I’ve uncovered some new theories about what the virus we called COVID really was and the vaccines and treatments that were released by the Trump administration in 2020. I think this is important information that everyone should know and analyze themselves.
In March of 2020, I wrote one of the first in-depth articles about COVID using public sources - which back then I called the Wuhan virus. It was obvious to me back then there was more to the story - because the dots did NOT all connect. There were still way too many inconsistencies in the story we were told by the media and the administration. Before you read this newsletter about what I think really happened in 2020, re-read my newsletter about what we knew about the Wuhan virus back then.
There is a man on X, John Cullen, who I started following after the Vegas massacre. His theories about Vegas made the most sense to me back then and since then much new information has come out about Vegas confirming many of John’s conclusions. Those of you who have been following me for years know that I analyze ALL different sides of an issue, from public records, and then try to discern the truth within. It’s not an easy task - particularly since I have no inside sources anywhere.
Cullen also did some excellent trajectory work on the assassination attempt against Trump to prove there were likely multiple shooters and I included Cullen’s analysis in my newsletter series on that - along with many others. If you haven’t read that, you might want to read it before you continue.
Cullen is right so often that he is often plagiarized by others.
John Cullen also has a theory about COVID and what really happened and has documented his conclusions. It explains why Trump acted the way he did, why Trump kept bringing up the 1917 pandemic (which was H7N9 avian flu) and why Trump to this day still calls Operation Warp Speed a stunning achievement.
As you recall, the first American COVID vaccine was released in November 2020 after they stole the 2020 election from Trump. Trump did not mandate it and did not push boosters. He did not recommend it for children - but did recommend it for seniors and those with compromised immune systems.
The mandates came later from Team Obama-Biden-Harris. However, many don’t realize that earlier untested vaccines had been released in Europe, China & Russia. Strangely, for a virus that was supposedly mild - every world leader was frantic to take an untested vaccine in 2020.
John Cullen believes that FIRST vaccine that Trump released in November 2020 was to stop the H7N9 avian influenza (similar to 1917) virus which had a 40% mortality rate and killed 100 MILLION people in the early 20th century. Cullen believes it was NOT designed for COVID - it was designed to stop a deadly flu that Obama released into China.
H7N9 was a bioweapon released by the Obama administration against China in 2014.
H7N9 came from University of Wisconsin - think Ron Johnson. Obama approved it, Fauci funded it, and a scientist named Yoshihero Kawaoka did the Gain of Function (GoF) work. I’m including screen shots of documents rather than links because I have found the links will ‘DISAPPEAR’ - you can do your own research if you want to know more…
H7N9 was circulating in Communist China for years thanks to Obama.
I believe that Obama's administration also released H1N1 swine flu in 2009 in America to sicken the public in order to sell Obamacare to Congress. This is their playbook. We are still living with mutations from that bioweapon today.
CULLEN: SARS-COV2 was the Red Herring. The real pandemic was H7N9 avian influenza. It killed 7 million people, and 1/4 of the egg laying chickens on earth. Obama & Fauci used it as a bioweapon against China. Kawaoka did the GoF at the University of Wisconsin in 2014. By 2019, it had a 40% case fatality rate. That's the outbreak you saw in Wuhan/Hubei. COVID was the CIA’s cover-up.
COVID was the cover-up that arose from the tabletop war-game exercise called Operation Crimson Contagion.
Crimson Contagion was a joint exercise conducted from January to August 2019, in which numerous national, state and local, private and public organizations in the US participated, in order to test the capacity of the federal government and twelve states to respond to a severe pandemic of influenza originating in China. The simulation, which was conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services in a series of exercises that ran from January to August 2019, involved a scenario in which a group of about 30 tourists returning from China spread a novel influenza A respiratory virus in the United States, beginning in Chicago.
In less than two months the virus had spread from a single index case (a 52-year-old man returning to Chicago) to infect 110 million Americans; 7.7 million patients would require hospitalization, and 586,000 people would die from the novel virus.
The 70-page report issued at the conclusion of the exercise outlined the government's limited capacity to respond to a pandemic.
Sound familiar? In other words, Obama released a deadly flu virus into China (H7N9) that they couldn’t contain - so the CIA & the swamp released COVID as a fake virus and spread that around the world WITH IT - and then Trump was stuck with trying to fix their problem and save millions of lives.
