The election is less than two weeks away - and, frankly, I would rather be writing a newsletter today about that. But, something happened to me in the last few days that I think is indicative of what they plan for the rest of us - in terms of assigning each of us a social credit score that they can use to smear, ostracize, debank and deplatform us - so I want to share that experience with you.
I’m only going to cover the top-line - but I’ve provided links and screenshots of correspondence - I suggest you do more research on this on your own.
First of all, I got 2 emails this week with attachments from a person who says she is a “staff analyst” for NewsGuard. This happened right after I published the video of Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit about his censorship experience - including his experience with NewsGuard.
How does NewsGuard define itself?
What is NewsGuard? NewsGuard says on its own website that it is “nonpartisan” and uses “expert journalists” to rate and review news sources for their reliability. OK then. Let’s examine that for accuracy.
An analysis of NewsGuard shows that it is not “non-partisan.”
Notice that NewsGuard rates most big left-wing news sites 100 - and right-wing news sites under 50.
The House Oversight committee is investigating NewsGuard right now for trying to censor free speech and demands they reveal all contracts with the Feds.
Right now, on NewsGuard’s “reality check” website - it recommends these sites on Substack. These are four of the most left-wing pundits out there.
It also appears that NewsGuard’s staff analysts are not “expert” journalists with long and storied careers in media.
In 2024, NewsGuard began a new monitoring service before the election. They keep track of their progress on their website and also list the “staff analysts” right on the site. You can research these analysts yourself to determine their veracity as “experts.”
Also, there are lawsuits against NewsGuard for defamation that state NewsGuard is working with the Feds to monitor US citizens:
ROJAS: A media publication is striking back at NewsGuard, an American company that gives clients “reliability ratings and scores” for hundreds of news and information websites and often tags conservative sites with low grades.
Consortium News has filed a lawsuit against NewsGuard and the U.S. government, accusing them of defamation and working in tandem to censor the outlet’s foreign policy reporting in violation of the First Amendment. The publisher, Consortium for Independent Journalism, is seeking $13 million in damages and a permanent injunction declaring NewsGuard’s partnership with the U.S. government is unconstitutional. The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Manhattan, cites a $750,000 contract awarded to NewsGuard by the Defense Department in September 2021.
Many reputable conservative journalists have been poorly rated by NewsGuard. Even attorney Jonathan Turley says so.
He criticized NewsGuard in a column and was immediately contacted.
The same happened to Matt Walsh.
LifeNews says that NewsGuard gives Planned Parenthood great ratings and pro-life organizations poor ratings.
Other conservative pundits report on Twitter (X) that NewsGuard contacted them. Including the Dilley Meme Team:
Jon Herald of Devolution:
Ric Grenell, former Acting Director of National Intelligence of the United States, says NewsGuard is totally left-wing and that reporters and organizations are being conned.
It’s called a PROXY for the Democrat party.
Wayne DuPree says he lost access to Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn because of NewsGuard’s ratings.
Republican AGs Need To Bring The Fight To Democrats' Proxies
The Federalist Society wants Republican AGs to investigate and bring charges against NewsGuard and the American Federation of Teachers for colluding with them.
A few years ago, NewsGuard also sent me a letter basically telling me to take down my posts on COVID and George Floyd - which both turned out to be true. I refused to take them down.
Now they want me to do the same with two of my recent posts on weather manipulation and election fraud. That tells me they are both true as well.
The founder of NewsGuard said in October 2020 that the release of the Hunter Biden laptop was likely "a hoax perpetrated by the Russians again." So, NewsGuard itself promotes misinformation.
NewsGuard advisers include Michael Hayden, former head of the CIA and the NSA. Hayden was one of more than 50 former intelligence officials who falsely claimed in 2020 that the accurate New York Post story about Hunter Biden’s laptop was "Russian disinformation."
What they want to do is FORCE us to use NewsGuard so that we can censor ourselves. They are already doing this in the UK - this is a big first step toward global censorship and the installation of a global social credit score.
My old rating on NewsGuard was 47.5 - similar to Fox News, Breitbart & the Epoch Times. They said that I lied about the Ukraine war and the COVID vaccine. Actually, I was one of the few who told the truth about those from the beginning.
My NEW rating is 35. Click here to see the emails I received along with my new “ratings” profile.
Hmm. Facebook calls my website worthless "spam" and bans all links to it - but NewsGuard thinks it's important enough to review and demean? Got that?
UPDATE: In addition to NewsGuard censorship, the New York Times is working with YouTube & Media Matters to censor other journalists. Tucker Carlson and others received this text from the New York Times:
Why am I telling you all this? Because if they can do it to me - they can do it to you. One day they will use firms like this to track our every move and assign a social credit score to us like they do in Communist China.
AI: A social credit score is a rating that assigns a value to an individual's behavior. Social credit systems can be used to determine whether a person deserves access to benefits and services such as bank accounts, loans and social media accounts - and whether they should even be allowed to rent, work or travel.
This is just another totalitarian NWO tactic of control. In other words, a poor social credit score can ostracize you from society and worse. Heads up!
BRENDAN CARR, FCC: Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft & others have played central roles in the censorship cartel. The Orwellian named NewsGuard along with “fact checking” groups & ad agencies helped enforce one-sided narratives. The censorship cartel must be dismantled.
I’ve written over 2,000 newsletters in the past 8 years after being relentlessly censored and banned on social media. My work is FREE and supported by your generous donations.
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