The Saudis, CIA, Bush, Carlyle Group, bin Laden & 9/11 - what do we know now that we didn't know then...
Today is the 22nd anniversary of 9/11. 22 years ago, Islamic terrorists from Saudi Arabia, who were aided by the United States government, committed the worst terrorist attack on US soil in US history, murdering nearly 3,000 Americans and mutilating another 20,000.
President Trump:
Of the 19 Al Qaeda terrorists who hijacked four U.S. commercial airliners on the morning of September 11, 2001, 15 were citizens of Saudi Arabia — and of course, Osama bin Laden was a member of one of Saudi Arabia’s wealthiest families.
Immediately after the attacks, the Bush administration downplayed the Saudi connection and suppressed evidence that might link powerful Saudis to the funding of Islamic extremism and terrorism. The Bush White House didn’t want to upset its relationship with one of the world’s largest oil-producing nations, which was also an American ally with enormous political influence in Washington, and much of what the FBI discovered about possible Saudi links to the attacks remains secret even today.
“What are they hiding? What is the big secret? We’ve been operating on lies for 20 years. I’ve always just wanted to know the truth: Who was behind this, and how did it happen?”
Two of the Al Qaeda hijackers, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, who were the first of the hijackers to arrive in the United States in 2000 - lived for about a year and a half in San Diego beforehand.
The CIA had identified both Mihdhar and Hazmi as Al Qaeda operatives by early 2000, based partly on Mihdhar’s participation in an Al Qaeda meeting in Malaysia, and the agency was tracking the pair’s international movements. But the CIA allegedly did not pass on that information to officials at the FBI or other domestic agencies at the time, and the two plotters were not placed on any watch lists that might have prevented them from entering the United States weeks later.
It was not until weeks before the September 11 attacks that the FBI allegedly learned that Mihdhar and Hazmi had entered the country and began a weak and fruitless search for them, even as both men were living openly in San Diego.
Evidence indicates that the two hijackers had received logistical and financial support from a handful of people inside the United States with connections to Saudi Arabia, including a man in California whose family received tens of thousands of dollars from the wife of the Saudi Ambassador to the United States.
A former official in the Saudi Embassy in Washington — “Jarrah” — or Mussaed Ahmed al-Jarrah, worked as a senior diplomat until about 2000 under Prince Bandar bin Sultan, who was then the long-serving Saudi Ambassador to the United States. In 2012, the FBI reported that Jarrah was believed to have “tasked” two other Saudi men living in southern California “with assisting the hijackers” in San Diego, Mihdhar and Hazmi, who spoke little English.
Did you know that the Saudi government funded a ‘dry run’ for 9/11 - two years before it happened - and the CIA knew about it?
A major 9/11 lawsuit against the Saudi Arabian government revealed that its embassy in Washington funded a “dry run” for the hijackings carried out by two Saudi employees.
Two years before 9/11, the Saudi Embassy paid for two Saudi nationals, living undercover in the US as students, to fly from Phoenix to Washington “in a dry run for the 9/11 attacks.”
At least three eyewitnesses spotted al Qaeda hijackers casing the security checkpoints at Boston’s Logan Airport just months before the 9/11 attacks. They saw something and said something — but were ignored.
One of the witnesses actually confronted hijacking ringleader Mohamed Atta after watching him videotape and test a security checkpoint in May 2001 — four months before he boarded the American Airlines flight that crashed into the World Trade Center.
The witness alerted security, but US authorities never questioned him or flagged him as a threat.
“I’m convinced that had action been taken after the sighting of Atta, the 9/11 attacks, at least at Logan, could have been deterred,” said Brian Sullivan, a former FAA special agent who at the time warned of holes in security at the airport.
The three Boston witnesses were never publicly revealed, even though they were interviewed by the FBI and found to be credible. Their names didn’t even appear as footnotes in the 9/11 commission report.
Did You Know: Two 9/11 hijackers tied to Saudi intelligence rented a room from an FBI informant in California before the 2001 attacks?
The Director of the FBI kept this covered up for years His name? Robert Mueller.
Mueller was the master when it came to covering up the Saudi Government’s role in 9/11. In October of 2001, Mueller shut down the government’s investigation after only three weeks, and then took part in the Bush administration’s campaign to block, obfuscate and generally stop anything about Saudi Arabia from being released.
Mueller did not do an investigation on people involved in the 9/11 attacks who were connected to the Saudi government. Mueller was not interested in investigating Saudi terrorists who murdered Americans.
