It appears to me that Government politicians all over the world are just puppets and bit actors playing their parts - but who the heck is really behind the satanic cabal called the New World Order that they take direction from? That’s what I hope to answer in this newsletter.
"The main thing for people to understand is that there is a proxy war between what I call the blob, kind of like a mass that keeps getting bigger and bigger. It is the foreign policy establishment of the US, the UK, and NATO."
Others call it an international crime cartel or the Deep State. Archbishop Vigano says it’s a combination of the British Crown, CIA, WEF, UN, Vatican and IMF.
It’s obviously NOT based on religion or denomination - nor is it based on country or party or gender or race. We know that there is SOME connection - because the NWO propaganda and schemes (like COVID) work in tandem all over the world. But what is the connection? Where did the NWO come from, why do they hate God and family - why are they so obsessed with promoting evil? What is their motivation?
I’ve read THOUSANDS of articles and documents on this subject and what you are about to read is what I think. I’m going to be providing you with enough information (in a 10 minute read) so you can do your own research but I’m not going to overwhelm you with too much detail in this newsletter so you lose my point. What follows is my EDUCATED OPINION.
Imagine a private club where Presidents, Prime Ministers, international bankers and Generals rub shoulders and where the people who run the wars, the markets and governments say things behind closed doors that they never say in public. Where does that happen? At the annual meeting of the Bilderberg Group. Every year, since 1954, the Bilderberg Group meets to decide how to run the world. No notes are taken, no press are allowed.
In 1954, the Cold War was just beginning. The United Nations started up and there was a defensive need for NATO. In Europe, the wealthy monarchies felt the need to defend their own social interests and economic interests and defend themselves against outside threats.
The US took a leadership position in the world. The Cold War went on until 1989 but back then nobody knew how long it would last.
The CIA financed the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954. The purpose was to use this meeting to control all the institutions in the world to sway public opinion in favor of the NWO. The host of the first meeting was a card-carrying member of the NAZI party.
The 100-200 people who are invited each year are those who can carry out the actions of the NWO. They groom them - and they groom others. They control them - and they control us. Regulars include those from the WHO, the World Bank, the IMF, the UN, the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, etc. along with Presidents, Prime Ministers, Senators, and influential media organizations from around the world.
Attendees have included Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Hillary Clinton, Jeff Bezos, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, and Gerald Ford.
What today is called the Bilderberg Group can be traced way back to the period right after the 4th Crusade (1200-1204.) The Bilderberg Group or Bilderberg Society already existed back then and was called the “Venetian Black Nobility” - these Oligarchs and insanely wealthy families are still the mainstay of the Bilderberg (NWO) power structure today.
The European “Black Nobility” is primarily responsible for setting up the insidious entanglements of numerous secret societies, lodges, and organizations, which are backed with high finance and powerful political connections.
Such organizations include: Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), United Nations (founded by CFR), Illuminati order Skull & Bones (inner circle of the CFR), International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, Bank of International Settlement, Club of Rome, Chatham House (formally the Royal Institute of International Affairs - RIIA), Round Table, Tavistock Institute for Human Studies (England's psychological warfare think tank), Associated Press, Reuters (Rothschild owned news monopoly), and many others, all of which, work in favor of their One World Government agenda.
Before the rise of the Roman Empire as the world’s dominant power in the Mediterranean, there existed a very specific cartel of oligarchical families mainly centered on Babylon, Persia (Iran) & Tyre.
These oligarchical families were powerful banker families who dominated maritime trade and commerce. They were the merchants of the sea. Many of them eventually settled in Venice. During the 1200s they set out to create a new Roman Empire with its center at Venice. They even funded Genghis Khan as he attacked the area now called Russia.
The Venetian Nobility are called the Black Nobility because they earned this title through dirty tricks. They use secret assassinations, war, genocide, terror, brainwashing, robbery, the bankrupting of opposing citizens, countries or companies, blackmail, kidnapping and rape to control. The Venetian Black Nobility has evolved into essentially a private criminal enterprise which stretches across the globe, operating through a network of government agencies, public & private corporations and financial institutions. I believe the Venetian Black Nobility IS the New World Order.
During the Middle Ages, European power centers concentrated into two camps: the Ghibellines and the Guelphs.
