Kevin Roberts, who has led the Heritage Foundation since 2021, the most respected conservative think tank in America, went to Davos to shake up the elites at the WEF, then appeared on several Fox News broadcasts and gave an interview to the New York Times.
The Heritage Foundation was founded in 1973. President Reagan later said that the Heritage Foundation was a "vital force" in the successes during his presidency.
Kevin Roberts said some things about conservative policy goals for the next administration and voiced his concerns about the 2020 election that I think you need to know and aren’t being widely reported. His comments are almost as powerful as those of Javier Milei in trashing the schemes of the Globalist banksters and the New World Order.
I compiled his comments from various venues and posted the most important ones below.
This could explain why the fake news is freaking out about “Trump 47” and Alex Soros and the Atlantic Magazine even appeared to threaten President Trump’s life in a veiled manner. More on that in a bit. Here’s what Kevin Roberts of the Heritage Foundation had to say.
KEVIN ROBERTS: “The very reason that I’m here at Davos is to explain…with all due respect—nothing personal—but that you’re part of the problem.”
“For too long, hypocritical self-avowed Marxists, private-jet environmentalists, and genocide-adjacent humanitarians who descend on Davos for their annual globalist sleepaway camp have wielded their power and influence to fuel their lives of luxury while ordinary people suffer.”
"The agenda that every single member of the [next] administration needs to have is to compile a list of everything that's ever been proposed at the World Economic Forum and object to all of them wholesale."
“No serious person believes that the global elite’s grand moral stands over the last generation—bowing to China, erasing borders, worshipping climate extremism—just so happened to directly serve their class interests at the expense of ordinary people’s democratic sovereignty and economic opportunity.”
“We need the freedom to govern ourselves; to usher the Davoisie into early retirement. Those attending the World Economic Forum need to hear this message.”
"It's laughable that anyone would describe Davos as protecting liberal democracy.”
"President Trump, if he gets elected for a 2nd Term, will not lead the sheep but awaken the lions."
"The forgotten people aren't just poor or working-class Americans of all ethnic backgrounds. There's a lot of these forgotten people, as I've come to learn over the last few years who are small business owners; people who scrapped and saved. They all believe the same thing, which is that the American Dream is slipping away from them."
"America First policies are right, not just for Americans, but for non-Americans as well. When Americans are at their apex of freedom… the rest of the world really benefits."
"It's equally laughable to use the word ‘dictatorship’ at Davos and aim that at President Trump. In fact, I think that's absurd."
"I'll be candid here, because I think I've been invited here to be candid: The kind of person who will come into the next conservative administration is going to be governed by one principle, and that is destroying the grasp that political elites and unelected technocrats have over the average person. The next conservative administration must destroy the grasp the elites have over the average person."
“Anyone not prepared to take away the power of the unelected bureaucrats and give it back to the American people is unprepared to be part of the next conservative administration.”
“President Trump, if he’s the next president, is going to take on the power of the elites.”
"Political elites tell the average people on three or four or five issues that the reality is X when in fact reality is Y.”
“Take immigration: elites tell us that open borders and even illegal immigration are okay. The average person tells us in the United States that both rob them of the American way of life. They’re right. President Trump will take that on, on behalf of the average American.”
"Elites also tell us that public safety isn’t a problem in big American cities. Just travel to New York, or Washington, or Dallas, Texas. The average person will tell you that the lack of public safety damages not just the American way of life, but their life. President Trump will take that on.”
"Thirdly, I guess the favorite at the World Economic Forum, is climate change. Elites tell us that we have this existential crisis with so-called climate change. So much so that climate alarmism is probably the greatest cause for mental health crisis in the world. The solutions, the average person knows, are far worse and more harmful, and cost more human lives, especially in Europe during the time that you need heating, than the problems themselves.”
“Fourth, China—the number one adversary not just to the United States, but to free people on planet Earth. Not only do we at Davos not say that, but we even give the Chinese Communist Party a platform. Count on President Trump ending that nonsense.”
“And fifth, as we sit here, another supranational organization, The World Health Organization, is discussing foisting gender ideology upon the Global South.”
“The new president, especially if it’s President Trump, will, as you like to say, "trust the science." He will understand the basic biological reality of manhood and womanhood. And do you know why? Not because of retribution, not because he’s a dictator, but because he has the power of the American people behind him.”
”And in addition to needing a vigorous executive, we look forward to having the popular will inform both the House and Senate in 2025 to pass laws on all of those issues and many others.”
“Ultimately, I think President Trump, if in fact he wins a second term, is going to be inspired by the wise words of Javier Milei, who said that he was in power "not to guide sheep, but to awaken lions." That’s what the average American and the average free person on planet Earth wants out of leaders.”
“[On the 2020 election] I think there are unknowns [about Biden actually winning the election]. I don’t know the outcome, but that’s why I can’t say yes definitively [that Biden won.] And I am no conspiracy theorist at all, as some of the election-integrity people on the right will tell you. Still a lot of unknowns in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. Is it possible he won? Sure. But can I say definitively that he won? No.”
“We have an election-fraud database at Heritage that shows a lot of instances of fraud. What I’m not saying is that the examples in that database prove that Biden didn’t win. I’m not certain that he won.”