In fact, Mueller threw up roadblocks in the path of his own investigators working the 9/11 case, while making it easier for Saudi suspects to escape questioning. Then he deep-sixed what evidence his agents did manage to uncover.
We now know that 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi Arabian citizens, yet Bush and Mueller actively quashed investigations into Saudi Arabia while focusing on a fabricated Iraq Weapons of Mass destruction fairy tale that was proven to be a lie. From the moment of 9/11, President Bush's focus was on Iraq and Saddam Hussein. He didn't want to hear about Saudi Arabia.
Mueller was nominated for the position of FBI Director by George W. Bush on July 5, 2001 and his confirmation vote on the Senate floor on August 2, 2001, was unanimous, 98–0. He officially became the FBI director on September 4, 2001, just one week before the September 11 attacks against the United States homeland.
In May 2011, President Obama asked Mueller to continue at the helm of the FBI for two additional years beyond his normal 10-year term, which would have expired on September 4, 2011. On September 4, 2013, Mueller was replaced by James Comey - who Trump fired in 2017.
President Bush and Director Mueller instead of furthering that effort to find the whole story quashed it. Interrogations were shut down. Documents were kept secret. And that was continued by President Obama. We went to Iraq on false pretenses to stop them from committing another 9/11 all while Bush was blocking investigations into countries that were actually complicit.
Why wouldn't former CIA Director John Brennan want us to know the truth about 9/11!
CIA Director John Brennan Warns Against Release of 28 Pages of 9/11 Report - ABC News (
Because John Brennan was the station chief In Jedda Saudi Arabia, which is where 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers got their visas approved.
Many have also said Brennan is an Islamic convert. He went on to serve as Director of the CIA under Barrack Hussein Obama.
Saudi Government involvement and the Bin Laden family being allowed safe passage out of US after the attack raised too many questions that no one wants revealed.
As many Americans know, at least 11 members of the Bin Laden Family were spirited out the country in 24 hours after the 9/11 attacks with the assistance of the George W. Bush Administration. The FBI still denies knowing about the seven airplanes used to move the Bin Ladens out of the country when all private, commercial and military air-travel was grounded.
After the 9/11 attacks, the public was told al Qaeda acted alone, with no state sponsors. THAT APPEARS TO BE A LIE.
But the Bush White House never let us see an entire section (28 PAGES) of Congress’ investigative report on 9/11 dealing with “specific sources of foreign support” for the 19 hijackers, 15 of whom were Saudi nationals.
President Bush inexplicably censored 28 full pages of the 800-page report. Text wasn’t just blacked-out here and there in this critical-yet-missing middle section. The pages were completely blank, except for dotted lines where an estimated 7,200 words once stood (this story by comparison is about 1,000 words).
When the congressional joint inquiry report was published in July 2003, the 28-page section on possible Saudi links to the attacks was completely redacted at the insistence of the George W. Bush administration. President Bush claimed that releasing the material would "reveal sources and methods that would make it harder for us to win the war on terror."
The 28 pages refers to the final section of the December 2002 report of the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001, conducted by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
This section is titled "Part IV: Finding, Discussion and Narrative Regarding Certain Sensitive National Security Matters," and summarizes investigative leads describing financial, logistical and other support provided to the hijackers and their associates by Saudi Arabian officials and others suspected of being Saudi agents.
It was finally declassified on July 15, 2016.
Some leaked information from CIA and FBI documents alleges that there is "incontrovertible evidence" that Saudi government officials, including from the Saudi embassy in Washington and consulate in Los Angeles, gave the hijackers both financial and logistical aid.
The 28 pages, kept secret through the Bush administration and most of Obama’s, laid out a panoply of other connections between the hijackers and people inside or connected to the Saudi government.
How was it that even with the system “blinking red” at the CIA over intelligence indicating a possible attack, the CIA failed to communicate with the FBI about what it had learned about the Malaysia meeting and the fact that two of the would-be hijackers were in the United States?
The CIA’s famous Presidential Daily Brief, presented to George W. Bush on August 6, 2001, has always been Exhibit A in the case that his administration shrugged off warnings of an Al Qaeda attack. But months earlier, starting in the spring of 2001, the CIA said that they repeatedly and urgently began to warn the White House that an attack was coming.
By May of 2001, says Cofer Black, then chief of the CIA’s counterterrorism center, “it was very evident that we were going to be struck, we were gonna be struck hard and lots of Americans were going to die.”