Every subsequent coup d'état, revolution and war has been funded by the Guelphs to hold and enhance their power, which is now the emerging New World Order. The Guelphs control the evil Venetian Black Nobility that runs the world and actually had a major resurgence in 2015.
The most powerful of the Venetian Black Nobility families today are located in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Britain, Holland and Greece. Today the Guelphs control the price of all raw materials, the price of gold and the price of oil. The Venetian Black Nobility also controls the Federal Reserve system in the US.
Who are the Venetian Black Nobility NWO families descended from? I’ve traced the family lineages and it looks like they descend from ancient pagan Canaanites. So, the New World Order is PAGAN - and has nothing to do with God or any religion.
Who were the Canaanites? The Canaanites were violent and evil pagans who worshipped many Gods. The Canaanite pagans lived in Canaan (comprising Lebanon, southern Syria, Israel and Transjordan) before the arrival of the Israelites.
The land was named after a man called Canaan, the grandson of Noah. Canaan was evil and cursed. Nimrod, the great grandson of Noah, was also evil - he is considered the force behind the Tower of Babel. Nimrod promoted the worship of many gods and even tried to murder Abraham. Nimrod built the Tower of Babel because he worshipped man over God - and thought by his power alone he would ultimately be able to reach Paradise.
The pagan Canaanites eventually adopted the name "Sepharvaim" - are rumored to have intermarried with Turks (Khazars) - and they later migrated and married into European royalty and aristocracy - becoming known as the "Venetian Black Nobility."
The ancient Israelites and early Christians were strongly opposed to the pagan religion of the Canaanites.
According to the biblical narrative in the Book of Exodus, Moses led his people, the Israelites, out of the bondage of slavery in Egypt and toward the 'promised land' of Canaan where God had promised them they would live in peace in a "land flowing with milk and honey." Moses had been directed to lead his people to Canaan because that had been their homeland prior to their move to Egypt. Abraham had brought his tribe there, established his people and developed a culture distinct from that of the Canaanites. Abraham left Ur, in Mesopotamia, because God called him to found a new nation in an undesignated land that he later learned was Canaan.
The Book of Joshua tells of the campaigns of the Israelites against the Canaanites - subduing the populace with the help, and by command, of God, destroying the city of Jericho. The land of Canaan was then given back to the Israelites and the kingdoms of Israel and Judah were established.
God commanded the Israelites to kill the Canaanites for their sins. Unfortunately, they didn’t finish the job and still live among us - they continue to be “thorns in our sides.”
The Canaanites committed sins of idolatry, holy temple prostitution, adultery, homosexuality, incest, murder, bestiality, gang rape, and child sacrifice. In Canaanite culture, these sins were pretty much universally practiced and accepted because this is what their gods were like. Not only did they declare these acts as righteous morality, but they also participated in these acts in the worship of their gods as a means of gaining the gods’ approval.
The Canaanites were pagans who primarily worshipped Ba’al, Ashtoreth (Ishtar) - the “Queen of Heaven” and Molech.
God actually destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because they had become so evil that even the other Canaanites were complaining about how evil they were.
The Canaanite people were an extremely violent people involved in and promoting idolatry, gang rape, bestiality, child sacrifice, and many other evil and grotesque practices. Not only did they worship these gods, but they worshiped these gods with acts of sex and orgies in the temples and called it holy and righteous. Not only was bestiality practiced and dreams about it seen as good omens, but it was also practiced as a form of worship. Their Gods believed they had the power to change the climate, turn men into women, and make women infertile. Now you know where it came from!
Molech was a Canaanite underworld deity that required child sacrifice in order to prove devotion to him. Molech was portrayed as a man with the head of a bull standing upright with his arms outstretched. Inside his stomach was a fire, and children would be placed in his arms for burning. Molech required that you sacrifice your firstborn son to him in order to ensure the blessings of the gods. Infants and children as old as four were offered up to him. The prehistoric form of abortion and infanticide.
So, the Canaanites were EVIL and God demanded that they be destroyed. HOWEVER, many survived. Now you know where the New World Order comes from. Now you know why they hate God.
The Canaanites merged with the Philistines (Pharisees) who merged with the Khazars who merged with the Guelphs who evolved into Venetian Black Nobility who evolved into the New World Order. They have passed their evil ways and sickness and money down from generation to generation. The same people who tried to kill Abraham and killed Jesus are still here trying to kill us. SATAN’S SPAWN.