“We want Ukraine to win. We want to see Ukraine win with a lot more help from European allies. I think the United States has a role. There is a world in which we support military aid for Ukraine. I think the entire American Right would, or almost all of them, provided it’s 100% focused on military aid. If there is real transparency in how the funds are used. Ukraine is in the bottom 10 on government transparency. We don’t celebrate that. It actually needs to have a strategic end game.”
“First, there needs to be Schedule F civil service reform so that the president can fire a good number of the unelected bureaucrats in the administrative state. The administrative state is the greatest threat to democracy in the United States, and we need to end it.”
“Second, he needs to really confront all of the policies surrounding so-called climate change and [deal with] wrong-headed and really harmful subsidies of wind and solar. We love wind and solar energy at Heritage, we just want them to stand on their own in the free market. And because that affects human prosperity, more than a billion people in the world have been lifted out of poverty in the last 35 years because of fossil fuels. The president is going to take that on.”
“Third, he must really be focused on fiscal restraint. Because we simply can't afford it. It's something that transcends the political Left and the political Right.”
The New York Times is freaking out and calling another Trump administration as “Institutionalizing Trumpism.”
President Trump thanked Kevin Roberts for speaking out and told him to keep going!
After Milei’s speech in Davos on January 17th, Roberts’ comments on January 18th and Trump’s blowout win in Iowa on January 15th, the Atlantic Magazine published a strange article on January 18th called the “The Great Normalization.”
It was written by a staff writer named “Roge Karma” - not kidding. The premise of the article was that inflation and crime are fine and BACK TO NORMAL under the Democrats - and that we don’t need Trump to fix anything. All is well under the Obama-Biden regime!
This would be expected from The Atlantic - which is owned by Steve Jobs’ wife and considered to be the mouthpiece of the Davos liberal elites. They loved the Obama Doctrine not the Reagan Doctrine.
Then, it gets weirder. The article features two photos - one of a bullet through a window and another of currency totaling $47. In other words - this appears to be an assassination threat against President Trump.
Even weirder - Alex Soros then posted the article with the two pictures on Sunday evening, January 21st, after DeSantis dropped out of the race and new polls show that Trump is expected to win New Hampshire by 25+ points.
A number of independent journalists covered this but Laura Loomer went into more detail about what she thinks this means. She thinks Alex Soros put out a hit on President Trump and is offering $100 MILLION. Here’s what she said and her receipts. The evidence is pretty compelling:
Alex Soros is the son of George Soros. His post tonight is a direct threat of violence against President Trump. If you look closely at the photo in the Atlantic article that Alex Soros posted tonight, there is a call for assassination embedded in the pictures.
Not only does one of the pictures have a single bullet hole through glass, and not only is $47 of cash seen, but there’s messaging conveyed through the arrangement of the money.
While some of the bills are upside down with obfuscated writing, “States of America” is legible on one of the bills. On another bill, the finger is covering the face of the US President. And on another bill, the words “silver certificate” are legible. The $47 in cash is a reference to the 47th President of the United States Of America (Donald Trump).
Silver Bullet = simple guaranteed solution for a difficult problem = certificate
Alex Soros is conveying that “the silver bullet” for $47 is death and that a financial award will be paid to the person who does it.
LAURA LOOMER: This is a threat against the life of President Trump. The son of George Soros and The Atlantic are suggesting they will give an award to whoever kills 47 because the other legible text on the bottom bill with the President’s face on it says “will pay to the bearer on demand”.
Aka a paid hit man. This assassination threat needs to be taken very seriously.
The $10 bill in the photograph next to the bullet says “WILL PAY TO THE BEARER ON DEMAND”. That writing on the bill was replaced with “IN GOD WE TRUST” in 1963. Alex Soros and the Atlantic specifically used this old $10 bill to highlight the JFK assassination.
LAURA LOOMER: In fact, all of the paper currency in this photo is associated with political assassination.
*Abraham Lincoln was Assassinated
*Alexander Hamilton pistol duel with Aaron Burr
*Andrew Jackson was the first President to have an assassination attempt against him in 1835.
*The 2 one dollar bills are silver certificates. The silver is referring to Kennedy being on a silver coin as well as the silver bullet.
The Bills Show As Followed: 10 02 5 01 1 1
The 4th bill is a TEN upside down that spells “NET”.
So the assassination offer is $100,250,111 NET.
LAURA LOOMER: “Alex Soros should be arrested immediately and The Atlantic needs to be investigated for publishing this.”
Alex Soros ranted against Trump at Davos and, according to Noor Bin Laden, appeared to be on drugs and slurring his words.
SOROS: “One man, Donald Trump, literally came in and just took that, took that, took that all away. Ehm, you know so, ehm, you know so, ehm, you know."
SUNDANCE: “Alex Soros knows exactly what he posted to his Twitter account.”
Alex Soros is constantly on Twitter (X) showing his family’s power over the Democrats and the Davos elites. The fake news often says we can’t criticize the Soros family because it would be anti-semitic.
Well, SOROS ADMITTED PUBLICLY LONG AGO THAT HE IS AN ATHEIST. He said so on 60 Minutes in 1998! He’s proud of it! So, that is not a valid argument!
So, tell me what you think. Do you think Alex Soros and the Atlantic intentionally put out a hit on President Trump with these inflammatory pictures or is this just another “conspiracy theory.” Send me your thoughts - either reply to this newsletter or send me an email at Thanks!
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