In addition, the NWO and the puppet masters weaponized the whole cover-up to use it as an excuse to push cheat-by-mail voting in 2020, a coup against Trump and the George Floyd color revolution in America. The swamp never lets a tragedy go to waste. They used Trump to save lives and then kicked him to the curb when he did.
How bad was the H7N9 avian flu outbreak? The Department of Defense and the CIA sent Michael Callahan - an infectious disease doctor - to Hubei in 2019, to cover it up, and mingled it with another weak cold virus from EcoHealth Alliance: SARS-COV2. Callahan called Robert Malone - who invented mRNA and helped with the cover-up, took every vaccine he could get his hands on - and then later claimed damage to try to hurt Trump. IMHO, MALONE IS CIA AND PART OF THE COVER-UP.
CULLEN: The CIA released a "patsy" virus to hide the Obama and Fauci H7N9 flu virus that was out of control. The real pandemic was avian bird flu. In January, 2020, Italy had 3 million cases. 4 times more people died in Queensland, Australia from the flu than the year before. 4,000+ Americans were dying per week from the flu by January 2020.
Then, suddenly, the flu went away? NOPE.
Trump originally said at the end of February 2020 at a rally that COVID was a hoax. He wasn’t lying. The media mocked him and he never said it again. The vaccine that Trump issued under Operation Warpspeed wasn’t for SARS-COV2. It was to stop Obama's H7N9 deadly avian flu. Without Trump’s vaccine and anti-body treatment, 5-12 million Americans might have died.
COVID was a cover-up virus - a relatively weak virus - released by the CIA to protect the swamp and their past bioweapon schemes. Trump was forced to keep quiet in the name of national security and still save lives. COVID was the CIA's cover-up of a Gain-of-Function strain of H7N9, deployed by Obama against China, as a bioweapon.
CULLEN: The vaccines were not for COVID. They were for the avian flu and they were highly effective. They have lots of lousy side effects, but saved millions of lives They were for H7N9 bird flu. We couldn't make vaccines in eggs, since the chickens were being wiped out. [This makes sense since the original J & J vaccine was egg-based - and the one I was willing to take - but it was quickly pulled and replaced with mRNA. Now I know why. I didn’t want to take mRNA because it can cause auto-immune problems - I knew that from my microbiology class!]
That's why Trump needed to rush to mRNA, to stop the deadly flu, before the vaccine was truly ready, or safe - because it was fast and our egg-based platform was compromised. He was afraid, with good reason, that tens of millions of people could die from H7N9 avian influenza.
Pfizer ordered their mRNA H7N9 Influenza vaccine from BioNTech in August, 2018. They knew what was going on in China could come here.
The 2nd death from COVID was on January 15, 2020. So, why did we need vaccines for COVID on January 13, 2020? Clearly, not for SARS-COV2. They were for H7N9 bird flu.
CULLEN - Circa 2014:
Obama: "Tony, if we did Gain of Function on this H7N9 virus that is in China, could we "slip in" the deadly version, without anyone noticing, and bring China to it's knees?"
Fauci: "Yes. No one would ever know. I can get Kawaoka to do it for less than $1 million. He's Japanese. He hates the Chinese. Then, we can get Callahan to do the dirty work in Hubei, when it's ready. It should wipe out 20-40% of their poultry."
Obama: "Make it so."
Fauci: "Yes, sir. Fund Kawaoka, at University of Wisconsin?"
Obama: "Yes."
CULLEN: The Crimson Contagion plan to cover-up the H7N9 began in January 2019 and wrapped up in August 2019. The Wuhan Military Games was the super-spreader event where both viruses were intermingled and spread around the world.
Event 201 was a smokescreen designed to divert attention away from the deadly flu and toward COVID. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic. In other words - they knew the deadly H7N9 flu was coming because Obama-Fauci had released it! They knew they needed a coverup…
The vaccines were ordered from Moderna on January 13, 2020 when there was only one person dead on earth from COVID. Therefore, they weren't for COVID. Common sense. The vaccines that were REALLY ordered that day were the mRNA-1851 for H7N9 influenza. That's why Callahan was in Hubei. H7N9 was at a 40 percent case fatality rate. And, it was in the food supply.
Remember when President Trump & Ben Carson & many others almost died in October 2020 before the first vaccine was released in November? That wasn't from COVID - that was likely from the deadly avian flu. That's why so many members of Congress all took it. They knew how deadly H7N9 really was.