NC: The globalist mafia is not Judaic as some believe. The Khazarian mafia does exist and includes the Rothschilds. They claim to be Jews but on closer scrutiny that claim is false. Satanist Marina Abramovic is best friends of the Rothschilds and may be related to them. While it is true that the Rothschilds invested in Israel, it doesn’t mean that religious Jewish people have any allegiance to them.
With the accession of George I to the British throne, the Guelphs became rulers of Great Britain. The Guelphs came from the House of Welf - a European dynasty that has included many German and British monarchs from the 11th to 20th century.
The Guelphs & the Venetian Black Nobility supported the Pope - but not for the reasons you think. They supported the Pope so that the Pope would do their bidding - seat their chosen ones - and keep their dynasty in power.
Now it makes sense why Archbishop Vigano tied the NWO to the UN, WEF and to the Pope and the British Crown and why the Pope ex-communicated Vigano at the behest of the NWO. The Venetian Black Nobility basically controls the UN, the British Crown, the Pope & the WEF.
The Guelph NWO has even funded wars against Christians to make it appear to the Pope that they were protectors of Christendom. Deception.
The struggle for power between the Pope and the Holy Roman Empire arose with the Investiture Controversy, which began in 1075 and in 1293 with the Ordinances of Justice. Both were about WHO HAD THE POWER to control the people.
Ultimately, the goal was to keep power with an elite class drawn from the major guilds - judges, notaries, bankers, international traders, money changers, silk merchants, doctors & pharmacists & clothing merchants. Nothing has changed. The same applies today.
Therefore, the men who effectively ruled were members of the “fat people” consisting of bankers and businessmen of great wealth, who professed allegiance to the Guelph party (the Canaanite NWO) and were protected by the Pope. In 1302, the “Black” Guelphs, in alliance with Pope Boniface VIII, succeeded in expelling the “White Guelphs” who were against the Pope. Thus, why they are called the “Venetian Black Nobility.”
That’s who I believe is the current NWO of today. This explains why the NWO is so evil and connected around the world. That’s why I do not believe that there is any ONE TRUE DENOMINATION in the church of God - not Protestant or Catholic - because any church founded by man can be corrupted. But that is the subject of a future newsletter - so I won’t go into that now.
Shortly after this meeting, Archbishop Vigano was ex-communicated. Draw your own conclusions.
The Bilderberg group has been behind many schemes and hoaxes in order to keep power.
The oil shock of 1973, the 400% targeted increase in the price of OPEC oil, was engineered by the Bilderberg Group to flow money into the hands of the Saudis and other Persian Gulf nations - and then to London and Wall Street to be managed. The NWO used the oil scheme to establish an absolute domination over world credit to make sure that it no longer went for any development.
JFK was assassinated and Nixon was removed because they threatened to expose the NWO secret societies. And on and on and on. Now they are trying to take down President Trump.
In 1968, the NWO Bilderberg Group determined that they had to restructure the entire world along the lines of a corporation. They decided that the idea of the nation state was outmoded. They wanted a ONE WORLD COMPANY. Mega mergers happened.
They wanted to remove power from individual countries and create corporations that they controlled and could actually give orders to governments. That’s called fascism. The NWO elites believe that resources are limited so in order for THEM to survive - we can’t. We must be sacrificed.
The Bilderberg apparatus is not really the idea of capitalism because in the end they already control 90% of every aspect of society - everything you eat, everything you look at, everything you touch is in the private hands of these billionaire Oligarchs today. There is no competition. Just centralized control.
Their goal now is to gradually depopulate the globe, deindustrialize everything and destroy everything until the entire world looks like Detroit. Then they plan to build it back in their own image.
Every country is being forced to take on the massive debt of the NWO cabal so the Canaanite Oligarchy can continue to pretend to be a superior species and live an immoral and Godless life. In order to do so, they need to keep the rest of us deliberately backwards and stupid and controlled by one scheme after the other.
Now that you know the truth - ask yourself one question:
Will we live free in the 21st century as We the People in a God-fearing nation-state republic or as subjugated and dehumanized slaves under the atheist and satanic NWO? It’s up to us. I know what my answer is.
PUT ON THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD! If God is for us, no one can stand against us.
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