th. Communists didn't inform the CDC until January 11th. WHO & Communist China said it wasn't spread by humans until January 21st. Cover up.
The Bill Gates & Barack Obama Netflix docuseries marketed the need for a global "universal" vaccine to replace all other flu vaccines. I believe it will eventually be used to deliver a human chip via nanotechnology designed to be monitored and controlled by Huawei's 5G network.
Thousands of people in the US have died from the common flu this year and the media says NOTHING about that - but is creating a huge panic around US deaths from the Wuhan virus.
DR DREW: "A bad flu season is 80,000 dead. Which should you be worried about, influenza or Corona? It's not a trick question. What I have a problem with is the panic and the fact that businesses are getting destroyed and people's lives are getting upended. Not by the virus, but by the panic. The panic must stop, and the press they really need to be held accountable, because they are hurting people."
Many of the early US deaths from the Wuhan virus have come from ONE nursing home in Kirkland, Washington - the home state of Bill Gates where it all started.
Half the staff at that nursing home were infected with Wuhan virus. They appear to be the carriers. The nursing home draws employees from a large Chinese population across the border in Canada. I believe Gates placed carriers in vulnerable locations around the country for the narrative and funding.
Other deaths around the country occurred in nursing facilities owned by the same company who owns the Kirkland facility! Half the deaths around the world occurred in nursing homes! [We now know that Democrat Governors sent SICK people into nursing homes to infect and kill more!]
Right after the first deaths were reported in Bill Gates backyard, the Never Trump Governor of Washington State declared a national emergency & Congress approved over $8 billion - even though Trump asked for only a quarter of that. Much of the funding will flow to Gates' global "research" partners.
Suddenly Bill Gates says his "foundation" will offer in-home testing kits where you swab your nose with a Q-Tip and send it to his labs. How convenient and timely! I think Gates developed the home-testing kits in order to secure access to all our DNA!
Communist China tried to STEAL a patent from a US company that manufactured a treatment right AFTER they announced the virus to the world. Gilead's drug is under clinical trials.
The same treatments, tests & blood plasma used on SARS patients in 2003 & MERS patients in 2013 work on Wuhan patients. They are all related viruses. They don't want you to know that. Fauci is covering that up. Why? Because he's working with Gates on a "vaccine."
90% of those who tested positive on the Princess Cruise ship were CREW MEMBERS. Meaning the crews are carriers and are infecting passengers. Who put them there?
The virus started in South Korea because the leaders of a "doomsday" cult went to Wuhan, China and went back and infected 8,000 of their members. Who paid them to do that? South Korean President Moon Jae-in allowed 5 million Chinese to enter the country after the initial outbreak!
In Italy, the virus started in a hospital filled with sick elderly people in a small town in northern Italy -- spread by a 38-year old carrier from Wuhan, who recovered. Who put him there? Over 100,000 Chinese migrants from Wuhan own & work in the textile/leather industry in Northern Italy.
In 2019, Italy and Communist China signed an agreement to jointly promote China's Belt & Road Initiative. Partners in Wuhan Virus! Italy admits they are coding ALL deaths to Wuhan and letting the elderly die.
ER doctors say socialized medicine is so bad in Italy that people avoid clinics and go straight to the hospital where they are housed with the elderly & sick - that's why the virus spread so fast. Under Italy's socialist healthcare, if you're 80+, you can be denied treatment & coverage and left to die. Now you know why so many elderly are dying in Europe.
Iran's leaders suddenly became infected after Iran's foreign leader met with John Kerry in Munich and laughed about the Wuhan virus on camera. Almost like he was told to go home, create panic and spread the virus. Why? To try to force Trump to drop sanctions.
Iran – like Italy, a partner in China’s Belt and Road initiative – continued flights between Iran and China. The first outbreak was in the city of Qom where most of the Chinese projects are set up.
WHO: 4 countries with economic & political ties (Communist China, South Korea, Italy, Iran) facilitated virus spread around the globe. Italy, Iran, South Korea & China, home to 90% of virus cases, are ALL partners in the Communist Party's One Belt, One Road scheme!
Thousands of people from Wuhan China have protested against the Communist Party's plans to build an organic waste "incinerator" plant in their city. They are silent now! What did they really want the incinerator for?
Real videos show Hong Kong freedom fighters being rounded up in handcuffs and sent off to the "hospital" where they are called COVID positive and where it's likely their organs are harvested and they are cremated.
Real videos show elderly people in Communist China trapped in buildings and left to die with no food.
Real videos show that Communist China installed major NEW surveillance cameras and technology to monitor people on the street & in their offices since the virus was released.