Trump & Carson both took ANTI-BODY TREATMENTS WHICH SAVED THEM - a precursor to the vaccine.
That's the ONLY reasonable conclusion due to the fact that we were all told that the flu DISAPPEARED for two years around the globe. No, it didn't. It was just renamed COVID.
My big question at this point is what was in the boosters and subsequent shots that Biden mandated? That's the BIG question that nobody is answering.
John's theory explains ALL THE QUESTIONS I've had over the years about the inconsistencies in the COVID narrative. This newsletter is just the beginning of the discussion but I wanted to get it out there so you can start doing your own research and asking the right questions. Hopefully, RFK and Trump’s new Cabinet and head of NIH will expose the truth.
For those of you interested - here are some details about influenza, H7N9 specifically, how it spreads and how it’s named - because the language about influenza can be confusing.
There are four types of influenza viruses: A, B, C, and D. Influenza A and B viruses cause seasonal epidemics of disease in people (known as flu season) almost every winter in the United States.
Influenza A viruses are the only influenza viruses known to cause flu pandemics (i.e., global epidemics of flu disease). A pandemic can occur when a new and different influenza A virus emerges that infects people, has the ability to spread efficiently among people, and against which people have little or no immunity. Influenza C virus infections generally cause mild illness and are not thought to cause human epidemics. Influenza D viruses primarily affect cattle with spillover to other animals but are not known to infect people to cause illness.
Flu, also called influenza, is an infection of the nose, throat and lungs, which are part of the respiratory system. Colds tend to start slowly, and the flu tends to come on quickly, within two or three days after you come in contact with the virus. And while a cold can be miserable, you usually feel much worse with the flu.
Humans at higher risk for complications from influenza A include children under 5, adults over 65, pregnant women, and people with certain chronic conditions or who are immunocompromised.
In 2013, human infections with H7N9 viruses were reported for the first time in China. The virus spread in the poultry population across the country and resulted in over 1500 reported human cases and many human deaths from 2013 to 2019. No further human cases have been reported to WHO since 2019 - odd, huh?
The house fly can be a potential carrier and spreader of avian flu - by the excretion of virus particles during regurgitation and defecation. Think about that when you’re standing in your circles with your mask on!
Avian influenza virus (AIV) is an enveloped RNA virus that belongs to the genus Influenzavirus A of the family Orthomyxoviridae. Influenza A viruses are classified into subtypes by the combination of their two surface glycoproteins hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, of which 16 (H1–H16) and nine (N1–N9) antigens.
AIV of H5 and H7 subtypes occurs as low-pathogenic and high-pathogenic strains, based on their virulence in chickens. The natural reservoir of avian influenza virus is wild aquatic birds and AIV circulates between wild birds and domestic poultry. Low-pathogenic isolates of the H5 and H7 subtypes may mutate into highly pathogenic (HP) variants after introduction into fowl, which induce severe, systemic disease with high mortality.
While influenza has led to annual epidemics and four major pandemics over the last century, two subtypes give cause for concern, H5N1 and H7N9.
Influenza type A is consistently circulating globally. The virus is particularly prevalent during winter due to the decreased humidity and closer contact between hosts, allowing easier transmission. Additionally, lack of exposure to sun and therefore vitamin D, can weaken people’s immune systems, making them more susceptible to infections, including influenza.
Since Spanish flu, there have been three pandemics – H2N2 in 1956-7, H3N2 in 1968 and H1N1 in 2009 – and before COVID-19 it was widely assumed that the next pandemic would be caused by influenza. Influenza is spread through respiratory droplets when an infected host sneezes or coughs. Because birds, pigs and other zoonotic hosts are reservoirs for the virus and have the potential to transmit the virus to humans, the threat posed by influenza virus is ever-present.
H7N9 has a fatality rate of 40%, in which two thirds of deaths are over the age of 50.
The incubation period for avian influenza is 2-5 days and the symptoms are fever, coughing, sneezing, muscular and body aches, headaches and fatigue.
This is a picture of an influenza (flu) A virus. Influenza A viruses are classified by subtypes based on the properties of their hemagglutinin (H or HA) and neuraminidase (N or NA) surface proteins. There are 18 different HA subtypes and 11 different NA subtypes. Subtypes are named by combining the H and N numbers – e.g., A(H1N1), A(H3N2).