Black pitched a plan, in the spring of 2001, called “the Blue Sky paper” to Bush’s new national security team. It called for a covert CIA and military campaign to end the Al Qaeda threat—“getting into the Afghan sanctuary, launching a paramilitary operation, creating a bridge with Uzbekistan.”
“And the word back was ‘we’re not quite ready to consider this. We don’t want the clock to start ticking.” (Translation: they did not want a paper trail to show that they’d been warned.)
“I think they were mentally stuck back eight years [before]. They were used to terrorists being Euro-lefties—they drink champagne by night, blow things up during the day, how bad can this be? And it was a very difficult sell to communicate the urgency to this.”
This sounds like finger pointing between the CIA & the Bush White House to deflect blame when they were likely working together. The events of September 11, 2001 set in motion sweeping changes to U.S. intelligence and counterterrorism practices and launched two major wars! Who benefited from that? NOT the American people.
The Bush and bin Laden families have long-standing business dealings. These began in the late 1970’s when Sheik Mohammed bin Laden, the family patriarch and Osama’s father, had, through a friend of the Bush family named James R. Bath, invested $50,000 in Arbusto, the oil exploration company founded by George W. Bush with his father’s help. The “investment” was arranged by James R. Bath, an aircraft broker who had emerged as an agent for the House of Saud in political and business circles.
In 1997, Prince Bandar (Bandar Bush) gave $1 Million to the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum in College Station, Texas. In 1989, King Fahd gave $1 Million to Barbara Bush’s campaign against illiteracy. In 2002 Prince Alwaleed bin Talal gave $500,000 to Andover to fund a George Herbert Walker Bush scholarship. In 2003, Prince Bandar gave a $1-Million oil painting of an American Buffalo hunt to President Bush for use in his presidential library after he leaves the White House.
Carlyle has connections to the Bush and the bin Laden families. Carlyle is one of the world's largest and most diversified global investment firms, with $385 billion of assets under management.
Also, Saudi banker and alleged terrorist financer Khaleed bin Mahfooz financed the Bush oil companies in Texas in the late '70s and he was also the primary financial support of Osama bin Laden.
The Bush family moved to Texas in the 1950's & acquired oil interests at the same time as George H.W. Bush (Poppy) joined the CIA & made friends with Rumsfeld. A destabilized Middle East makes Texas oil profitable & increases the profits of the Bush family. Hence both Bush & Saudi Arabia profited. George H.W. Bush was heavily involved with opening relations with China in 1970s. Bush Senior headed the CIA, he got us into Gulf War and his son (along with Dick Cheney) was at the helm for 9-11. Bush invaded Iraq even though the 9/11 attack was done by Saudi nationals. Bin Laden was CIA and went into Afghanistan. Bush's nickname = Poppy. Get it? Way too many coincidences for my blood.
In a book, "Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth," two French intelligence analysts allege the Clinton and Bush administrations wanted to maintain smooth relations with Saudi Arabia to avoid disrupting the oil market. The book alleges that the Bush administration was bargaining with the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden over a Central Asian oil pipeline just five weeks before the September attacks.
The authors see a link between the negotiations and Vice President Dick Cheney's energy policy task force, with its conclusions that Central Asian oil was going to become critical to the U.S. economy.
On September 11, 2001, Shafiq Bin Laden, an “estranged” half-brother of Osama, invested an initial $38 million in the Carlyle Group in Washington, D.C. Carlyle is a $16 billion private equity firm that pays huge fees to “advisors” George H.W. Bush and former Secretary of State James Baker.
After former president George H.W. Bush, James Baker, and former prime minister John Major of Great Britain visited Saudi Arabia on behalf of Carlyle, the Saudis increased their investment in the Carlyle Group to at least $80 million.
Carlyle has connections to the bin Laden family. Also, [Saudi banker and alleged terrorist financer] Khaleed bin Mahfooz financed the Bush oil companies in Texas in the late '70s and we discovered that he is also the primary financial support of Osama bin Laden.
New court filings revealed that two of the Saudi hijackers of American Airlines Flight 77 on September 11th were recruited by a joint CIA-Saudi intelligence operation that was covered up at the highest level.
"You can just point a finger at Langley, the CIA, and Alec Station and say you are responsible for letting 9/11 happen."
In 1996, Alec Station, a unit set up to track Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, and his associates, was created under the watch of the CIA. The initiative was supposed to comprise a joint investigative effort with the FBI. However, FBI operatives assigned to the unit soon found they were prohibited from passing any information to the Bureau’s head office without the CIA’s authorization, and faced harsh penalties for doing so. Efforts to share information with the FBI’s equivalent unit – the I-49 squad based in New York – were repeatedly blocked.
