The largest migrant caravan of 2023 - known as the 'poverty exodus' - has recently departed from Southern Mexico, comprised of approximately 15,000 individuals from 24 countries on their way to the US border.
They are carrying signs reading “Exodus from poverty." If these people are planning to cross the US border because of poverty, they don't qualify for asylum under US law. They're economic migrants. They want your jobs and your homes and your benefits and they believe they have a right to them.
The caravan has been broken down into smaller groups. They traveled 5 days in a row and have remained in Mapastepec, Chiapas, Mexico since December 28th.
People say - well, this happens every year. No, it does not! Biden is letting in 8-10 times the normal number of illegal aliens - on purpose! And, that’s just the people we know about!
They call themselves "international workers" and they say they have a "human right" to live in America. Who told them to say that?
They cost EACH American taxpayer roughly $150/month! That’s on top of Biden’s skyrocketing inflation!
California is giving illegals free healthcare. Do you get free healthcare? It’s not free. YOU are paying for it. YOUR children will pay for it.
"International workers. unite!” This is what they chanted under Mao's Communist regime.
The political slogan "Workers of the world, unite!" is also one of the rallying cries from The Communist Manifesto (1848) by Karl Marx.
There are numerous “illegal alien invasion maps” out there that have been provided as a road map to invade America!
This is quite real. Ask why the fake news is not reporting what’s really going on. Births to illegal immigrants have outpaced American births. The great replacement is no conspiracy.
BTW - did you know that Nikki Haley is an anchor baby? Her parents were NOT American citizens when she was born! Why is no one talking about this! Do you think an anchor baby has a Constitutional right to be US President? Does Nikki Haley fit the framers’ definition of a “natural-born citizen?” This scholar says she does not.
The establishment uni-party (both Rs and Ds) wants illegal immigration for votes, slave labor, to bring down wages, to redistribute your wealth and reduce resistance to control. They want illegal alien males so they can be conscripted into military service.
BUT - remember that the Roman Empire tried that with the Barbarians. They couldn’t defeat the Barbarian invaders so they offered them benefits & military service. What happened? The barbarians, once armed and trained, turned against Rome. THEY WERE NEVER ROMANS IN THE FIRST PLACE! THEY HAD NO ALLEGIANCE TO ROME. That’s how it fell. Will we never learn?
Rome even offered military service to gay and transgender males because they thought it would make them better fighters. How did that work out?
Ben Bergquam does a great job of reporting from the border. Watch this interview with an Iranian illegal. It will open your eyes.
Here’s a brief summary of what he says:
1) If I was Governor here, I would be afraid because all of these people coming here in China's military and India's military. [I'm from Iran] and I'm military. If an incident between the US & China occurs which side will they be on?
2) I came from Iran, through Turkey to Mexico. Terrorists would take the same route. Europe is sleeping. Biden is sleeping. It's terrible. We have three wars & recession. Trump was better. We want Trump back even if he deports us. Biden can't be trusted. He has betrayed us all.
3) I'm Muslim but I don't believe in Islam. I'm more secular and a believer. Islam is terrible. Islam is the new virus. I didn't go to Europe because they don't help people. Reagan said that America is the last stand for freedom & democracy. If America falls, everyone falls.
4) Radical Islam is the new wave of virus coming to America and you can't stop it. One day all these [Muslim illegals crossing over the border] will have to take a side between Islam and American citizens. You are naive if you think they will take your side.
5) I asked an Islamic friend of mine in Iran if the prophet told him to detonate a nuclear bomb - would he do it?He said yes - it comes from Allah - and I would do it. There are lots of Islamic terrorists like him in America now.
6) People talk about how America is not safe because of guns - that's ridiculous. America is safe BECAUSE of the guns, because of your first and second amendment. That's the reason America has the strongest democracy - because of the guns! Guns don't kill people. Radicals do.
If you want America to abandon our border and sovereignty, our Constitution and rule of law - outlaw freedom of religion and freedom of speech - and become another disarmed atheist Communist country, policed by armed cartels and barbarian invaders, do nothing. If not, speak out.
KANEKOA: On President Biden's inaugural day, he introduced policies that incentivize illegal immigration:
• Paused Deportations
• Suspended "Remain in Mexico"
• Stopped Border Wall Construction
Since these policy changes, over 8 million people have illegally entered the country, with millions more slipping past border patrol undetected. President Trump estimates this number will be 15 million by the 2024 election and Biden hopes to register them to vote (illegally.)
This surge in illegal immigration is a national security crisis - not to mention an election scam - costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions per year. Major U.S. cities, grappling with the escalating financial burden, are slashing budgets for essential services such as fire, police, sanitation, and education. We the People are paying.
President Biden holds the power to halt this crisis that is draining America's resources.
But he won’t. He’s too busy calling “Make America Great Again” Republicans the real threat.
BIDEN: “MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution, they do not believe in the rule of law. They promote authoritarian leaders and they fan the flames of political violence."
Sure, Joe. Come on, man! Time to adjust your meds and take a nice long nap at the beach. We have a country to save!
America is awakening and Biden is losing young, female and minority voters to President Trump.
Since the first few months that Biden has been in office - 60-80% of Americans view the economy as getting worse! Americans aren’t stupid.
Evil prevails because good men and women do and say nothing. I don't know how many different ways I can tell you what's coming. Now, it's up to YOU.
Your voice matters. You can make a difference! Spread the truth. God Bless!