Influenza viruses have hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N) surface proteins. These proteins act as antigens. Antigens are molecular structures/proteins on the surface of viruses that are recognized by the immune system and can trigger an immune response (such as antibody production). The antigenic properties are a reflection of the antibody or immune response triggered by the antigens on a particular virus. When two influenza viruses are antigenically different, this means that a host's immune response (antibodies) elicited by infection or vaccination with one of the viruses will not as easily recognize and neutralize the other virus. Therefore, for antigenically different viruses, immunity developed against one of the viruses will not necessarily protect against the other virus as well.
Conversely, when two influenza viruses are antigenically similar, a host's immune response (antibodies) elicited by infection or vaccination with one of the viruses will recognize and neutralize the other virus, thereby protecting against the other virus.
Currently circulating influenza A(H1N1) viruses are related to the H1N1 swine flu virus that emerged in the spring of 2009 and caused a flu pandemic. [Which I believe Obama released as a bioweapon to sell ObamaCare.]
CDC follows an internationally accepted naming convention for influenza viruses. This convention was accepted by WHO in 1979 and published in February 1980 in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization.
The antigenic type (i.e., A, B, C, D)
The host of origin (e.g., swine, equine, chicken, etc.). For human-origin viruses, no host of origin designation is given. Note the following examples:
(Duck example): avian influenza A(H1N1), A/duck/Alberta/35/76
(Human example): seasonal influenza A(H3N2), A/Perth/16/2019
Geographical origin (e.g., Denver, Taiwan, etc.)
Strain number (e.g., 7, 15, etc.)
Year of collection (e.g., 57, 2009, etc.)
For influenza A viruses, the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase antigen description are provided in parentheses (e.g., influenza A(H1N1) virus, influenza A(H5N1) virus)
When humans are infected with influenza viruses that normally circulate in swine (pigs), these viruses are call variant viruses and are designated with the letter "v."
CULLEN: Avian influenza causes Encephalitis Lethargica (Sleeping Sickness.) THAT's what Long COVID is.
That’s all I have for now but as I find more information and documentation, I will update this newsletter and circulate it again. Please thank John Cullen for his excellent analysis and work. Pray for wisdom and discernment!
GROK: The primary way humans get infected with bird flu in the food supply is through direct or close contact with infected birds, their saliva, mucous, feces, or environments contaminated by these secretions. This is common among people who work directly with poultry, such as farmers, veterinarians, or those involved in slaughter and processing.
Aerosol and Droplet Transmission: In some instances, the virus can spread through respiratory droplets or aerosols when infected birds cough or sneeze. This could potentially infect humans through the respiratory tract or eyes if they are in close proximity to infected birds or in environments with high viral loads.
Contaminated Surfaces: Humans can also contract the virus by touching surfaces contaminated with the virus and then touching their mouth, nose, or eyes.
Spreading Through Eggs:
Low Risk from Cooked Eggs: There is little to no risk of catching bird flu from properly cooked eggs. Cooking eggs to an internal temperature of at least 165°F (74°C) kills the virus. The likelihood that eggs from infected poultry reach the consumer is low because infected hens usually stop laying eggs or the eggs are removed from the market if the flock is known to be infected.
Egg Shells: Even if an eggshell is contaminated with the virus, washing and sanitizing eggs, which is a standard practice in commercial egg production, significantly reduces the risk of transmission.
However, one must handle raw eggs with care to avoid cross-contamination.
Raw or Undercooked Eggs: There is a theoretical risk if someone consumes raw or undercooked eggs from an infected bird, but this scenario is rare due to stringent food safety regulations and practices in most countries.
Cook Eggs and Poultry Thoroughly: Always cook poultry and eggs to the recommended temperatures to kill any potential pathogens.
Good Hygiene: Wash hands thoroughly after handling raw poultry or eggs.
Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after handling raw poultry and eggs.
Keep raw poultry and eggs away from other foods.
Clean cutting boards, knives, and countertops with hot, soapy water.
Avoid Contact with Sick Birds: If you're involved in poultry farming or have backyard flocks, follow biosecurity practices and avoid contact with birds showing signs of illness.
The current knowledge and practices around food safety significantly mitigate the risk of bird flu transmission through eggs in the general population. However, vigilance is necessary for those who work directly with poultry or in areas where outbreaks occur.
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