Many people have asked me to explain who I think are the puppet masters behind all the chaos in the world. Many think they know but can’t really articulate it for their friends. Many point their fingers to one group or another - but it’s much much more complicated than that.
Here’s a simplified version that I hope helps you understand. I’m going to use the Ukraine war AND the assassination of the United Healthcare CEO to illustrate who they are and how this works. I’ve included dozens of links (in red) to articles that I’ve written in the past to explain in-depth some of the topics I’m covering. I hope you take the time to read them all on my website.
I have spent the last 9 years studying and researching this topic so that I can understand it enough to explain it to others. The best way to learn is to teach it to others. It’s hard to really grasp an issue of this magnitude through bits and pieces - this is an attempt to give you the bigger picture in less than 10 minutes.
The Ukraine war NEVER should have happened. Trump has said that many times. Most recent wars should have never happened. Why? These wars are forced on the world by the globalist puppet masters.
The Russians tried repeatedly to settle the Ukraine war on terms that were very beneficial to Ukraine and the US. The US, under Obama-Biden-Harris, refused.
The major thing that Russia wanted was for the US to keep NATO out of the Ukraine.
The big military contractors, like Raytheon, Northrup Grumman, General Dynamics, Boeing & Lockheed Martin, want to keeping adding new countries to NATO all the time. Look how much NATO has grown since 1949. Why is this necessary? It’s NOT.
New NATO countries are required to conform their military purchases to NATO weapon specifications and the military contractors get to control a NEW trapped market. The New World Order wants to expand NATO to give the defense contractors - which they own - a MONOPOLY. NATO is another CIA-controlled operation.
The New World Order wants to control monopolies in ALL industries - banking, media, healthcare, technology, AI, defense, currency, food, energy, etc. and keep nations under control with debt slavery. Remember - that is their goal. They will remove anyone who stands in their way. They need to control ALL means and methods that We the People could use to revolt against their tyranny - which means controlling our access to weapons as well.
Since March of 2022, the United States, under Obama-Biden-Harris, has committed over $100 BILLION to Ukraine - that's enough money to build a house for every homeless person in America. Why? Most of that money won't go to Ukraine - it will go to NWO-owned multi-national corporations and the donors and politicians and hedge funds behind Obama-Biden-Harris! It's basically one big GLOBALIST money laundering scheme.
I wrote about that in 2019 - about how many politicians in both parties invest in all these money laundering schemes - which is nothing more than stealing blood and treasure from the people - and profit from them.
But the BIG BIG expenses for war come AFTER the war is over - when they have to REBUILD everything that they’ve destroyed. That's where BUILD BACK BETTER comes in.
And who do you think owns every one of the defense companies and BUILD BACK BETTER companies that benefit from this money-laundering scheme? BLACKROCK.
Who are BLACKROCK's investors? The New World Order and every politician who votes for these wars and BUILD BACK BETTER schemes in the first place! They NEED war so that their portfolios remain profitable!
Who is the New World Order? I’ve studied this for a long time and this is my best EDUCATED guess…
BlackRock puppets in the US Government and the media tell the American people that we are LOANING money to Ukraine - we're not just giving it to them. So, we’ll get it all back plus interest. Hmm. What are the conditions of the loan?
Ukraine must put ALL its Government-owned assets up for sale to multi-national corporations (owned by BLACKROCK) including all their farmland. Ukraine's agricultural land is one of its most important assets - just like in America! Ukraine has the richest farmland in the world - it's the breadbasket of Europe.
Who is buying the agricultural land in Ukraine for pennies on the dollar? Dupont, Cargill and Monsanto.
Who owns all THOSE companies? BLACKROCK. Who does BlackRock work for? The New World Order. It’s basically a front company for the New World Order. Who benefits from BlackRock’s investments? The politicians and companies who support BlackRock! QUID PRO QUO.
United Healthcare is ALSO owned by BlackRock and the CEO wasn’t doing as he was told! Connect the dots!
Now translate that same “confiscation” strategy to every nation on earth. In Ukraine, it’s farmland they want. In other countries, it could be oil or gas or gold or minerals (iron, lithium, graphite, etc.) or diamonds or food or computer chips or whatever. That’s what this is all about. CONTROLLING NATURAL RESOURCES.
Zelensky & Biden gave out a MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR contract to REBUILD Ukraine. Who do you think got that contract? BLACKROCK.
RFK JR: “They're doing this right in front of us. They don't even care that we know anymore. They know they can get away with it.”
The New World Order runs BLACKROCK and they know that if they keep us at war with each other, keep us hating each other, they will force us to ask them to lend us money and weapons TO DESTROY EACH OTHER and equipment to rebuild after we destroy ourselves. It's an age-old scheme and they fund BOTH SIDES of it.
I have written about this many times! Even the Federal Reserve is one of their money laundering schemes! The only way to stop the New World Order is to come up with a plan to circumvent its control and give control back to the people. That’s what I believe guys like Trump, Elon, Sachs, Andreessen & Bobby are trying to do. That’s what I’m trying to explain in my series on the PLAN TO SAVE AMERICA.
The New World Order is all about money and PRESERVING THE WEALTH for the few hundred families who have it at the top. In order to do that - they need to confiscate OUR wealth and create reasons to us to war against each other while they are doing it. They invest it through hedge funds like BlackRock to win. When their strategies fail - they need to recoup their losses. Who pays? We do.
They use the big hedge funds like BlackRock to control everything so they can hedge their bets. They murder people who get in the way and use patsies created by mind control programs like MK ULTRA to take the fall for their damage control efforts. They use bioweapons and weather manipulation and mass surveillance to bring us to our knees to submit. IT IS ALL CONNECTED.
Think of it this way. The New World Order is like a few guys who own a global casino. They want to win - but they also want the people to play - so they control all the slot machines in it - and rig the game so they always have an edge.
They also want to control the companies and the materials needed to make the slot machines and the message behind the media companies that promote the casino. So they buy them and they tell them what to say. Plus, they want to loan the bettors the money they need to play - that they will recoup plus interest!
To add insult to injury, the NWO casino will hire thugs to protest and attack the competing casino down the road - who is their competition. They block the roads to the competing casino with protesters. They may even try to assassinate the owner of the competing casino to put him out of business - or so they can install their own owner - or plant bombs around the competing casino to scare people off.
They’ll tell the media companies (that they now own) to make up stories about the competition and spread them around and even go so far as to murder customers and children at the competing casino to get people to stop going there and as an excuse to confiscate their weapons if they do.
They may even try to frame the competing casino owner and pay off a local sheriff to arrest him and a local judge to convict him for crimes that THEY THEMSELVES engineered. That’s called a false flag. Or they may even hire some thugs to burn down the neighboring casino and then pay off the officials to give the contract to rebuild it to their friends! See how this works? PURE EVIL. THE CIRCLE OF HELL.
But President Trump hijacked a few of the machines and deprogrammed them and started educating the people on the NWO’s MURDEROUS and SATANIC global warmongering, loan sharking, false flag and money laundering schemes. He has a plan to defeat them. That's why they want him gone. He’s tired of loan sharks & money launderers and war mongers and gangsters controlling the people.
I agree that this is a global spiritual war between good and evil - between dark and light - but it helps to understand just who is playing for Team Satan here on earth.
Now you know who they are. Put on the full armor of God and take your stand against the devil’s schemes!
God Bless America!
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