In late 1999, with “the system blinking red” about an imminent large-scale Al Qaeda terror attack inside the US, the CIA and NSA were closely monitoring an “operational cadre” within an Al Qaeda cell that included the Saudi nationals Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar. The pair would purportedly go on to hijack American Airlines Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11.
Al-Hazmi and al-Midhar had attended an Al Qaeda summit that took place between January 5th and 8th 2000, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The meeting was secretly photographed and videotaped by local authorities at Alec Station’s request although, apparently, no audio was captured. En route, Mihdhar transited through Dubai, where CIA operatives broke into his hotel room and photocopied his passport. It showed that he possessed a multi-entry visa to the US.
A contemporaneous internal CIA cable stated this information was immediately passed to the FBI “for further investigation.” In reality, Alec Station not only failed to inform the Bureau of Mihdhar’s US visa, but also expressly forbade two FBI agents assigned to the unit from doing so.
“[I said] ‘we’ve got to tell the Bureau about this. These guys clearly are bad…we’ve got to tell the FBI.’ And then [the CIA] said to me, ‘no, it’s not the FBI’s case, not the FBI’s jurisdiction’,” Mark Rossini, one of the FBI agents in question, has alleged. “If we had picked up the phone and called the Bureau, I would’ve been violating the law. I…would’ve been removed from the building that day. I would’ve had my clearances suspended, and I would be gone.”
On January 15th, Hazmi and Mihdhar entered the US through Los Angeles International Airport. Omar al-Bayoumi, a Saudi government “ghost employee” immediately met them at an airport restaurant. After a brief conversation, Bayoumi helped them find an apartment near his own in San Diego, co-signed their lease, set them up bank accounts, and gifted $1,500 towards their rent. The three would have multiple contacts moving forward.
That remarkable finding wasn’t known publicly until two decades later, when a tranche of Operation Encore documents were declassified upon the Biden administration’s orders, and it was completely ignored by the mainstream media. Don Canestraro’s declaration now reveals FBI investigators went even further in their assessments.
A Bureau special agent, dubbed “CS-3” in the document, stated Bayoumi’s contact with the hijackers and support thereafter “was done at the behest of the CIA through the Saudi intelligence service.” Alec Station’s explicit purpose was to “recruit Al-Hazmi and Al-Mihdhar via a liaison relationship”, with the assistance of Riyadh’s General Intelligence Directorate.
A most ‘unusual’ CIA unit
Alec Station’s formal remit was to track bin Laden, “collect intelligence on him, run operations against him, disrupt his finances, and warn policymakers about his activities and intentions.” These activities would naturally entail enlisting informants within Al Qaeda.
Nonetheless, as several high level sources told Canestraro, it was extremely “unusual” for such an entity to be involved in gathering intelligence and recruiting assets. The US-based unit was run by CIA analysts, who do not typically manage human assets. Legally, that work is the exclusive preserve of case officers “trained in covert operations” and based overseas.
“CS-10”, a CIA case officer within Alec Station, concurred with the proposition that Hazmi and Mihdhar enjoyed a relationship with the CIA through Bayoumi, and was baffled that the unit was tasked with attempting to penetrate Al Qaeda in the first place. They felt it “would be nearly impossible…to develop informants inside” the group, given the “virtual” station was based in a Langley basement, “several thousand miles from the countries where Al Qaeda was suspected of operating.”
“CS-10” further testified that they “observed other unusual activities” at Alec Station. Analysts within the unit “would direct operations to case officers in the field by sending the officers cables instructing them to do a specific tasking,” which was “a violation of CIA procedures.” Analysts “normally lacked the authority to direct a case officer to do anything.”
The unit’s unusual operational culture may explain some of the stranger decisions made during this period vis a vis Al Qaeda informants. In early 1998, while on a CIA mission to penetrate London’s Islamist scene, a joint FBI-CIA informant named Aukai Collins received a stunning offer: bin Laden himself wanted him to go to Afghanistan so they could meet.
Collins relayed the request to his superiors. While the FBI was in favor of infiltrating Al Qaeda’s base, his CIA handler nixed the idea, saying, “there was no way the US would approve an American operative going undercover into Bin Laden’s camps.”
Similarly, in June 2001, CIA and FBI analysts from Alec Station met with senior Bureau officials, including representatives of its own Al Qaeda unit. The CIA shared three photos of individuals who attended the Kuala Lumpur meeting 18 months earlier, including Hazmi and Mihdhar. However, as an FBI counter-terror officer codenamed “CS-15” recalled, the dates of the photos and key details about the figures they depicted were not revealed. Instead, the analysts simply asked if the FBI “knew the identities of the individuals in the photos.”