Real videos show the Chinese people yelling "IT'S ALL FAKE" from high rises as the Communists pretend to care for them on the streets below.
The Chinese are now being forced to use an app which tells them when they can come and go and tracks their every move. How did the Communists suddenly develop this technology in a month? This was part of the plan and put in place while they were under "quarantine."
After Trump closed travel from Communist China in January, the Chinese blamed the US and threatened to hold back our pharmaceuticals unless we opened travel back up again. They didn't expect him to do that - that thwarted their plans to seed the US with more cases.
I believe the virus is no more dangerous than the common flu - for healthy people - but has been engineered to be highly infectious and impact the elderly & sick. Thankfully, it is NOT widely affecting children & young adults like pandemic flu does.
I believe the virus was unleashed by the Communist Party to scare the Chinese people back into their homes and stop the Hong Kong & Taiwanese pro-freedom protests.
I believe the virus was unleashed by the Communists to crash the US economy & drive people away from Trump rallies. So far, they've lied about everything!
I believe the virus was unleashed to help the Communists round up dissidents, assert global control and to cull the elderly and weak.
I believe the virus was unleashed to scare the American people into accepting SOCIALIZED medicine and total vote-by-mail.
Democrats hope to hype the Wuhan virus for months to destroy the economy, bring down the market, shut down Trump rallies, gatherings, debates, the conventions & force ALL voting by mail or phone! They basically said that tonight on MSNBC & CNN. Democrats are masters at rigging absentee ballots!
The reason Trump shut down travel from the EU is because the newest Wuhan virus cases in America are from travelers who have visited the EU. The EU has NOT been shutting down its borders to Communist China like we have since 1/31 - in fact the EU is under siege by millions of migrants from who knows where clamoring to invade Greece & Italy.
The majority of people who are dying from the Wuhan virus are 80+ with underlying conditions such as emphysema, heart disease or cancer. Young & healthy people have a very low risk - but they CAN transmit it to their elderly parents & grandparents. So, be vigilant. The average age of those who succumb to the Wuhan virus has been confirmed at 81 years old.
Many deaths in Communist China appear to come from elderly residents in Hubei province who received NO care at all and were left to fend for themselves. The reason the Wuhan Virus impacts the elderly & vulnerable is simply because their immune systems are not as strong. Communist China literally welded people into buildings and let them starve to death!
Many cases in Communist China were actually infected healthcare workers who were not properly safeguarded from patients and ended up re-infecting more patients. China told their healthcare workers there was no contagion problem for weeks, when there was.
The same is true in Washington State & California - nursing home employees & cruise ship crew members are spreading the virus to people - not the other way around. They flew it out of China and then drove it around America with help from their Deep State friends.
In order to STOP THE SPREAD in America, President Trump ASKED businesses, sports teams and major events to suspend activity for 15 days to reduce transmission during this peak time. What if the real reason for this was about a shortage of prescription drugs and medical supplies - Communist China threatened to cut off antibiotics & medical supplies? That’s my guess.

I will be updating this story as new information comes in - so check back.
FINALLY - I told you from the beginning that Stew Peters was a fraud and a charlatan. He's a former rapper liberal who rebranded himself as a Christian conservative. It's all fake. Stew Peters is here to try to take down President Trump while covering for the CCP & the CIA.
Stew Peters actually stole my work on George Floyd two years ago and plagiarized it and then lied about it and blocked me when I caught him 2 years ago. That's when I knew exactly who he was.
He just posted this on Twitter proving that he's not just a fraud, he's a pig as well. Stop believing his lies. He is a false prophet.
Shortly after I posted the truth about Stew Peters on Facebook, I got a text on my phone from this number calling me a "filthy whore."
That's how I know I'm over the target. How did they get my number? I'm guessing they got it from the Feds at Facebook. I was told 4 years ago that Facebook gives our private information to the Feds & Democrat activists whenever they ask for it. I didn’t believe that at first until Elon Musk just exposed that Twitter does the same thing!
A friend of mine investigated this and it looks like it came from a call center - people are hired to harass us. Who is funding the call center? Likely Soros. Who is Soros? Likely a CIA asset. All in the family. Our own Government is using social media to go after us. This is no longer some conspiracy theory.
This is the kind of garbage they've been doing to me for 4 years to try to scare me into silence. Once I even received a REAL death threat from a Minnesota political operative who had my home address and threatened to come to my house and shoot me. I filed a police report and the Minneapolis police did nothing. This is the reason I left Facebook and Twitter for two years. This is the reason I publish this newsletter!
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