Another FBI official present, “CS-12”, offers an even more damning account. The Alec Station analysts not only failed to offer biographical information, but falsely implied one of the individuals might be Fahd Al-Quso, a suspect in the bombing of the USS Cole. What’s more, they outright refused to answer any questions related to the photographs. Nonetheless, it was confirmed that no system was in place to alert the FBI if any of the three entered the US – a “standard investigative technique” for terror suspects.
Given Hazmi and Mihdhar appeared to be simultaneously working for Alec Station in some capacity, the June 2001 meeting may well have been a dangle. No intelligence value could be extracted from inquiring whether the Bureau knew who their assets were, apart from ascertaining if the FBI’s counter-terror team was aware of their identities, physical appearances, and presence in the US.
Another former FBI agent who went by “CS-23,” testified that after 9/11, FBI headquarters and its San Diego field office quickly learned of “Bayoumi’s affiliation with Saudi intelligence and subsequently the existence of the CIA’s operation to recruit” Hazmi and Mihdhar.
However, “senior FBI officials suppressed investigations” into these matters. “CS-23” alleged, furthermore, that Bureau agents testifying before the Joint Inquiry into 9/11 “were instructed not to reveal the full extent of Saudi involvement with Al-Qaeda.”
The US intelligence community would have had every reason to shield Riyadh from scrutiny and consequences for its role in the 9/11 attacks, as it was then one of its closest allies. But the FBI’s eager complicity in Alec Station’s coverup may have been motivated by self-interest, as one of its own was intimately involved in the unit’s effort to recruit Hazmi and Mihdhar, and conceal their presence in the US from relevant authorities.
“CS-12”, who attended the June 2001 meeting with Alec Station, told Canestraro that they “continued to press FBI Headquarters for further information regarding the subjects in the photographs” over that summer. On August 23rd, they stumbled upon an “electronic communication” from FBI headquarters, which identified Hazmi and Mihdhar, and noted they were in the US.
It was surely no coincidence that two days later, on August 26th, Alec Station finally informed the FBI that Hazmi and Mihdhar were in the US. By then, the pair had entered the final phase of preparations for the impending attacks. If a criminal probe had been opened, they could have been stopped in their tracks.
In the days immediately after the 9/11 attacks, “CS-12” and other New York-based FBI agents participated in another conference call with Bureau headquarters. During the conversation, they learned Hazmi and Mihdhar were named on Flight 77’s manifest. One analyst on the line ran the pair’s names through “commercial databases,” quickly finding them and their home address listed in San Diego’s local phone directory. It turned out they had been living with an FBI informant.
Corsi was unable to explain why the photo was not shown to FBI agents earlier.
Alec Station’s tireless efforts to protect its Al Qaeda assets raises the obvious question of whether Hazmi and Mihdhar, and possibly other hijackers, were in effect working for the CIA on the day of 9/11.
The real motives behind the CIA’s stonewalling may never be known. But it appears abundantly clear that Alec Station did not want the FBI to know about or interfere in its secret intelligence operation.
One alternative explanation is that Alec Station, a powerful rogue CIA team answerable and accountable to no one, sought to infiltrate the terror group for its own sinister purposes, without the authorization and oversight usually required by Langley in such circumstances.
The veteran FBI deep cover agent Aukai Collins concluded his memoir with a chilling reflection which was only reinforced by Don Canestraro’s bombshell declaration:
“I was very mistrustful about the fact that bin Laden’s name was mentioned literally hours after the attack… I became very skeptical about anything anybody said about what happened, or who did it. I thought back to when I was still working for them and we had the opportunity to enter Bin Laden’s camp. Something just hadn’t smelled right…To this day I’m unsure who was behind September 11, nor can I even guess… Someday the truth will reveal itself, and I have a feeling that people won’t like what they hear.”
It's been 22 years since September11 and the ruling class used the horrific deaths of thousands to wage an unjust and illegal war, grossly expand police state power with Homeland Security and the Patriot Act, which are now being used to crush and imprison political opposition.
The Saudis deny any role in 9/11, but the CIA in one memo reportedly found “incontrovertible evidence” that Saudi government officials — not just wealthy Saudi hardliners, but high-level diplomats and intelligence officers employed by the kingdom — helped the hijackers both financially and logistically - making 9/11 not just an act of terrorism, but an act of war.
“The 28 pages primarily relate to who financed 9/11, and they point a very strong finger at Saudi Arabia as being the principal financier. I am speaking of the kingdom, or government, of Saudi Arabia, not just wealthy individual Saudi donors…“
Mayor Giuliani truly became “America’s mayor” on September 11, 2001, for leading New York — and the rest of the country — through one of its darkest hours in history. His leadership during that time will be the definitive hallmark of his legacy, and is the reason why New York owes this man so much for what he did. It’s an absolute shame how he is now treated as an enemy his own government, but Mayor Giuliani is a patriot and hero — and continues to exhibit those traits today. He will forever be seen as a hero by those who remember his leadership in rebuilding the morale of his city on that fateful day.
The man who dismantled the commission, cleaned up and led New York City through September 11, is being prosecuted for nonsense by the daughter of cop-hating radicals with the same type of law he used to dismantle La Cosa Nostra. Forgive me if hollow platitudes annoy me today.
Donald Trump immediately sprang into action to help New York after 9/11. He’s always been a fighter.
Donald Trump called into a live broadcast on 9/11 and questioned how a plane could possibly go through steel beams. He said, "I happen to think they had not only a plane, but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously."
22 years ago, men like Trump & Giuliani were among the many heroes that emerged in the aftermath of 9/11. Today, they are being arrested and politically persecuted for questioning corruption in our Government. We were so busy bringing “freedom” to countries around the world that we lost it here at home.
PAUL SPERRY: How the FBI is whitewashing the Saudi connection to 9/11 NEVER FORGET -- It Was The Saudis
One of the first world leaders to reach out to the United States on 9/11 and offer anti-terrorism assistance was the new President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.
RUDY GIULIANI: As we reflect 22 years later, let us not only remember the tragedy but also the triumph of the human spirit that emerged from the darkness. We remember the innocent lives lost and honor the firefighters, police officers, first responders, and everyday New Yorkers who demonstrated extraordinary courage and selflessness on September 11th, 2001.
We remember their names, their faces, and their unwavering dedication. May we strive to embody their example, to be the light that shines in the darkest of times, and to honor their memory by living lives of compassion, courage, and resilience. The heroes of that day demonstrated extraordinary acts of valor and compassion, saving countless lives.
They made the ultimate sacrifice, laying down their lives without hesitation to ensure that others could live. Their legacy lives on in the hearts of their families, friends, and loved ones. It lives on in the resilient spirit of the survivors who carry the scars, both visible and invisible. It lives on in the collective memory of a nation that cherishes their heroism and draws strength from their example. May we always carry the legacy of these heroes with us as their courage and selflessness serve as a guiding light in our lives.
To all the innocent souls we lost that day—we honor you, we remember you, and we will Never Forget.
LARA LOGAN: It’s disgusting to me that U.S. leaders - civilian & military - who gave al Qaeda their caliphate in Afghanistan just in time for the 20th anniversary of 9/11, still pretend they give a shit about those who died on this day. Give me a break. Every other day I get another photo or report of yet another Afghan soldier/police officer the U.S. trained who has been tortured & murdered by the terrorists we put back in power there. Spare me the fake tears & fake words. Those Americans who were killed & all the Afghans who rallied to America’s side to fight a common enemy are still being betrayed by the enemy within.
The conclusion I came to after 9/11 is that the Bush Administration including Cheney, Rumsfeld etc. - with 'daddy Bush' running the show - planned it all with Saudis - to usher in totalitarianism and control Middle East oil. After which we got DHS, then TSA, then Patriot Act, all to take our rights.
In the end, it appears that Bush did 9/11 in collaboration with Saudi Arabia, funded via CIA assets, enabling such to be able to happen in the first place. After 9/11, they could pass the Patriot Act, which was waiting for a good crisis to “justify” the exchange of freedom for the illusion of security. COVID was another planned “crisis” to justify the same.
So they knew about it & they didn’t try to stop it because they realized they could use this situation to benefit themselves with more power & control. Wow, imagine being one of those families who lost a loved one & hear this!
I believe 9/11 was conducted by Saudi Arabia (House of Saud) with the assistance of US intelligence (FBI +CIA) & the Bush Administration in order to pass the Patriot Act, launder money, invade Iraq & Afghanistan to control Middle East oil, the petrodollar & poppy production.
22 years ago, the same group that killed JFK, MLK Jr. & RFK, and got us fighting endless wars, committed the attack on 9/11. So far, they’ve been able to get away with it all.
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